Monday, January 7, 2013

is the kotel even real ? probly not..

 so we all have seen pictures of the wailing wall. when i was there i even touched it and stood next to it. it was kindova special mooment for i had seen it in so many pictures many years, and finally in 2009 stood there. so this is the focal point of judaism, and claimed as the last remainder of their second temple, whom herod embellished and made larger, to appease the riotous jews in their roman province of judea. mark the pattern, small stones on top, medium stones in the middle and some really large ones below. most of the huge ones are underground, and are shown in a later image.
 now look at the pagan altar of baal in baalbek, lebanon. one of the worlds most important pagan offering and worship sites. you see the same pattern. huge stones below, medium stones in the middle and smaller ones on top. so both these walls are built after the same pattern.. watch the 2 men as comparison for size.
 the thing is, i said it before. g-d NEVER EVER wanted a temple house and temple routine originally in the very first law that he wrote for moses (which he smashed when he came down the mount and people worshipped the golden calf already).. all those temples complete with outer court, inner area, cleansing utensils and object of worship, and a most holy place, were pagan in nature. how many times is it repeated ad nauseam that he "hates the works of our hands, and idols that have mouths and speak not" and all those passages we have all read. the building of the first temple by solomon divided the country and weakened it and started a long line of not-so-good kings and later then the exile. so g-d knew in the first place what would happen. thats why even in moses he foretold what would happen. when you were such a small country, with small people, and round about you high well developed nations, and you´d sit right in between their caravan routes, you probly also would waver in your faith.
 see how big these stones are at baalbek. todays cranes cant even move them they are too big. holes were driven into them and planks stuck into the holes and hundreds of people, machines and oxen must have pulled those.
 here below the temple mount, jerusalem we see the same kinda huge stone. on the right u can see an array of such holes.
 so today what goes on at the temple mount is not so much different from what goes on in macca, saudi arabia. in macca (the plague, 666nm from jerusalem), deluded arabs are dancing around a huge black cube, and in jerusalem at kotel, deluded jews with black clothes, saturnian hats and black cubes on forehead and arms also make much noise etc. now you quote from chronicles at the opening of the salomonic temple "if my people will heed my voice and turn to me i will bless their land and give them rest, blablabal". yes allright, but dont forget ORIGINALLY int he beginning (and in religion we should ALWAYS go back to the beginning, from where g-d appeared, since later than the doctrine becomes watered down after time...) he didnt want no temple. no king. no concubines and no chariots. he wanted israel to be a different nation fomr all others.
 u can also watch the baalbek temple on google earth in lebanon. all these main worship sites are over hundreds and thousands of years so loaded up with spiritual energy due to all the action (offerings, worship) that has been going on there. they have become spiritualized. much like other places today, fatma in portugal, or st peter square in rome, or the hagia sophia or other places. so the romans later just built a huge jupiter temple on top of the old punic ruins there. rome was alaways at war with the punians (phoenicians), and hannibaal barca was a main opponent of them. both powers struggled for diminance in the mediterranean, who has always been a busy spot in worls history.
 in all 4 (!) gospels it is repeated, no i dont want no stinkin temple, i want to live in you and put my spirit in your bodies, you are my temples walking around. so u see the g-d living inside his creatures. no chance to cut and run and trick yourself with "i now give some offerings and afterwards can go do whatever i like"...
that is paganism. all pagan replacement religions are like that. give offerings to buy yourself out. thats baloney.
 so who is today plotting together against the king of the earth and his son, his anointed. who wont let christ come back to israel before his time, and until that in demonic sternness refuses to give the king of glory his proper place, proclaiming the past (moshe -- pulled out, israel was born and pulled out of egypt) more important than the later events.. its like saying no a baby is better at maths and can drive a car better and can excell in all areas of life more than an adult. which of course is baloney..

 the wall is serving right now as a focal point of jewish ambitions and hopes and memories. as we see in the rest of this blog it doesnt necessarily mean that its the actual wall that herod buillt. becuase it probably isnt. one has to say however its nice of the jews to let the even more deluded muslims have the entire temple area and only claim a tiny portion. the muslims in their idiocy want more and more land and cant realize that the more space they take up the more retarded and backward everything becomes. if the jews are possessed by cunning, slick, beautiful but cruel devils, the muslim are possessed by the lower ones, they´re backwards, dirty, unforgiving, ruining their families by silly blood oaths and feuds, and cut off little girls clitoris and stitch their pussylips together so they are tighter. what a joke. probably the latter also was invented by a deluded jew-imam. most of the stuff thats reported by western media of muslim clerics, how they kiss little boys on the mouth etc, sounds pretty jewy to me. israel can ONLY WIN if the nations around who are crushing her in number, get either milked financially and they derive some sort of benefit, or if theres huge wars so they get relief. this is very important for us to realize, but most people are totally blind to this fact.
 so to make a long story short, i highly doubt that this "waling wall" is authentic.
 i really dont think that what we get presented today is the wall of the original herodian temple. and even if it is. its a stupid place. i recommend much more walking throgh the hezekias tunnel, this is so cool. u all gotta try it out when you visit J-town. but bring a flashlight otherwise you´ll slip and fall... incredible how many tunnels there are below jerusalem, i never knew of that...
 ya ya, i know the kotel is probly not even real...but when you refuse to let g-d into your very being and try to outsmart him by making silly laws (jews, muslims), then he has you do funny stuff instead.
 look at how many presidents of the USA, senators and clerics (all fake and actors as exposed here in this blog and other places) have visited the place and done the "temple mount shot".. so why would the highest g-d in the universe who says "i am a great king" let these monkeys pray at the holyest place ? he probably doesnt. they try to trick him and use freemasonry as a means to replace his holy histor with their own hermetic mystery abracadabra, so no wonder he gives them delusions to pursue and worship. the nations over whom they preside and rule are only the spiritually "dead" people who only operate on the material plane and follow material manmade religions upheld by men for material profit..
we all know this quote. see some people like stone more than flesh. probly they are "stone cold steve austin" or somethingl ike that...anyway enough for this post.. theres more to deal with in different posts...

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