Tuesday, March 19, 2013

do i have to listen to a sermon about people who dont even exist...

so i havent been to church in almost 3 years. i dont know its really crazy  my life is a rollercoaster ride. one moment i completely buy into one direction and it totally floats my boat, and only 3 or 4 years later i´ve done a complete 180° and now the opposite seems to be just my flow... and even if i tried i just cant make the old way work.. i guess its good that we go through different phases in life otherwise it would be  abore probably.
how many churches sermons, audiobibles are there on the internet. ka-zillions.. how many people have done biometric comparisons from the clowns who play us for fols every day ? apart from the wellaware1 website i havent found any.. only millions of "truther" websites like alex jones who lead your searching mind back into their shopping mall to sell you more books, tapes and DVDs lol.

3 days ago i decide to check out the latest sermon from the karlsruhe church (CZK), and on that particular day a young woman about 25 was preaching, about you know, the problems that young german women have in their lives, getting the right education, choosing the right college course, hooking up with mr.right, that kindof stuff... not only had she the typical german mentality that i´ve been now confronted with for 6yrs straight, with all the teutonic weirdness, and spoke german language (of course, what else would she speak, klingon ?), but her sermon was about this weird old lady and how she succeeded in britains got talent, and ultimately won the talent show (susan boyle).... then i asked myself.. the world is really crazy.. here there are the people i once attended church with etc. and they preach about people that dont even exist. and even if i tell them, they dont believe me. i once rang up the pastor uwe dahlke to tell him about inviting andrew wommack, and that he´s an impostor, not a real evangelist, but that he´s a jew and also  max keiser. he wished me "recovery from my strong delusion" and said i should come back to jesus to heal me from my blindness. i just keep asking myself, who is really blind here ? how can people deny geometrical analysis and solid proof even when you push it into their face... arent they the ones supposed to be able to discern the lucifer spirit who administrates the entire friggin world. so why cant they see it. thats really strange... so anyway this susan boyle we know is a greenberg, and shes not real. but yet people preach about her as inspirational about not giving up and having fith in your destiny etc... i think faith works no matter in what you believe... and people need faith in something otherwise their lives arent worth much...

but anyway i really thought that was typical.. even tho the sermon was uplifting and i listened to the entire thing...she talked about solomon and how g-d met him at gibeon where he could ask a wish before he became king for 40 yrs and led the kingdom to its most prosperous phase in all history...but you see thats typical for the G-man.. on one hand he has a bunch of clowns play their litle theatre with the world, but never stops them from doing what they do. and if you try to do it he´d rather put you on ice than them. becuase he needs the antagonism to continue.to keep you praying to him for relief. on the other hand then he has billions of clueless goys who formerly worshipped all sorts of idols when they lived in past lives as celts or in germanic or native tribes, scattered around the earth, and now he has all those people depending on him for their daily life, energy and the very essentials, while the people that formerly did his service today are in the demolition department... i mean thats just so typical hehe.. after a while when you get to know the guy you know how he does things....
so, am i now saying all that this church does is bad. no the opposite is true. the church has been for 2 millennia THE destiny for most nations on earth, where they learn bout the creators character, and rather than opposing him and his work in their respective mundane lives, come to work together with him for a greater cause.. many things about people or the world in general you will never really understand unless you are what they call "born again"... you wont ever know about g-ds fatherheart, his great compassion, his plannings, his providence, his fighting heart, his prophecy, his poetry, how he heals people, how he brings people together, how he fights in the spiritual realm with prayer "warriors" who are old and their bodies withered, but the most important part, the spiritual is just as active as before, in fact, because the disturbing bodily "distraction" is out of the picture, they now can draw even closer to him... all this you will never understand if your highest goal in life is your harley, your vacation in spain, and watching soccer every weekend.... but to everyone his own. g-d is a great king, he can afford not to be too pushy on people, since he always has enough people available for every purpose..

 so the day i downloaded this audio, i thought, i hvent listened to any sermon in 9 months, lets try again...lets see whats on the hot plate today... then she started talking about susan boyle, and i was like DANG, this whole thing is BIG. i mean this matrix is really big...people are so intertwined with it. and probly thats the reason while these old geezers always hate when you bring modern pop music in on sunday. they probly know that popculture´s all fake, a huge fata morgana with all those actors and cabbalistic double names and identities. thats why they wanna keep it "Oldschool" and get angry when u use the NIV instead of the KJV.

 here we can see the team.. the guy up front in the blue is the pastor. he´s a good guy. he´s been in fulltime ministry for many years, used to work in insurance before. you can see the congregation has matured with him too, but they´re still open and just as popular for young people. theres a couple more "good" churches in karlsruhe, and of course a bunch of crappy ones too... see hats what people have to do due to the jew powergrab in the mainline churches over the decades, they have no choice but build new fresh ones. until they get assimilated too. and so it never stops. the weird thing is that all these years, it is written as obvious as it gets in all of scripture warning of the jews and their subversion. yet with most people (like with me) there seems to be some mental compartmentalisation.. we read it but it doesnt "click"... but probly thats a good thing, i mean all the world is trashing the jews already. its good to give them a little room to play with. otherwise it would be unfair... so now did i enjoy the sermon. yes i did. do i think susan boyle is real. no i dont. do i go back to the church. no i dont. do i think the G-man is trying to screw me and when i go back to church will suck me dry like a sponge. yes i do. he always does. just 30 minutes would give me the creeps.. whenever people start to talk "yes brother, welcome, brother" imediately all alarm bells go off... this whole "brother this, sister that" stuff is really stupid... especially when you go to african churches... and how they constantly try to extort money for supposedly "injustice" done by the colonialism, which of course is bogus because of the curse of ham and the laws of spiritual dominance (weaker nations are ruled by more advanced cultures because this way they´re better off than if they were ruled by themselves). which are an entirely different chapter...i mean wheres the manliness in the church. look at the jews. these tiny dwarves barely 5ft tall hve more manliness than all those tall "churchified" nations together.  thats the reason why as a man in church you´re looked upon by women as a douche. a dumb provider for all amenities. and when they need some kink, they go elsewhere. (and lie about it, of course, as women always do). now to women it was always a virtue to be chaste, and have good manners, but for men to be wild, plunder and pillage.. in most goy nations its like after they meet the G-man the men all turn into complete wimps...who are paraded around by their fatty wives by a golden ring through their nose.  so why did the G-man do this. why not give the goy men some manlyness instead... to me, before being a spiritual man, being an earthly (carnal) man is just as, if not more important. all my life the G-man was spoonfed to me from the very cradle..but nobody ever told me how to successfully beat up a bully, repair a motorbike or spearfish a snapper, salmon or shoot a buck... its rediculous. people are scared of ghosts... now after butchering in 2 world wars goys just as clueless as them, they still believe "what a privilege it is to live safely in europe with enough food on our table"... you can see there are no better slaves than those who think they´re free and privileged... they never crept out their invisible caves and never will until they die...

so much as people talk about "in christ we´re all one", we can see what an astronomical difference there still is from being born in one nation or the other. for the nations are distinctive characters, just like human characters have their differences, due to the different signs under which they´re born...so can i convert to be a jew then ? no i cant, for they openly lie about the creator of the earth.. i cant do that either... hmm strange, but i never really liked compromise. i just hate compromise... cause once you start compromizing, you never stop... but probly its my fate cause st. mark of old also left the church and started his own thing in cyprus or crete... and let the other guys do their thing on the mainland instead... probly it was better that way...

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