Saturday, March 9, 2013

sherlock-ALF unveils another crown conspiracy: simon cowell, pierce brosnan and max clifford are all the same guy

 this is pierce of the few men on earth who had the privilege to play mr. supercool, speshul agent no.7, with the license to keel, and on the fly knock up any broad that isnt fast enough to run for cover. or so the movie script wants us believe...
 now whos that guy...? a british media producer ? havent heard of that guy yet.
 now whose that ? a british publisher who dabbles in politics ? suspicious, suspicious.... let me use my magnifying glass and some fingerprint-powder on that one...
 hmmm... Watson, this is highly remarkable... its time to get the microfiche-camera ready, we are dealing yet with another case of an anatomic similarity of a very special kind...
 we shall discuss the procedures during our welldeserved afternoon tea-time when Mr.Winterbottom and Admiral von Shneider have arrived to join in our little conversation....
 since victorian days of olde, such a remarkable case has never occured in my entire career....
yes, please hand me the tabacco box, my pipe has gone out again....
 i need to stop using this cheap french tobacco from guyana and instead support the official imports from our crown colonies...
 my dear Dr.Watson... we can clearly see in this matchup the eyes are quite a good match, and makeup alone isnt able to conceal an identity to the scholarly eye without trace...
 even the Hound of Baskerville would sniff this one out... you see, Watson, these people are the perfect chameleons, cockney, welsh, scouser, cornish, dublin or a scotsh accent, its one of their easiest tests to portray any background and standing convincingly. and that, my dear friend, is what really sets a merely good actor apart from an outright brilliant one...
 how fascinating, even the facial lines are almost identical, considered these photographies are over a decade apart...i must introduce all this evidence into the national archive of scotland yard, as a schoolbook example of a convincing biometrical fingerprint.
 even the hairgrowth is the same. I must immediately put on ice all other pending cases, and solve this riddle once and for all. hand me my tartan coat, my hat, and the smith & wesson. we shall take the 8´O-Clock train to london westminster, where i have to meet up with one of my old friends...
all those reports about alleged sex abuse are mostly fake. since they have fictitious characters, their real identity suffers no harm. remember german weatherman joerg kachelmann. 80mio germans believe he´s a broken man, living somewhere in exile without money, left by his wife and shunned by the world, while in reality he´s now president of france, and besides that plays a host of other people. we can also see jimmy saville supposedly facing court for sexcrimes. how can this be if he played john lennon and steve jobs, and now must have other characters too. so all those masonic showtrials cannot fool us. they own the courts and can put on any show they want. if you own a garage servicing cars of all brand, BMW´s porsches, hondas and peugeots, can you not decide what to do in your garage, when a guy brings his harley or moto guzzi or ducati, you can also service that bike in your garage. its your land, your license, your tools, your property. see they own the print, airwaves and tv and ineternet media, they can broadcast what they want. as long as you listen to it its YOUR FAULT...

here the tubal-cain initiation explained, as printed in the "handbook of the brotherhood of ALF-masonry" a secret society that in the delta quadrant is very influential... i am the grand master of the melmac lodge no2. and wear a pink apron for every ceremony. i also am master of the chair, and with my furry gavel and flashy golden cufflinks impress even the most mundane fellow on my home planet...

everythings on the square.. signing out...
need to plan the next meeting with the brethren...
a little BBQ party is in the making, now that spring finally arived...

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