Friday, January 18, 2013

whats going on with rita süssmuth and tanja gönner ?

 ok before i even start with my ramblings and comparisons, please take a brief look at this. when i saw her face i immediately had to think of my personal no1 jew, tony greenberg, or whatever other name he uses. he was busted in so many different roles you could make a book about it, what do i say, an encyclopedia. see how everything matches to tanja gönners face ? they must be same family. they must be. both have similar face and are slightly slightly visually impaired, as u might see with some jews due to the demonic burden they carry. whenever demons are in a person sickness is the result (deviation from the perfect healthy condition).. of course not only jews have this, but the entire world basically is sick. yo will only see this when your spiritual eyes have been opened. this can be a shocking experience, to see the world through its creators eyes and see all the decay and sin and sickness. but thats not the point i wanna make here.
ok so we can see tanja looks very similar to tony. the nose, lips and everything else is obvious. i dont think they might be the same person, but obviously family. is that a wonder, since we have a tight ring of families run the entire friggin world. no not at all.
 ok then theres this chick called gail anthony greenberg, who wrote the book "mitzva chic" where she described how to plan the perfect bar mitzva. i think she also looks a bit like tanja gönner. tanja might have at least 1 american alter, its very unlikely for her not having an say the least.
 so these are the two... but i digress...
 what i wanna talk about: POLSKAWEB a source that is very accurate and reliable in most cases, says tanja gönner would hve played longtime german politician and bundestag president rita suessmuth.. the problem according to her bio tanja goenner was only born in 1969 and suessmuth became minister for family in the german government in 1985, so how can this be. either gönner is older than we think, or this claim is not true, or they are only same family ? anyway the similarities as we will later see, are still very striking.
 i wanted to find a good yotube video on old age stipple, a sort of latex milk that actors use to make young actors look older. this is very often used as proved by DGB and is very commonly used, however i couldnt find any good youtube videos, in most cases the result didnt look really authentic. if you find any, let me see it ASAP.
 ok now to family, rita suessmuth says she has one daughter with college professor hans suessmuth, seen here. claudia suessmuth dyckerhoff works longtime with the kinsey company in switzerland and china.. she´s now chairman of the company. but her face looks slim and not like tanja gönner.
 tanja gönner is said to have 3 more siblings. but the entire bio as seen on wikipedia is only a masonic reality. its not her real family.
 this is hans süssmuth, hubby of rita.
 wikipedia has a small article on him as well...
 stephan dyckerhoff is the husband of claudia dyckerhoff, the guys from the kinsey company.
 so if rita süssmuth became minister for youth, family and health in 1985, tanja gönner was only 14 or 15 at tht time. she couldnt have played rita.. either she´s older than she says or POLSKAWEB was wrong on this.
the autographs, hmm not too convincing either.
 now to the comparisons.... by the way tanja gönner was longtime minister of my "bundesland" (baden-wuerttemberg) in different resorts and now works for the "deutsche gesellschaft für internationale zusammenarbeit".. theres no end to all the institutes and companies they start... its really funny...
 ok we can see in the ear obvious similarities, to say the least
 also in the profile view. the hair is very much alike as well.. you know, she really could be the same person, but that would make her a bit older probly born early 60s ?
 or are they mother n daughter ? who knows for shure. does it really matter ? no.
 cant anybody send me a good movie about oldage-stipple ? i couldnt find one.
 the voices of both ladies are not alike.. but since she must be family with tony greenberg so i guess we have an EXCELLENT actress here.
 ears again. rita in the middle. very similar indeed.
 here the entire face compared.. rita looks like a tadpole that just crept out of a pond, or like a dinosaur, lol
 we can see its all similar. even down to the eyes. apart from the old age on hurricane rita..
 here in 45
she must be famly with tony greenberg i dont wanna know who else she plays, probly a whole host of people.

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