Thursday, March 21, 2013

the real mt.horeb and the real exodus --- part 2

there only seems to be a few inofficial "expeditions" in the 80s and 90s who were able to go to mount sinai and actually take some pictures before the saudi government fenced in everything. one guy spent 80 days in jail for sneaking across the border without a visa before being extradited back to the USA. but these people found amazing stuff. theres enough videos on youtube to see the footage... i think the proliferation of movies in the youtube age is a great thing. on moving pictures you can get so much more information than in still pictures. i really like this. and its entertaining as well ! nowadays everybody can make his own videos since programs like moviemaker come with the operating system like windows or macOS or linux free of charge.

so this mountain jabal-al-lawz must be the real mt.sinai, where moses saw the burning bush, where the israelites received the law and where monotheism started ! even today nobody can go there its a military restricted area and the wide pathway up the mountain is guarded by a fence and guardhouse. only the blackened burned top of the mountain is visible. very likely the places where moses split the rock and produced water, and the place of the golden calf are also found, along with a possible campsite.

elija some centuries after moses also went to the mount of g-d where he hid from jezebel. tis where he heard the "still small voice", as the lord had passed before him first in a storm. but he was not in the storm. obviously on such a high mountain a storm might be quite frequent. on one fo the videos on youtube, they even visited this cave and filmed the panorama view from inside the cave. looking down unto the campsite.

they say this cave is where elijah hid.

they even found some menora inscriptions in the rocks nearby... the interesting thing i overheard in the video footage, is that the nomadic arabs passing by with their camels for generations, know exactly that this is the real mt. sinai where "mussa" (moses) received the 10 commandments. but all the crypto-jew governments and masonic universities deny everything (as always). they simply pay people to lie.

moses, stop it, you´re disturbing my blog.... ok sorry, it wont happen again....

the peak is blackened, but actually the entire mountain range behind the peak is blackened too. so either this whole fire thing going on was really big, and not only the tip of the mountain being on fire, but the entire range, or this is just a geological phenomenon. i gotta ask my sister on this, she studies geology. if you check a world seismic map, you´ll see volcanic activity has happened in midian before, plate tectonics going on.

so was this really the authentic campsite. we dont know exactly. probly its best not knowing everything 100%.. but even tho we havent identified all campsites, its obvious this is the right mountain. the fact that they fence up the passage makes it even more likely. seeing that all truths in our days are hidden, and only lies are being presented instead. IBI FAS UBI PROXIMA MERCES.

another funny thing i realized is that mount horeb is written like the word "sword". chet-resh-beit. doesnt it say the word of g-d is like a twoedged sword dividing mark and narrow. this mountain cherev is where g-d spoke to mose and gave him his entire "word". commandments so binding as to decide over death and life. remember the hebrews later "put to the sword" the phoenicians and philistines to fulfill their destiny. and settle in the levante.

sorry guys but the nuweiba crossing site is way too deep for my estimation.

nuweiba cant be the right spot

today all is full of nice hotels with diving clubs, entertainment, kiteboarding and restaurants. lets get a last-minute-flight and check out the place....

 moses, please, i need to concentrate on the blog...sorry ALF, didnt mean to interrupt.

here the sign on the fence that now blocks the broad pathway that leads up the mountain.

i think the analysis is the best available on the net right now. even tho its quite exhaustive... they furthermore discovered that the biblical place called "kadesh-barnea" is actually the rock city petra. thats the place where all the revolters died that had refused at first to conquer the land after spying it out. that means that todays israeli border is 32km west of where it used to be. think about that.

this split rock is 4stories high and the mound roundabout shows clear signs of water erosion of large quantities of water. we know that below deserts there are often artesian basins that hold huge amounts of rainwater from the flashfloods that happen in all deserts when sudden rainstorms appear and empty wadis swell to raging rivers suddenly... so probly there was an artesian spring opened at the time moses struck the rock.

in psalms it writes the rock was cleft asunder and rivers of water flowed forth...

the ron whyatt team believe this is the place of elim where the israelites camped. but they believe in the northern nuweiba crossing route, which i dont believe in.

here with yellow i show the 240 meters deep channel, the only deep trench in the proposed southern route...
so how can a wind so strong blow that all this water goes away. i have no clue but i only know that if the bible says it, it must have happened in some form or another. the bible words are more real than our physical bodies, it is simply materialized divinity descended from a higher source whereas our bodies are only mortal.
if you dont believe me do some gematria to check for yourself...

so thats the place where the golden calf was built. again fenced in to keep ppl from trespassing. the thing is covered with paintings and engravings from different epoches. probly g-d led people here throughout history and showed them what kinda place it was and then they drew those petroglyphs on the rock.

here a sattelite perspective with the fake and the real horeb, and the caves of jethro in midian. this means that all the exodus routes printed in billions of bibles and korans and siddurs worldwide, along with the rediculous large numbers found in the old testament, are simply incorrect. both needs to be adjusted and the books and maps reprinted ! thats great money for all the publishing companies, but bad for all those trees. thank ALF for paper recycling.

bull drawings such as this are to be found on the rock of the golden calf along with egyptian glyphs. normally egyptian glyphs are not found in midian. its arab territory as early as genesis.

 MOSES !!!!! STOPPP ITTTTT right NOWWW !!!........

 we can see the thousands of tourists annually flocking to mt. sinai blowing their shofars, chanting their hymns, like here these guys from south korea.. they´re all in the wrong place. does that mean their trips are worthless ? no, if its uplifting to them it was worth the trip. remember the egyptians make most their money with tourism like other former hegemonial powers such as greece and italy.
 the saudi crypto government and their spoiled kids drive their golden ferraris around and build towers half a mile high (like the burj-al-khalifa)... while they wont let you visit the real mt.horeb...

 thats just surreal.
 datt playce kant be reel. bicuzz i sedd so. en if i sedd it its trooo..
 these are some of the guys (all christians) who started some movement or ministry to bring attention to the place. the ron wyatt guy is the indiana jones typa guy that goes everywhere to find stuff. he´s not a certified archaeologist (none of them are). he had no Ph.D. or degree but had a big heart. he died in 1999.
 these guys Jim and Penny Caldwell actually lived in saudi arabia 12 years, he worked for a big oil company.

they´re also quite old now.

 then theres bob cornuke, a former SWAT officer, cop and adventurer, and his hilarious ex-wallstreet banker partner larry williams, who also must be a jew. he´s tiny , has curly hair, and wants to "prosecute and convict the mountain of being Mt. sinai"...he also had the idea of forging a document with the signature of the saudi king, to get into the country... his jew-score is off the charts. but anyway some of the footage these guys shot is really good. they also climbed the mountain before going down and being arrested for "offending the arab honor" and doing some time before being shipped home...


so thats enough for now.  so i spent 2 posts on this subject, that were probly confusing, but its of UTMOST IMPORTANCE. this is the very place where EVERYTHING STARTED, since all great world religions try to usurp the israelic history, and the 10 commandments are valid until today. thousands of places today are named after this site, but the original place is HIDDEN. this mountain is so important and should deserve a major pilgrimage site, instead of places like fatma, rome, lourdes or mecca. we can see today the entire peninsula covered with islam, the sites unaccessible...

no i wont provide google earth placemarks, go look them up yourselves. cheerio...

another addition: just took a look at my calendar, and realized the pesach feast is within 1 week from now. so the timing for this blogpost is perfect. clearly ALF has blessed me with his divine favour to write just at the right time. my demands are a sailboat and scuba gear from the emperors diving club at sharm el sheik to dive the gordon reef...if they wont reply within 2 days i threaten them with 10 terrible plagues.

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