Wednesday, December 12, 2012

bülent ceylan the german comedian is saad al gadaffi son of muammar gadaffi

 my family watched another episode of famous german gameshow "wetten dass?" some weeks ago. they laughed about a longhaired turkish comedian, who rode around in a toy-tractor, and pretended he was from "Monnem" (Mannheim, in rhineland-palatinate, germany). i immediately thought there was something fishy about him. now recently POLSKAWEB(whom you should all support with an annual subscription) figured out who he really is. i couldnt first believe it but have to confirm that he is in fact one of muammar gadaffis (aka david patterson, former governor of new york) sons. his other identity is saadi al gadaffi. muammar gadaffi aka patterson has left many sons, this must mean that no matter how vile he looks with his hanging eye, g- dhas probly favour upon him, since he gave him so many sons. i cant explain it any other way. i really wonder who he really is below all this makeup and trickery. so we obviously see ancient blessings fulfilled in jewry ruling the entire earth. remember in numbers 24:17 when the seer balaam said "i see him, but not now, and a sceptre shall come ouf of israel, and rule over seir and edom. there are many other such passages that are being fulfilled today without people being even aware of it. they have no idea that bulent ceylans hair is all fake and that he is gadaffis son. probly, yes very likely he also plays other characters.
 as all upstart illuminati kids, he gets showered with money, girls, fancy cars, primetime television appearances, awards and medals and anything else he wants.
 so if muammar gadaffi was fake and the iranian government too. and his kids today are clowning around on german TV as comedians. that means also saddam hussein must be still alive runnign around someplace. everything else dont make sense. i wonder who he is ? probably in america, since they love to put one over  americans, seeing gadaffi played david paterson, governor of NY. imagine that. thats insane. truly the nations to them are but playthings.
 we can clearly see that all these leaders have the status of half-gods among their muslim populations. they praise their leadership and cause for islam (they dont know that they are secretly jews, who only use islam as a means to live it up.). see the shed (satan) invented islam to combat judaism, and the jews are very smart to guide the opposing forces into the channel they find useful, and in the meantime let themselves be served. theyre very smart indeed and have had centuries of training to learn how to get stuff done.. in islamic countries people have pictures of their hero leaders in every cab, every house, every mosque, every public square in 10times-lifesize.. think about it. everywhere in the world u have a face engraved in stone, or a statue put up in some marketsquare, 9 times out of 10 its a jew. or another high mason.
 everytime i see muammar gadaffi, i gotta giggle. this guys just so far out. like all these other jew dictators that are the best show u can ask for. u dont even have to go to theatre.
 gadaffi had at least 5 sons. saadi (bülent) is the 3rd. he is a great soccer player. bülent ceylan is also tall and strongly built. with some training he could probably play premier league as a defender. he probably does in another role that we just havent found out yet. look at his body he is very well trained.
 of course the jews have a completely different self-image. i dont know the guys who made this website but their information clearly is comedy. it merely reflects how they wanna see the world, not how it actually is.
bismilla ! i really should visit this dude in mannheim some time and make some döner with him. he might help me brush up on my hebrew, which is very wanting, to say the least..

 in his early 30s he performs for crowds of up to 80K. thats a big stadium. watch how often he is doing the "devil horn" handsign. its totally unconscious, jew´s dont even believe in the devil as we do. but clearly it shows when he´s letting go and doing his "shtik". reminds me of simson, the jewish captive hero by the philistines (who themselves were sea people wearing feathers in their helmets, a remnant of the minoan people who came to the levant after the santorin explosion) who performed for them in their temple. he was also a very tall dude with long hair. even tho bulents hair is fake. as we know.
 the setup of the stage is impressive. clearly as any act in comedy or music u dont make it to this size overnight unless u hve gooood connections. theres no  business like jew business.
 here his favourite handsign.
 kids proudly show their ticket. i front of the huge COMMERZBANK ARENA.
 bulent proves he´s not talented at anything, but tries everything at least once. like busting some chords.
 here we go again..
 jews believe they own world history present past and future. theyre the only ones who make fun of EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE while sueing you immediately when you say snap about them. to them its all a joke since they know who hitler was.(walt disney). they need hitler guilttrip 24/7 on german TV to keep the nation down. they need 1 or 2 hegemonial nations at a time to party and troll around in, but not more than that, it would be uncontrollable to have too many strong nations at once.
 here we can see bulent gadaffi ceylan as saad, sucking satans dick for his live performance. satan proudly wears his edenic masonic apron wherewith he seduced eve in the garden of eden.
 they think the hair is real. cheeze...
 like said before, this guy reminds me of simson, who "made sport" in the big temple of the philistines. only simson was blind and had only 3000 spectators, whilst this guy has 80 000 and doesnt destroy the entire building after he´s done.

 there is literally not a show, interview or event that he doesnt give his favourite sign. its become such a habit
 a bad habit.
 look at his nose. it isnt exactly straight. what happened ? he must have been a wild child or probly some bruise from playing soccer..
 i´m just making fuuunn, the whole world is an illusion...... keep those tax dollars flowing...
 like mentioned before he´likes soccer. check out this profile without his long black hair. i just cut my own hair very short (3mm) and believe me it changes your overall appearance drastically.
 he doesnt even speak turkish. people dont care and still buy his CD´s and wana see his shows and think he´s a turk. the real turks are descendants of the hittites, who lived in asia minor. they had iron chariots, were fierce warriors, and skilled at melting iron and expert blacksmiths. iron melts at much higher temperatures than bronze and their weapons were superior to other levant and semitic peoples. imagine you were an ancient israelite with your small sickle sword and people like this, 7ft tall with iron weapons and chariots with razorbladed wheels were chargin at you full speed ahead. without faith in your g-d you were as good as dead. their hebrew name "chatat" is connected with "sinful" (chet). they were wild and tall people. todays turks too are. turks migrated in hordes to germany after WW2, they are spiritually attracted to german spirit, who is also stubborn, tall and proud. german rulers even way before the middle ages learned arabic and had friendships with arab pashas. in the NT the city of bergama/pergamon had a huge pagan alter called "satans throne". after some german excavators dug it out and brought it to the pergamon museum in berlin, germany lost 2 world wars. "döner" is the turkish form of arabic "shwarma" a street dish that u can get anywhere in germany for 5 bucks as takeaway food. its made from compressed meat, salad, tomato, spice, tzatziki sauce, onions. some people say that sometimes just for fun the döner vendors ejaculate into the tzatziki sauce. but i dont know if thats true since there are heavy controls by strict german government agencies.
45° matchup.
check out those profiles. its the same guy. check out the ear. its obvious.
the isralis always wrote "gadaffi" with "kuf" instead of "gimel". since the hebrew root "g-d-f" means "a curse".
gadaffi clearly was a curse as a dictator for all his subservient vassals, but g-d punished them for believing in islam. according to tanakh every nation gets the ruler it deserves. think about that.
i am not allowed to show this picture here. i´m showing it anyway for you to wake up, stop supporting reuters news, dump your newspaper subscription, switch off the boob tube and get a polskaweb subscription.
he wants to destroy german nationalism. turn germany from a 2nd world dump to a 3rd world dump. and have lots of jew fun in the meantime. as mentioned in other rants before, i explained how all this is part of the divine plan, for the nations to wane and melt into the NWO before the 7th day shabat. there will be the endtimes beast kingdom, where the great religions will be abolished and a new religion emerge, probably with the noahide laws. but no matter the religion, jews will always run the world, since they got the first blessing on earth and their blessing is still incredibly strong. you can go to church all u want, the jews will never give up their firstborn portion. in ancient thought, the firstborn inherited all the father possessed, house, cattle, artwork, maids and servants. everything. the bible writes "israel is my firstborn son". we can see how this firstborn son today has not yet accepted his messiah, but shows incredible strengh, insight, rules the world, raises healthy and productive kids, creates insanely funny movies, comedy shows, is an exceptional artist, a passionate lover and much more... without this blessing given 4000yrs ago, nowhere in heaven or hell could the joooos pull off all that they do today.
here he wears slightly white beard but its only paint from regina zieglers makeup-necessaire.

 in 2012 bülent declared far and wide that his father died and that he was really sad about it. he cancelled shows, and on his FB page, hundreds of young gullible fans gave their condolences. we can see that these people (bnei brith jews) are proud of how good they can fool us and make us feel guilty and evoque our pity for things that are plain lies. we all know his real father is gadaffi aka david paterson.  these people deserve a nuremberg trial. not a sold-out arena. they need their ears clipped like in the middle ages so everybody knows they´rea  jew whose up to no good. but nowadays we live in the late times, with billions in world population who are already so deluded, its impossible to turn back the wheel of time. we can see even in the USA, the last and greatest nation the entire truther movement infiltrated,along with the white house, congress, courts, radio and media. its simply impossible to make things undone. masonry is relentless, people who jump ship are being ridiculed, framed and setup with kiddie porn and publically disgraced.

so what does jaacob ben jitzchak ben abraham mean ? we can read in tanakh that jaacob (heelcatcher, supplanter)  was son of jitzhak (he who will laugh), the son of abraham (exalted father, father of a multitude).
we can see that name fulfilled today to the letter since jews like bulent ceylan aka saad gadaffi are both fooling the people deceiving them (jaacob), they also are laughing (jitzak), and are also of a lofty royal decendency (abraham).

 as most comedians he has several standard characters that he plays on stage, like here anneliese pelz a fur-vendor. basically being a comedian is not so incredibly hard. for jews it comes natural, just look at how many of them are comedians. among the worlds top comedians you wont find many who arent jewish. u need to learn how to work a crowd, give out some free or cheap alcohol, have good scriptwriters. everybody can learn it. but these people excell in it.
 what are all those young girls doing ? have they gone completely insane ?
 why are they wearing their hair in their face and glasses on top ?
 is this some childish 1st grader joke ?
 no they are merely fans of "guenther the yeti". another comedy character of gadaffi aka ceylan.
 thousands and tens of thousands are doing it and posting pictures on facebook. he probly promised them some candy or a trip to mallorca...
here ceylan playing "guenther the yeti".

1 comment:

  1. "in ancient thought, the firstborn inherited all the father possessed, house, cattle, artwork, maids and servants. everything."


    That's not fully correct.

    The firstborn got a double portion compared to his siblings.

    5.Mose 21,17:
    “But he shall acknowledge the firstborn, the son of the unloved, by giving him a double portion of all that he has, for he is the beginning of his strength; to him belongs the right of the firstborn."

    And there was a difference between children of maidservants and real wives - 1.Mose 21,9-13

    And between children of heathen wives, who fellow a strange god and pagan practices, and children of godly wives, who fellow Yehovah.
    Deuteronomy 7,3–4; Ezra 9;10
