Saturday, December 22, 2012

darlene zschech wants more of jesus... ALF wants her gibson guitar and recording studio..

ALF can u make me feel like a real woman ? i pay better cash than lara latex, i promise. may the L-ord rebuke you, oh harlot, i will not waver in my committment for the cause of righ-chussnuss.. my general in charge, general j-sus told me to... aah, if that is so, of course i understand that... forgive me for putting your faith and career in jeopardy by my selfish cravings... no problem bich.  now pls excuse me, got a story 2 tell..
 i just decided to start a random post even tho i didnt have no data yet. just for the fun of it. i thought lets make some fun of darlene zschech. people like me who were raised protestant, were tortured by parents and siblings listening to worship music 9to5 for years. worship is a soaking kinda music, very simple and fun to play in a band. straight punchlines and straight chords. and always lift your hands while singing. i know many people who are addicted to that felgood stuff..they buy every new cd that comes out, and invest their entire savings. dont believe me just check my mums CD rack. she has "feiert jesus" volume 1 - volume 18...
when i was 19 my career plan was to become a christian musician. soon i realized it was a tough market, and the people involved when it comes to staying on top of the game are not exactly christian in their business attitude. they merely wanna keep their career going. its hard for young acts to break into the scene. a saturated market.
 now on the very top of everything (as always) u have the usual crowd. people that will use anything, even christianity (or should i say especially christinaity) to gain name+fame. just for the fun of it. for decades now or hundreds of years theres big companies, conglomerates that are working in the faith sector. the greatest part is that in the USA u dont even pay tax when u run a church. its the perfect business opportunity. every jew who doesnt try to cash in on this must be a meshuggene mamzer.
 u have the obvious phonies like benny hinn, but beyond that theres more than 50 shades of grey. everywhere theres people who want a piece of the cake. so like i said 2 hours ago i just thought about hillsong, and the huge impact it has on christians. all my relatives and people i grew up with dig hillsong and the whole culture. now whos the most famous worship singer on earth ?
 darlene zschech leader of hillsong australia. so according to our rule of thumb (all top positions are booked out), she must be with the usual crowd too, right ? so lets check... her nose already looks pretty jewy, hehe..
 but that alone is no proof... lets dig a bit further...
 hmmm she has sold 30mio units worldwide, released about 12 albums over the years... pretty busy lady..
she started aid work in ruanda, but of course had to pursue more global ambitions soon... see thats a first indicator already. instead of staying local and investing relationships, the jew powergrab, hehe
 she also supposedly got lead worship-pastor after another guy dropped out due to an extramarital affair...
aint that great. in a time where anything goes. homos screwing homos, dykes raising kids, jew pornstars screwing like thousands of girls, a simple white guy gets kicked out for an affair... i bet she waited for that opportunity...
 yay, its time to praise the lord on an authentic fender rhodes piano from the 70s...
 here the affair i talked about...
 ok sorry but i need to take a break and play some holocaust tycoon 2 and eat a feline cat-sandwich with extra cheese. please excuse me..
 ok, back to work. whats the matter ? ah we were talking about darlene zschech and the golden rule. yes indeed after checking her facebook page the first 3 comments posted included 1 jessica osteen. and just by coincidence joel osteen already been exposed by ED the witness,  as joel alhadef, another jew. he runs the lakewood church with over 40 000 weekly attendance. thats a huge crowd. when i was in denver faith bible chapel megachurch in 2005, in front of every seat there was a snippet of paper to write your tithing or gift dollars and later put it into a box. the ushers then collect them all and bring them to the boss. i dont wanna know how much money they make. it must be in the millions over the years. its a real industry. everybody knows this from church, they always want more and more money. like a whore. wanna kiss me on the mouth ? u pay extra. want a special position or special wish fulfilled.. you pay extra. so also in those harlot churches constantly the pastor has a new "vision" and wants extra money. thats the harlot church, theres no love. g-d owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
 this is her. she must be related to joel alhadef aka joel osteen. in new testament times apostle peter once killed deceivers who had infiltrated the church.(acts 8:20. peter was a fiery man whose anger was easily aroused. the hebrew root P-T-R or F-T-R means "burning". he was passionate burning man all his life, even cut off a guy´s ear in gethsemane. his other name "shimon" also is for a tall and stern man, no nonsense typa guy. check the tribal blessing of shimon at the end of genesis. ok but today i hvent heard of such a thing ever. in fact false pastors thrive in the church. no peter in sight to set things straight. and people persecute you when you try to warn them of jew-el alhadef. dont laugh its really true.
 the stadium is huge, it formerly was a sports facility. see thats why i dont understand why the bnai brith jews need the NWO. they already run everything in this world ? so whats the point. the point is that this new order always was in the big gameplan for the world at all times, from the very beginning of time. and so it will shurely happen. no matter what you or me or anyone else wants.
 the talmud encourages jews to make money with jesus. its permissible and encouraged, if goys catch no wind about it. soon after the holy spirit fell on pentecost the first thing the jews did was persecuting and jailing the members of the newfound faith, trying to keep it oldschool, but also emulating the new "flow" to make money out of it. there are many passages in book of acts and others, i dont wanna quote them all. they think its all just a big hat-trick.. why let the goys have something that jews cant have. that would be unfair...
 here joel´s facebook page. i checked with wikipedia and even his father was a minister too. so you see this whole thing is very structured, they pass on the baton to their kids. its a lucrative occupation like an expensive lawyer, judge or business magnate. churches pay no tax in america. it would be a sin not to try to get a foot into the door...
 john osteen was father of joel osteen aka alhadef. all these names are masonic identities, theyre not the real, or not the only names they have. did i mention that germans are guilty for the holocaust, and persecuted innocent jews (who demanded to be persecuted and holocausted by striking the deal at joshua 24:22). jews are victims of evil germans. germans should stop complaining and give more dolphin class submarines to israel, and deliver convertibles and other cars for rich spoiled jew-teenagers livin it up in america. the country where they kicked me, the real Joseph, out from like a rabid wet dog.(israel too, i told the story before).
 lakewood church is really big.its big business. can u se now why the mormons didnt want me to preach the truth in their streets ? its all business to them. they dont care about spirit. they dont care about the 7000 year plan, they dont care about people getting released from ageold familiar curses by the power of g-d they dont care about prophecy they dont care about true rightousness. they only care to live it up and pay tithe. and dance the makarena. NOW. and control their environment. and every sort of sorcery, smalltime or large organized lodges, is good enough for the purpose. they dont care how the world came to pass, only live the sham that gets them from day to day. cultural status quo is their guideline.
 oral roberts university was founded long time ago. america was always a christian painted culture and much of it really is genuine. i mean there is no perfect nation under heaven. everyone gets tempted. but at a deeper layer it reveals much sorcery and egyptian and babylonian magic and symbolism. how else could it be the global power ? without all these symbols being omnipresent, that people simply overlook (its ll subconscious), this whole thing simply wouldnt work..i´ll show that probly soon in a different thread...
 so you see after a while when u know how things work, its actually quite hard NOT to see these things.
 here some pictures i made for uncyclopedia.
the essence of the talmud: everything goes. if you want it to happen, go for it...
see the spirit of g-d who seeks worship by all nations under heaven (from the very beginning in his gameplan), leads christians from all countries to tiny israel, 3mio tourists every year. then he makes them see miracles and healings and other fancy stuff, while the jews have to stand and watch and pretend its not real, and they are the real owners there. wouldn´t you be upset too, by such an invasion ? i probably would. thats why i want israels borders to get larger, take down gaza and take the westbank back, then relax on the veranda of my brandnew mediterranean mansion in the judean hills. that would be great..bibi netanyahu, ehud barak and all other masons (jitzak rabin too, if i find out who he is now), can all go live in birobidzhan...
while i float in my pool singing with jaffa jarkoni... "sovev lo sovev ha finjan.."

hey tony greenberg, if u´re just on a break from acting the clown in mumbai, LA universal studios or your weekly gig with eretz nehederet, why not call up your pals and give me some dunams in an unsettled area. i wanna start my own village and also build some moomin caves. i am serious. wanna build a moomin cave where kids can do a moomin quest (adventure challenge) and have some fun. no more disneyland, obelisks or other nazi-crap needed in eretz haabot.

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