Saturday, December 22, 2012

who are the philistines ? they´re invaders..

 ok in this post i wanna write about who the palestinians are, according to tanakh. but before that, let me first recommend a book. if you´re a wisdom guy and wanna understand the world, this is a must. u dont hve to read it all through bu as an encyclopedia. the thing is that all pagan cultures in a way are the same, they share certain symbols that come back time and time again throughout thousands of years, yes thousands of years. its something very basic. thats why u need to understand why the templars had their red octagon cross on their white shields, the same shape found at the tower of babel, and today on al aksa mosque on temple mount, and also on st. peters square in rome. because its all the same shape. you can get this book free as a pdf online if you use google.(its owned by jew sergei brin, i know but u can still use it, hehehe)
 ok now to topic. where do those palestinians come from ? what is palestine ? has it more right to exist as the state of israel today ? no it hasnt. the center of the earth, the levante, is holy ground and throughout history people have warred about who has the right to live there, by sword, by pen, and by ruse. lets se where the original philistines came from. they were the socalled sea-people, who were driven out of the aegaeis in the 2nd milennia BC by a catastrophic event one of the greatest volcano eruptions recorded in history. the caldera is still visible today and 10km in diameter. it annihilated the minoan civilization on crete. and weakened it. since the greek and mediterranean city states at that time were constantly in war and intermeddling with each other, it was clear that the minoan culture was doomed to be strongarmed and driven away. so they tried to settle in the levante, and the egyptians of course didnt want them in the south, the strong hittites and syrians didnt want them either, so they tried the middle, below the purple-trading rich phoenicians on the sea coast was their place. they formed new city states, aza, ashkelon, ashdod. they had 5 big cities. they brought some pagan gods with them, dagon, molekh or whatever their name was, the principle behind all those idols is always the same throughout the milennia. these were the people that were raised up for the israelites as ennemies to prove themselves, test their faith, learn to do war. whenever the israelites wavered and worshiped their foreign gods- intermarried or just grew lax in their conviction, the enemies triumphed. this is on purpose, g-d creates always antagonism so that people have to do something to get the prize. otherwise it would be plain boring.
 about 2 yrs ago i first realized while learning hebrew, that many if not most pagan names of places, cities, movements or people, have a negative meaning in hebrew. i described this in a former post "random meanings of words in hebrew - part 1, 2 and 3".. today its even clearer seeing that illuminated aristocratic jews founded all those movements and lead and control them until today (the scepter shall not depart from juda). so they could give them funny names like HAMAS (violence) etc.
 we can clearly see its the same word. only 1 vowel is different in writing. every jew who has any braincells left and taught tora from childhood must know that these people are evil. how they can defend palestinians is beyond me. but world opinion in modern secular thinking is not in favour of hebrew truths, and says "every human being has the same value". but thats hypocrisy. like saying every car has the same value, every fruit tastes the same, every woman has the same character and expectations. complete IDIOCY. how much does it cost to produce 100 children, give them to public schooling, feed them from the food fund, and teach them some random stuff in the meantime, survival and fitting in in society and given culture ? not much effort. now how much effort does it take to educate a jew ? well, probly a whole lot more. all the learning, the etra rules to follow etc. so we see all those humanistic arguments sprung from "enlightened" french masons who resuscitated pagan greek and roman thought are all BUNK. ALL the nations around israel were pagans, from egypt tobabylon to balbek in lebanon and syria. u name it. they didnt have monotheism until moses brought it. it was a revolutionary process, changed history completely. thats why they sing "hevenu shalom alekhem" we brought piece to you.

 invasion in hebrew means "Plischa", a philistine is a "plishti", and even sometimes today palestine is writen with a "shin" instead of a "samekh". its almost the same word. they´re invaders. thats why the IDF had to bomb their airport when they tried to gain a foothold in gaza. we can see today that the devil tries to destroy israel by the hands of these deluded people. throw yourself down 5 times a day for prayer, claim the koran is more important than old and new testament, work in a shisha-bar or bakery and bring all your many brothers along. then whenever a bomb falls bring 20 cameras and talk to the french, german and british journalists tell them how evil israel is. thats their entire gameplan. thats all that is left of formerly flourishing arab culture who ruled the world through califates and the ottomans, and all those other former empires.(whose kings and pashas were all crypto jews, hehe)..
 the sea people came from krete where king minos lived, according to greek(pagan) historywriting. king minos had a big palace, and a labyrinth where a sacred bull was hidden (supposedly). the bull even begat offspring from women and nobody could defeat him. until a hero killed him.  for readers of the "secret teachings of all ages" by manly P hall, its obvious that all those things, sacred bulls, labyrings are pagan esoterical symbolism, that is all described in his book. so the philistines, who also wore feathers in their helmets, like the native americans, were pagans. everybody under heaven is under the power of some god or spirit. the christian bible says everybody who doesnt obey christ is under satan and his world system. the jews until today teach that all the nations of earth, were created in antagonism to them, since they were the first monotheists. so here u can see why they are shooting palestinian kids. becuase these kids are often jerks, and try to topple the state of israel who was reborn out of promise after 2000 yrs. what do u think in g´ds eyes (all flesh is as grass, but the word of the lord stays forever), has more value. some stonethrowing kids who speak a language whi is a corruption of hebrew ? shurely not.. this whole gaza thing is a joke...
 the minoan eruption has been researched and here is a wikipedia article. the caldera really is 10km diameter.
 here the minotaurus.
 here an old arab who has no other purpose in life, goes close to the checkpoint to try stirr up an escalation. these people really suck. in 2009 while i was at JHOPFAN conference we showed the 2000 delegates the house of tom hess at the mount of olives. a neverending stream of people walked into his garden to see where the "famous pastor tom hess" lived with his beautiful young wife. after we opened the gate, soon arab street vendors came with their cars to make a fast buck. one old arab had the chutzpa to walk right into the courtyard , sit on the ground and say "im now gonna sit here, its my land, the land of my ancestors"... we couldnt get him out, he refused to go... on another occasion i described it before.. a group of us walked up the kidron valley when arab kids tried to lift the skirts of our female comrades, we told them to knock it off, then they started throwing stones... can you see what these people are all about ? they are possessed by devils why use their bodies and every means possible to try to kill off israel the newlyfound jewish land.
their whole antics are rediculous. if an american indian today sits in the wells fargo bank and says "i claim this building as my own, my ancestors lived here", he´s gonna get laughed to scorn. in israel however its the other way around. can you now see why g-d gives these rich illuminati jews the power to lead the nations ? because they have a feeling for what needs to be done. they are patient but when its time to bring about the cataclysm. then it will happen. america has leaned itself wide out the window. she thinks its always gonna go on party style. living on credit, bombing the commies, the whole world working for them. au-pairs are feeding the kids while mommy goes to the CFNM party and daddy goes out with the secretary. then when israel wants support you turn a deaf ear. let the jews take care of it themselves, dont they have enoug money by now ?? america was only strong because of all the jews who lived there. g-d always rewards the brave.
 these kids are punks nothing else.their whole religion is gay, loudspeakers every morning at 5 blast ALLAH AKBAR like a silly small dog who pisses on every fencepost in town to claim "his" territory. in former times the spirits inhabiting these people probably ruled over the formerly small and timid israelites. today they have to face merkava tanks with nothing but stones. KARMA is a bitch.
 the colors on their flags also have meaning. formerly the german reich also had red-white-black as its color. german and arabic nations always were spiritually attracted and are til today. to check the spiritual attraction see the friendships that the nations form. germany and turkey. france and north africans, england with pakistan and india. the dutch with their respective colonies. spiritual attraction is very important, there is no coincidence on earth. every breathing being is under some form of power. also when people travel to vacation destinations or walk a path on a pilgrimage, or where they open their new business. it all has to do with spiritual attraction. why do i write a blog about the jooooos and not about kasabubu the pygmy from timbuktu ? spiritual attraction. why do some people now learn chinese russian or arabic ? spiritual attraction.
 i can repeat it only. if the israelites faith is strong, and they can keep the land. its theirs !! in the original promise to moses, the one that was written on the law that he destroyed when he came down the mountain and people worshipped the golden calf, it was written "i will enlarge your land and drive out the enemie nations when you obey me". so in the first place it was never meant to be a defense fight, but since from beginning this tiny newborn nation had its little problems, it son became a game of llife and death. and so it is still today. jews today still feel rejected etc. its a neverending cycle. shame -->compensation-->powergrab-->domineering-->failing-->shame-->etc. it goes on and on...and of course this whole freemasonry thing that is just satanism square multiplied by 10.
 the song of moses form genesis, writes john the revelator will still be sung in the future. so everybody who says israel is a failure and has no future, clearly is a loon. dont forget that many things today taken for granted were brought into the world through israel. even our language. dont believe me look at this..
 the roman language comes from greek and phoenician. look at any phoenician or etruscan or early greek alphabet. even the name alef-bet is the same. and lo and behold the hebrew alef-beyt still survived today. tell me stories about some weirdo "indo-european" roots, but thats all a bunch of hogwash, put into history books by atheists and humanist masons. jacobins andother clowns. they are simply lieing. how can something weak beget something strong ? its impossible. the order of cultures throughout time is that g-d starts something, sends an avatar, guru or prophet, then a strong movement starts. now the copying, watering down and corruptive process starts, everybody wants a piece of it. until everything gets messed up adn it starts over again with a new movement, system or teaching from a new avatar or prophet. this is also described in the baghavad gita. some weirdo "indo-european" aryan original race is not really likely, even tho the indian aryans were a highcultured people and also wrote the gita, and handed it down to us. props for that ! but genesis clearly says at babylon when peleg was born (division), the nations started to spread out throgh the earth and started to speak their respective languages. so what do u believe some clowns who believe in space travel, the big bang, atomic weapons, that gadaffi, saddam and the columbine shooter are dead, and much more nonsense.. hell naw... that all for the sheeple to believe who are too stupid and cowardly to admit the truth. and since they dont want to worship the highest god they deserve to be fooled, used and employed by the higher people... dont believe me. its true...
 land for peace doesnt work and never will. all cultures who worship depraved gods become depraved and as a result their culture vanishes. have u ever lived on the street in utah and seen native americans drinking lysterine as an alcohol replacement ? its the cheapest thing they can afford. these people are merely bodies so full of the ancient american demons. they would be better off dead rather than clowning around on welfare. but once a spirit has found a house its often hard to drive him out, hehe belive me i hve made my experiences...
so formerly the israelites had no iron weapons no chariots and no rights, and people told them to knock it off
today they have merkavas, m4´s bunker busters and the mossad, and people still tell them to knock it off
so u know what, just fuck all the haters. cause some people never start complainin. just level their goddamn gaza compound and end of story. when gaza is done, go to the west bank and do the same... goddamn it, people show some decency, are you a "Mensch" or an animal ? look at how tightly israel is henched in, and you complain if they build settlements. where do u want them to live ? its a young upstart nation they need space. time to take the westbank out for real. i mean it... theres too many arabs anyway. they are overpopulated. let them go back to syria iraq iran or algeria...

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