Friday, December 21, 2012

gabby giffords pledges allegiance to the soviet republic of obamistan

 Schultz !! get ready, we´re about to rock the joint.... ok, i´m coming, makeup, wiring, hair, all systems go
 rarely is the question asked... is our children learning ?
 next time its on you, SCHULTZ, to put that darn marble in your slippers, i just hate to look like a complete tool...ok jenny i promise...
 schultz looks hot in her blue dress. i bet her pink looks even hotter.
get ready for your lobotomy-lingo, jenny, its about to start...
 the crowd goes mad as the first ever hollowpoint-headshot-survivor in world history takes the stage to pledge allegiance to the fag of the united states and injustice and libel for all.
 some people get off on penthouse and playboy, some get off on making money, some on scoring a hole-in-1
but some only get off on how many people they can royally screw over
 but at least she doesnt look as silly as her other act Sarah Palin.
 people think its real and cry, moved to tears...
 here another one..
 hmm, what does that remind me of ? of this right here... history always punished nations that were found wanting in sound judgement and let themselves be taken advantage of...
yes it is. if it wasnt would i say so ?
ein reich, ein volk, ein headshot...
 ya i know.. miraculous miracle.
 hollowpoint ammo is designed to inflict maximum damage on "soft target". this soft metal slug flowers out, no deep penetration but rips large holes into muscles, blood vessels or even bone. a headshot without bloodloss is simply IMPOSSIBLE.

hey did u see the blog of this guy.. ? ya, he´s nuts... lets watch desperate housewives...
right on bro, every clown can have his own blog these days, come git me another beer..

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