Thursday, February 28, 2013

why cant i find a single friggin mp3 tanakh on the entire internet ?

 so for now over 2 years i was looking for a tanakh (hebrew bible) as mp3 that i could put on my ipod to listen to. do you think i would ever find one ? other religions push their scriptures and give them away for free like christians, muslims, hindus, krishnas or witches. do you think the jews would do that ? hell naw.. so the entire internet is flooded with a free mp3 tanakh. you can download it from or a myriad of other websites. problem is the reader is mizrahi (his name is avraham shmueloff), and i cant listen to that shit for more than 5 minutes before going completely bananas. believe me i´ve ok beside the avraham shmueloff version, it took me now almost 3 years to find an mp3 tanakh, and so far i only have about half or 1/3rd of the books. the rest i still gotta find somewhere....
 are the jews a black hole that swallows money ? hmm probly they were sent from the BORG to prepare mankind for an alien absorption... who knows...
 why is it that everybody constantly keeps begging for money for israel. dont they have enough money by now, since they run everyting ? anyone care to comment ? we clearly can see the spiritual poverty leading to material the problem is a much deeper one...its about stewardship.. see jehuda ish kiriot was a thief and stole form the common purse.(the NT is a prophetic book, all thats described in there is happening today) and along with that comes the reward of a thief its that the money runs right through your fingers and you constantly have to steal more and more....
 ok so i finally found some mp3 files from but the files are all verse for verse. so i had to use a free program called "merge mp3" to finally get some good tanakh file. then i used "audacity" to add chapters to the text, which was quite some work, but finally i have some tanakh audio on my ipod ! we could actually ask this rav from machonshilo wether we cold make another available tanakh version available online, we could put "recorded by machon-shilo" on the beginning of every single file, and that would be good advertizement.... probably there are other people out there who are fed up with avraham shmueloffs( may he rest in peace) yelling mizrahi pronunciation.
heres the final books, i have now about 1/3rd or half the tanakh...thats awesome ! i am really satisfied with this version. the reader has a calm and gentle voice and only a slight mizrahi touch to it, very nice to listen to. couldnt have bought a better one !  a professional recording of tanakh costs between 60 and 100 $.

ok i want to add another thing here... when you google for "free hebrew bible" what you will find is a link to a christian company that makes the new testament available in every language on earth, in two recordings, with dramatization and without. i have to say i have this same hebrew NT on my ipod too and like it a lot, its well recorded, but why do they advertize it as a "hebrew bible". thats rediculous. its not a bible at all. its a friggin new testament. so why not just call it that and try to go fishing for jews. do u think the jews will fall for such a 3rd grade trick, LOL. when it comes to tricks the jew are an entirely different league, this advertizement is misplaced and doesnt work... so i just wanted to say this in defense, since the jews often get misquoted etc... also most of the time when people quote from the talmud to show how evil the talmud is, they rip everything out of context. thats also retarded. guys, just be honest, its the easiest and best way. and dont try to convert another soul to your own spiritual destiny, IT IS USELESS since every soul has its own destiny which cannot be influenced by human effort, only bended a little bit here and there.

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