Thursday, December 20, 2012

is francois legault really rick warren the purpose driven jew ?

 so how do u get a time magazine (jew magazine) cover ? silly question. you´re an uppity jew of course. anyone remember the purpose driven life ? some years ago it was the great whizz among all churches, pastors would make a weekly meeting with their flock skimming through this awesome devotional that sold 30million copies. who wrote it ?
 a guy called rick warren, formerly unknown pastor who now was the new superstar. you know what i think on the top level for generations and probably centuries, yes probly as early as the early church fathers, jews have always made money with the gospel, posing as authentic pastors. since most people are shallow and carnal, they have a neverending pool of suckers to fleece. the traditional mainline churches are infiltrated anyway, as we can see the pope played by a jew actor who gives the finger. they also try to get into the new, smaller movements where the authentic holy ghost is moving people. (best example is max keiser aka andrew wommack in my local church CZK in karlsruhe). this is the only thing they have been denied for 2 milennia and they´re mad as hell. they want EVERYTHING. instead their kahoona has loonie christians too stupid to run their own business, running around for 20 centuries yelling "the eeeevil deeevill runs teh world !!". imagine what would you feel when you just worked and schemed hard for 10 years to get to where you are, be mayor of a city, state or country, or get your media career on, while constantly people say such stuff. you´d go ballistic, it would drive u up the walls. and thats exactly whats intended.
 they are in full control, all the while the very salvation and quality of life of millions and billions of people depends on such a teaching and they constantly talk about "purification", "holyness" "discipleship" and "fleeing from the evil world". would you want to listen to all that crap constantly for generations when you´re minister of a country ? at some point you´d also give up and say, sorry but whatever drives these people i cant understand it and i gotta do my own thing instead. lets make fun of them instead, and take over the church.
 no matter which line they ride or which color they choose, in the end its always about selling a product, some trips, some books, tapes, casettes, DVDs, promoting their buddies, or even holy water or even completely unmaterialized "blessings" that supposedly befall you if you only "sow" into a "good purpose".
the range of false ministers goes from hardly noticeable to completely phony like benny hinn or all the other TBN clowns. i believe there is hardly a wellknown minister today who´s been through the treadmill of television and mass events, who isnt a jew. its just in their nature to be attracted to name and game (shemites). they cant help it, its second nature like for a black guy to be an athlete and jump higher than all the white guys and slam-dunk them into oblivion.
 so if we look at the two, its obvious that rik warren didnt get his book sold just by coincidence.the temptation on the mount (which i´ve seen personally in 2009 visiting jericho in israel), clearly states that power on earth is given only to those who serve lucifer and climb the ladder of his mystery religions and egyptian pyramid system. while the world believes "you gotta work hard to get to the top" they deny that this only works to a certain level, the top positions are all booked out in advance for future hetchlings.
 look at the inner ear. its very similar if not the same. also the profile, the OUTSTANDING LONG LINE RUNNIGN FROM CHIN WELL INTO THE NOSE AREA. this line is really significant and both men have it. the face looks really similar. ven tho the outer ear isnt a match.
 i´m not exactly shure if they´re the same guy, but who cares ? its obvious anyway that the bigger congregation you attend, the more likely its gonna be visited by "salesmen" who are seeking customers for their "services". while i was doing a bible school in denver arvada with YWAM in 2005, there was a huuuuuge megachurch right across the yard, with several thousand seats. their pastors were friends with the base leaders and there was lots of exchange. on sunday we had to go church, and when i went the first time after all the ushers had welcomed the people and the worship band had  played the intro and the greetings and announcements were done, the speaker took the stage, all flashy in a tux, and started to talk on "how to get a miracle from god"... i listened to this clown for like 2 minutes then stood up grabbed my stuff and walked out in front of like the whole arena. this was just too much. this clown was full of it. what a retarded preaching.
 this is the real reason why americans will die in the war with the eastern muslim peopl on a large scale. because to everything under heaven theres a time. a time to live and a time to die. its always been hard living life in the flesh as a human with all the things you´re supposed to do and not supposed to do. some manage better than others. and not always the more legalistic or moral person has more favour in g-ds eyes. he made that clear in his teachings about prostitutes and tax collectors. but also without holyness nobody will make it into the shabbes party on the "day of the lord". i just personally believe that americans have become really selfabsorbed, for such a long time without a match on the planet. used to getting their way by all means everytime. also dont forget babylon called "the hammer of nations", and that the babylonians for whose sake all nations on earth have fallen, will now fall for the sake of israel. this also is fulfilled in fornt of our eyes.or will get fulfilled still. believe me. there will be war. its just a matter of time. theres no way around it, its printed on the money even. novus ordo seclorum.
 yes the inner ear is similar but thats not the most important point here.
 here inner ear similar too.
 profile similar too..
 eyebags similar too...
 hairline too...
 chin too. and again this incredibly long line reaching all the way well into the nose. very striking feature.
 here i painted it in.

 and when u make it so far up the top to national level, you cant tell me its all just coincidence. theres no coincidence. here with james bruderlin and his wench, who also played a general in uniform once. i remember when i was at that YWAM base in summer 2005, there was a little chapel nearby with a big american flag, and pictures from guys deployed in iraq, people would go there to pray for their soldiers and sons and daughters. it had a nice warm serene feeling to it when i was there and took some quiet time. i believe wars are in human nature, and without wars we would all be popdrinking chipotle-eating armchair warriors. but the full array of colours in human nature the divine spark within us can only be experienced when we live our lives to the fullest. if america wasnt deployed in iraq and afghanistan (and soon iran), they probly would think allah rewards them for their awesome religion. which of course is bull cause islam is a false gospel just like mormonism and others. a replacement theology religion.
and again the profile is the same. it might as well be the same guy.but anyone who has 2 braincells left wouldnt buy into the purpose driven fluff in the first place and go get an oswald chambers instead. who for his part might be just as fake, possibly. well well...

anyway talking about america and iran. when you look at the constellations of heaven (as above so below) overlaid on the earth globe, you´ll see afghanistan is exactly at the place where aries the ram is located. that makes for all the warlike behavior deeply engrained in afghan culture. when you´d take their kalashs away, they wold probly not want to live anymore. its so important for  muslim to shoot his kalash into the air at a wedding feast or party. it gives him purpose and meaning. the koran for them is just as important as the other book for us. so the nations are in the first place set up to end up fighting each other. in ancient times this was seen as normal. the nations fought for their gods with their respective armies to see which one was stronger. today where people only worship their own brains (and become fools and develop mental diseases), this is not seen as virtue anymore.

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