Friday, March 1, 2013

the birth chart and death chart of the G-man, the great sign in the sky, the star of bethlehem explained

ok many times people have tried to exactly determine the death date and birth date of jesus christ, and i wanted to make this post, since i watched a super awsome youtube video which has now disappeared. it was posted by a user named "ZenArrow" or "signsmessenger", and the video is gone. so i took me some hours today to reconstruct everything using stellarium and zet9, two freeware astro programs, and finally was able to get my dates right ! so whenever i give dates, i give the dates according to these 2 programs, stellarium version 11 and zet9 version 9.1.95 .... if you wanna proofcheck yourself, use a program that allows you to go back before the year 0, and make shure that you enter the right geographical location, otherwise you will get the wrong data.. be thankful for those programs, people in ancient times had to spend years of their lives observing the stars and making long calendars, whereas today we can just enter a birthdate, click a button and the pc spits out tons of data.

 ok if you´re completely new to astrology i boiled it down for you in 2 simple pictures. very condensed into the absolute a list of the constellations of the zodiac and their meanings.
 then theres the planets and their spiritual significance(energy they contain)

ok so if you´re new to astrology, you havent understood snap, and if you´re a veteran, this was already common knowledge to you, so lets skip the boring blabla and go straight to the stars as they stood when jesus christ was born. remember the magi from chaldea came to visit him in bethlehem, because they had seen his star in the sky. you will later see they traveled an entire month from the babylon area (today baghdad) all the way to jerusalem.
 see the data i entered in stellarium is  location: tel-aviv (very close geographically to bethlehem), and time: november 12, 2BC.why did i enter 2BC and not 3BC when most scholars say he was born 3BC ? stellarium considers the year "0", therefore i coldnt enter 3BC (i tried first and wondered why i got the wrong data !), but when you put 2BC, you get the correct year.

i took snapshots to show you where the planets were standing at that moment in history. see above, mars was in capricorn.i wont give a detailed astrological analysis of the event, but leave that to professionals. only want to show you whats important and why i am so shure of these exact dates.
 neptune was in scorpio as you can see here.

 saturn just had started to run retrograde in the constellation of taurus. around sept4th or 5th he started this retrograde action.
 uranus was in pisces, as we can see here. we dont see for shure, wether the ancients really knew much about the outer planets uranus and neptune, they are only a couple arcseconds big to the visual observer, you have to know exactly where they are to spot them on a clear cold night and see their blueish or greenish color. if the ancients didnt have some simple glass lenses or similar technology( probably a dewdrop lense, or from some molten sand while they melted steel in a high temperature kiln)  they probably had a very hard time observing those, but the 7 inner ones (mercury, venus, mars, moon, sun, jupiter, saturn) they knew very well.that goes for all ancient cultures.
 ok now here is where it gets interesting. revelation12 talks about a great sign in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet was about to give birth, to birth the righteous ruler who would judge the world and shepherd it with a rod of iron. we know this is prophetic talk about the G-man. and this sign in the sky must have an astrological application otherwise it wouldnt been written in the apocalypse... see the above pic i shot with zet9 of the exact same day. (mark, zet9 does not have the year "0" thats why i have to enter here "3BC") we can see on sept12th the moon (who travels very fast) is perfectly under virgo´s feet, who is clothed with the sun. this is the exact sign in the sky that the apocalypse talks about.
 here all the data from zet9, if you´re familiar with astrology you can read the planetary setup on the top-right side, and see on top-left that i indeed entered the correct geographical location and time.
 here the passage quoted from my e-sword bible module. mark also the dragon who wants to swallow the child. remember the constellation "Serpens" the snake, is right below virgo.
 then how can i be so shure of the exact time ? because of this, jupiter at around the same day, sept11th or 12th almost overlaps with regulus in constellation leo. leo is the sign of the ruler, the king of beasts. with his awesome shaggy mane g-d has clothed him like the sun for all mankind to behold, and even given him the same color (gold).. much like the metal "gold" he is strongly connected with the sun. if you have any leo people in your family, your sports club or as your friends, you will know what i´m talking about. so we have 2 separate markers, the great sign in the sky, and then jupiter joining regulus, the "little king" as the meaning of the latin name goes, they perfectly come together on that data 11th or 12th sept in the third year BC after our latin calendar. this must have been the time the g-man was born. the little king, who wasnt recognized by his own people, whose kingdom would once like a rock shatter all pompous earthly kingdoms to shreds when he comes back for his shabbat kingdom of rest.
 here you have both events in the same picture, for overview. you can download stellarium and proofcheck it. why is the sun in libra in early april, whereas today early april the sun stands in aries ? because of the precession wobble of the earth, like a spinning top, and every 72 years the springpoint moves 1° further. in 25800 years a whole 360° precession has happened. thats the whole reason. this cycle was known to all old cultures as the "big year". thanks to a french programmer today we have stellarium, without it it would take months to calculate all this !
 again you see the year here is 2BC, on the other program its 3BC. i had to use this software since some internet astrology websites cant process data BC, only AD.
 so like i said the moon moves very fast, about 12° every 24 hours. so the timeframe is actually pretty short, so we can make an exact prediction... the moon must be below the feet of the virgin. i doublechecked with the website biblenews1, whose author is also a believer but he also does (baddy-baddy) astrology since he works for NASA, and his website is pretty accurate. i doublechecked and he came to exactly the same dates as i have...he even gives the exact hour.
 we can see here saturn was in taurus at that time. i wont go into detail or interpretation about saturn right now, it would be too much... but remember "tzedek" is until today the hebrew word for the planet "jupiter". in astrology jupiter is the benevolent, good ruler, whereas saturn is the grim, angry old ruler. since jesus is called the king of righteousness, "melekh ha tzedek" (and also under the new priesthood the righteous priest like formerly melkhi-tzedek, to whom abraham tithed) jupiter overlapping regulus in leo is an event that is very rare(happens once in 25 years), and together with "great sign in the sky" a combined event that NOONE CAN DENY.. even the simplest amateur in astrology like me can identify it.
 so what was the "star of bethlehem" that we all saw when we did a "christmas play" in sunday school when we were little kids. the star was always depicted as having a long tail... but it actually was different... it was probably a perfect conjunction of venus and jupiter, the 2 brightest planets visible (all planets are much brighter than any other stars, and are well discernible in the early morning or late evening hours). it occurred exactly 1 month before the birth, about august 11th..3BC the weather was getting a bit colder in ancient baghdad, summer moved on, and was time to pack the saddlebag and take a little 1-month trip to the west, where the supposed king would be born.. remember the chaldean magis were master astrologers, they knew the 12 constellations, the 7 planets, the houses, the decans, the conjunctions, oppositions, the trines, sextiles, squares, medium coeli, rising sign,everything they had to know... if you dont believe me, just read up on ancient astrology (tetrabyblos or manilius "astronomica").. oftentimes i think they knew more than us because they were able to concentrate on the important stuff, and didnt have their heads crammed with too much overload like today in the iphone generation..

so thats your star of bethlehem right there. when the magi looked into the setting sun in the evening sky in baghdad, about a month prior to the birth of christ, they saw the following picture below. the sun arrayed with several planets. does that remind you of the bethlehem star ? who knows probably there was also a comet at that time that had a visible tail. such comets are not all too rare. since g-d times everything perfectly, he knew how the magi would react and gave them a month time to ride towards the west through the arabian peninsula on their camels, and search for the child. the story is written in mathew chapter 2. it says the star stood still over the house where mary and the child were, until the magi had found it. how this could happen i dont know.

 if my calculations are both correct, both the birth chart and the death chart, then jesus lived about 31 years, 7 months and 26 days on earth...

ok so now that we´ve seen the birth chart, lets check out the death chart....

here in 30AD after our roman calendar, on april 6th in spring is where he must have died. the jews have their passover celebration every year, to commemmorate the exodus from egypt, the former USA of the ancient world. the epicenter of worldly wealth and pleasure. since they were g-ds firstborn nation before all others, they had to sacrifice a passover lamb, so the death angel would not kill their firstborn sons. we all learned this in sunday school... so no wonder that the sun stood in aries the ram at the time jesus christ died... if we believe this data, there was no full or partial solstice at the time when the curtain to the highest place in the temple was torn in two, ending the first covenant forever, and abolishing the jewish priesthood replacing it with the new, spiritual priesthood. in the levante sometimes violent storms and winds can erupt in a sudden, with thick clouds and violent jerusalem there is always wind (and wild stray cats)..probably thats how it happened i dont know...

the ancients knew the 7 planets. 7 to them was a special number. only a couple months ago in december 2009, when the international year of astronomy came to a close, the institute for hebrew language in israel chose new hebrew names to give to uranus and neptune, who beforehand were called like in our language. the new names are "Rahav" for neptune (after the sea monster), and "Oron" for uranus. i think its a great idea to do this, since ALL names we use for the planets today are completely pagan origin. even if you dont mean no harm in learning them in school, like we all do, they still bear negativity after all those years, since many centuries ago they were worshipped in temples.
remember the birth of the big kahoona was during tabernacles, where the jews build until today a succah, a little hut. his death was during passover. this is very good for proofchecking with the astronomical data.
here i entered the 6th of april into the program "zet9", and the geographical location is jerusalem.
something very interesting i discovered. on that very day, mercury / nebo the quick planet, considered to be "messenger of the g-ds" by all pagan cultures, was almost overlapping with the pleiades, known as the "7 stars" also called the "7 sisters" by the ancients. they even today carry the names of those 7 sisters from the greek myth. but thats not all...
mercury around that time, performs a little retrograde action close to those 7 sisters. he appears to go backwards in a sideslip on the heaven. this happens due to the manifold different vectors of movement and rotations in the entire system, as viewed from earth.
now remember revelations 3+4, the messenger to the 7 churches. a church is also called a "lady" in the epistle of 2 john verse 1. see that original messenger who brought those messages to those "ladies" or sisters in asia minor, also rode his horse in a similar retrograde fashion, first from ephesus northward, then back to the southeast. aint that funny... about 10 yrs ago i made an exhaustive study on rev3+4, but lost the data in the meantime. nevermind theres millions of people all over the world who research the bible from any possible angle.
lets continue on with april 6th 30AD. the moon again in virgo. full moon, the mission is accomplished.
then here neptune also makes a little retrograde movement peaking about on may 1st. for whatever that has to mean, i have no clue.... probly nothing...
neptune and mars flank capricorn at that date.
we see saturn the judicial planet is at the leg of the twins. now the 2nd covenant sealed by blood is binding. if you wanna argue with me about this first do some time in jail so that you actually have felt the whole strength of the law and served some time in jail. only then when all your rights and honor have been removed and you stand naked in front of your fate, you will realize how important this really is.. believe me theres nothing you can do to earn salvation or override g-d with your natural thinking. just like a person arrested on charges that says "i am innocent". tell that the judge and the litigator, they´re gonna laugh you to scorn and lecture you down to size...
pluto was in sagittarius, but since he´s been downgraded and not a planet anymore, only a minor object floating around, i think he´s not too important.
now this is REALLY IMPORTANT again we have some regulus action. isnt that a nice "coincidence".remember regulus the little king the bottom front star of jupiter, a newborn bright blue star that still has lots of hydrogen and helium. uranus performs a retrograde swing, almost overlapping regulus in its peak. we can clearly see the little king has now uranus-style brought upheaval and a big change into the whole world, his teachings will (for better or worse) change the entire course of history, 300 years later the roman empire unter constantine will make his teachings officially the new state religion.. until today this upheaval continues. so were the ancient chaldean magi able to see this spectacular planetary event ? i dont know, i mean wouldnt it be cruel of g-d to have such a spectacular retrograde overlap just go unnoticed ? remember they had technology that we dont even know of, like the "mechanism of antikythera" found in a sunken ship dating back to classical greece.

ok so venus and jupiter are in pisces. early christians used the ichtys symbol as means of revealing their identity to each other. the piscean age started about at the time christ walked the earth. the next age will be the aquarius age, where the "living water" again will flow and heal the nations like described in revelations. also the dead sea will again be filled with fresh water, overflowing all the way down to the red sea. its all described in the hebrew prophets. so now we´ve seen the natal and death charts of the G-man. i couldnt remember everything from the video, but hope i have remembered enough to make it count.

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