Friday, December 21, 2012

screw birobidzhan lets all go to berlin and party

 wheres more horsey riding cops and frequent demonstrations to have some fun and get all touchy feely...
throwing some paint canisters and sparring with teflon-clad rambos for a random cause.. not in birobidzhan
 where do people do all sorts of weird crap if their radio DJ or tv clown tells them to ? not in birobidzhan
 where can u build a nice flashy big jew museum and have cops stand guard year round 24/7 ? not in birobidzhan
 where can u start your radio show with a gay DJ and get your street cred on... not in birobidzhan..
 wheres a nice rammstein concert u attend together with countless flippy goths, punks, travellers, artists, and tattooed hipsters and yuppies of any colour and have some kinky encounters. not in birobidzhan
 where are the hookers cheap and stand right in front of synagogue in mitte. not in birobidzhan
 where are people so drunk that they lie on the street just for fun year in year out. (and beat me up in front of the mayors building, while the cops stand idly by)... not in birobidzhan...

 where opens more than 1 new restaurant per day, and our entire life u can eat in a different one ? not in birobidzhan..
 where can you frolick as gullible masses flock to operas, theatres and sheepily clap their hands to masonic stageplays and operas like AIDA or the magic flute. not in birobidzhan
 not in birobidzhan (this guy looks like james deen just by the way)
 where is it a joy to look at all those tall healthy men being turned into complete beasts and toss each others salad for a raise at work or small financial benefit, having no clue what in the world goes on ? not in birobidzhan.
 where can u make a name for yourself with your toilet humour and get even get paid for it ?
 not in birobidzhan...
 where can you put out book after book after book, make a killing and people are stupid enough to buy it..
not in birobidzhan..
 where can you frolick in your kampfy boss chair, giving your agenda out every morning to subservient white people, and having them do all the workd for you in return ? not in birobidzhan..
 where will people do every job as long as they can pay their rent / buy the next fix / new tires for the car / mallorca vacation with the kids ? not in birobidzhan..
where is hollywood glitz the religion of an atheist population and they eat whatever you toss into their trough?
not in birobidzhan..
 where can u have your lodge routine going on, and noone gives a shit or even knows of the implications ?
not in birobidzhan..
 where can you pimp your latest "product"... and sleep in a fat hotel with golden doorframes, kingsize bed, and dial up an escort who speaks 4 languages and does greek and french ? not in birobidzhan..
 where can u score some blow, buy fake cigarettes for 2 $ a pack and when you´re a jew get away with every crime scot free... not in birobidzhan...
 where have u done all the same before and it caused quite a rubble  afterwards.. not in birobidzhan...
 where can u push your holohype 24/7 and make people dance like puppets on strings ? and build a nice memorial too demanding guilttrips 9to5. not in birobidzhan. by the way i pissed inside that thing, i was walking home and really needed to pee. i thought that´d be a great place but turns out it isnt, cuz the pillars stand all lined up and in one direction you´re always fully visible. if u ever attend to still do it, i recommend doing it in the center where the floor is lowered down a bit. so people cant see you. but hey i didnt tell u that.
 where do u have, foam parties, 70s parties, 30s parties, shlager parties, world music parties, bikini parties, and all other form of parties u´ve never ever heard of... not in birobidzhan...
 where do u have stupid german chicks (and also guys) hating their parents, walking the street with a big dog, needing some extra love+fast money, eager to do anything for a buck... not in birobidzhan...
 ok this i already mentioned. its a radio. i thought about d´sending some of my hebrew songs there but never did it so far... like i said the DJ sounds kinda gay..( i know i´m a bigot too sometimes, but on melmac gay is VERBOTEN)
 where do u have teutonic blondes infected with the hollywood virus, waiting for their casting agency to give them a call to do some really stupid thing like getting hypnotized for money, be host at some weird random event. not in birobidzhan... (dont believe me but i followed a newspaper ad and was meeting at a tv station where a guy tried to hypnotize us for 20 bucks. that was really stupid. on of the contestants really went into a trance and was later admitted to the TV broadcast.. see this entire city is twisted and evil. in fact all jobs that pay fair money in berlin are stupid or crooked. like all big metropoles its a twisted city.)
where can u always wear your nose milehigh and noone can say snap. not in birobidzhan...

berlin is the new expat party joint of young tel avivis. formerly they flocked to barcelona, paris, new york, today its berlin. dont believe me. check the stats. i met more israelis in berlin than any other place. its a hip, young place with potential. about berlin i could write a whole new blog. but probly wont do this at this point..

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