Tuesday, March 19, 2013

why carnal souls never even think about disengagement

carnal souls never ever think about disengagement. they simply cannot fathom that theres more to life than this one tiny earth in the entire endless universe. just because they cant see other inhabited planets, they dont believe they´re real. they dont know why theyre alive and what their purpose is. they just flip on the tv and see beyonces new album or brad pitts new movie and wanna be like them, without even knowing that they´re both not even real people, and thats the only reason they can hang their mug into every camera and get 24/7 primetime airplay. when an apple is rotten, or a pear, they wont put it into the food mixer so as to not spoil their juice that they make each autumn. but they cannot see mortals like being grass on the field, simply a seed that reproduces itself, even the highest of all seeds on the planet.. and even higher than the animals. much higher indeed.

its crazy but it took me 32 years to learn the truth about world governments and hitler. and my grandparents are all 4 still alive now in their 80s.. i wont talk to them about kermit roosevelt. why ? cuz i already know they will ridicule me and DONT WANT to realize the truth...we know from proverbs that many whips of a rod go easier into a fool than some simple words of reason. in fact most people are what proverbs calls "fools" even when you put them extra sugar on some bread of truth they still wont want to eat it but instead go switch on their gigantic TV sets or drive their cars to the movie theatre where the latest jew movie is being shown. (the same car that they wont lend you for a simple delivery, thinking your business is not "important" enough.)...

as they grow old, they want to kiss little children and get a "bussi", and wonder why the children are apalled by their old wrinkly bodies and weird distorted face, having been subject so long to star radiation that caused the skin and body to age very fast within 100 years or less. they just cant let go and say to themselves "thats it, i had my life, now i´m heading on to the next, its gonna be real cool !!". no instead they sit in their retirement homes drive around on their electrical carts or wheelchairs, text the family on their cellphones and pagers, and have them change their diapers. of course they also love to make long prayers and tell everyone how awesome "cheezzuzz" saved and protected them all throughout their lives, so they didnt have to fight in the wars, and could have 30 children etc... but they cant ever come to their senses..

see and the jews and arch masons that run the countries on earth know exactly that most of the people on earth have little more sense than animals. thats why the talmud calls the goys "animals"... they have certain things they´re interested in, but when it comes to spiritual progress and actual awareness they are not interested and will chase you away if you talk to them... yet they constantly dream about heaven and what it will be like.. but cant realize that they are already in heaven. in the middle of heaven somewhere on a small spiral arm inside a galaxy.. and when you tell them about the 7000 year plan they also shrug it off. "nobody can know when jesus returns" he wrote it in his book... same for the hare krishna "those are just stupid monks from india, i dont wanna read their book": same goes for the jehovas witnesses, the only ones who explain all parables accurately... they chase them out the door and say "they believe only 144 000 will be going to heaven... i cant believe in such a religion, its a cult !!.. they actually deny that christianity itself started as a cult, persecuted and small before it became a huge sham. they DONT EVEN want to read a JW book but invent all kinds of excuses... thats typical and you immediately see what kindova spirit they have...

ok so i was talking about most people being bound by fear of death in their lives... and so they are the most valuable assets of the masonic scammers that run the world, because without millions of dollars in taxes, they couldnt do what they do... but since satan knows that until the very end theres always gonna be the mass of people who will follow him and pay tax, he can give his earthly kingdom to his actor hetchlings... and promise castles in the sky to his followers in the false religions like mormons who believe they will rule over planets of their own once they make it to the celestial kingdom.. can people be any more deluded... and the greatest joke is that they can walk around and visit any country they want, while i constantly have to scratch all my money together... i cant even afford to move to the city and get a nice big apartment, while the mormons who have their center in america, can have a church here in the city and walk around unhindered converting people to their scham...see thats power...
ok so i was talking about souls being bound to earth, along with their imagination and vision being focused on such a small aspect of life, not seeing the big picture.

 we are told through the fall adam and eve became subject to the curse and as a result, their bodies aged and withered over time..i have explained several times already how this fall, even tho it was quite a big deal, is a natural process that repeats itself throughout the aeons in different form, since whenever satan and his demons get released again after the shabat age, they start their assault on mankind anew.
 levmann, i told you, dont move the rook, you see now feyglin took 3 of your pawns already.... silence goldvasser, i need to concentrate.. you make the game look like we´re in a goddamn retirement home. but levmann, we are in an actual retirement home... shoo, goldvasser, come get me another goldstar from the fridge...
 hello there its so nice you came to visit me... come sit on my lap, i´m gonna tell you some stories from the 1930s and afterwards you can change my diaper... be a nice girl, give granny a kiss on the cheeck and i´m gonna get a gigantic neck-orgasm...cheezzuzz has blessed me all my life thats why i´m 85 as of today. all old people are righteous and good, while all who die young are evil sinners who risked too much in life. the best thing in life is to risk nothing at all. everythings provided so why bother ? i ordered the tickets for our summer cruize in the caribbean yesterday.. together with jim slip and 2000 other happy seniors we´ll be ruffin it like cap´n blackbeard in his best days. shit ahoy ! sorry i meant ship ahoy... now whats that weird smell ?
 dont you like my baldy hair, wellrounded belly and wrinkly skin ? with all the money i made as professor, teacher, catholic priest, investment banker or other sort of scammer in the last 35 years, i never harmed 1 innocent soul on earth...i´m a "good catholic" and nice old grandad. kinda like jim slip.  dont you know all people who never engage in war are "innocent" civilians ? theyre completely innocent i swear 2 גד .young people are here to give their health, money and labour to keep me alive another 30 years. i´m really smart. teach 10th graders the joys of evolution, the big bang, the moon landing, and authentic world history... along with crucial stuff from all mason composers like mozart, bach and haydn, and philosophers like hegel kant and nietzsche. come to my lectures and send your kids to public school.
your hölliness, the crown of england is delighted to welcome a representative from the hölly see to great britain, and the splendrous windsor castle.. the hölly see having now chosen a new authentic vicar of christ to rule over his helpless sheeple, is most welcome within my sphere of influence. and because i so like to pronounce the word, i´m gon repeat it 3 more times. hölly see, hölly see, hölly see.... cut thats enough, get off the latex, put the wig back into its place and take off those clunkers, see you at the airport we´re on a busy schedule today. more shooting to do in LA around 12 hours from now ´ere we meet on monday in the belgian mother-of-darkness castle with stanley jewbrick to discuss where europe in 2013 will be heading.... your höllyness, you are dismissed....
 people dont understand that respawning is always in the gameplan.
 ok ok i admit, even old people deserve love. so lets now refrain from rants as we see this toddler kissing his grandma.

 we can clearly see that the strength of sin is the jew. its right there in front of our eyes...
but nobody listens to rabbi mossad-alf when he gives his poroshas hashavua...

and the funnyest part of all: i wrote this post today in early morning hours, while all were still asleep. and thought about deleting because it was kinda insulting to old folks. then i thought f-ck it, i´ll just leav it. and lo-and -behold, this morning as i took my well-deserved breakfast, overheard my mum on the cellphone, talk about "issues" they have with my grandmother who recently fell and fractured a bone and now she needs care around the clock, and the best part is, all her kids now try to help her but they always end up fighting among each other because of silly sh-t like which parts of the laundry to do and not to do and whose turn it is, and why she is the way she is... i tell you what... PEOPLE ARE STUPID. full stop. period.. glad i didnt delete the post. its bang on. europe is a retirement home. even in our village they now built a big retirement home right next to the train station. and our village is so small it doesnt even have a tank stop, and just got in 40 yrs its first big supermarket...you cant change the divine laws. they´re always valid, everywhere in every place. thats why its worth reading books that are thousands of years old, that teach those laws. because they were known to the oldest civilizations.

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