Monday, January 7, 2013

the jews run all political parties through actors, all banks, newspapers and everything else. and now they started a european jew congress too !

 so to be honest in a continent of over 400mio people theres only like 80 000 jews or so. but whats weird is even tho they run EVERYTHING undercover they now want a new fancy jew congress where they can make open decisions. and come out of the closet with their yamulkas and beards n all the rest...
 talmud-style debate culture is what they love... they totally get off on that stuff.. ever seen those 20 volume leather bound books on their shelves. its the talmud. i havent read enough of the talmud yet i gotta catch up with some reading..
 who the hell is that shaul mofaz ? no probly not. its a different guy.
 jewish murder, where ? since when can a plague be extinguished ? we´ve never murdered any of em, only in WW2 when jew jiddler and his jew kapos forced us to at gunpoint. so the entire argument is invalid. even my grandma would kill jews if forced to.. the jews are a goddamn jewk. no matter how u turn it they´re never satisfied. i´m for the birobidzhan option. madagascar isnt such a god idea.
 we can see the 3rd world war implemented as outlined by albert pike. its undeniable. such jew-overload of power is really unhealthy.
 holy crap what are they gonna decide in their fancy building ? i think europe is really going down. also with all the nigger-immigration.
 its great when u have all the money u can pay people to say what u want them to, lol...kinda funny...
 so ein penner also echt...
 bla bla bla
 great success !!
 holy trip, i wanna work for 1 week at wallstreet. i could earn more there than in1 year working in peoples backyard like a friggin idiot.
heres your parliament. wheres mine ? the bundestag isnt a parliament its a jewk. now seriously wheres my friggin parliament ? why dont i hve one and these tools have 2 under their control. that cant be fair representation. who represents human beings ? do they deserve any representation other than being screwed over by jim slip and his banking racket ? sometimes u wish u had more rope and lampposts handy. 

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