Wednesday, November 14, 2012

mathias brand aka francois hollande also is ousted weather-frog jörg kachelmann

whenever you see a big-ole drama that all mayor tv channels and papers report about, rest assured most likely its a masonic hoax. when you´re like 98% of all mankind under the power of masonry (which u deserve since u make no effort from your part to rise to greater spiritual heights and truth) it will then become part of your personal and collective cultural REALITY. but it isnt real because the characters that partake in it are actors. in this case we have a HUUUUGE CASE in german press from last year 2011 where suposedly TV weatherman jörg kachemann was caught with multiple lovers and ousted from his job as tv-presenter. having no place to run.

i can still remember last year talking to my poor dad about it, telling him how "unjust everything is" and it could happen to everybody (remember i´m a former convict myself). little did i know that kachelmann is being played by actor mathias brand, son of willi brandt, longtime german political dinosaur.  the same man also played german television pastor juergen fliege, who was very popular in the 90s. so u see they know everything about christianity, they have been making money with it for 2000 years, but consider it a fraud, since their innate pride refuses to bow and they consider their jewish blood to be more important than the spiritual anointing. rest assured they REALLY believe this, otherwise they wouldnt do the things they do.

look at the eye
 here some info from jimbos wikipedia (he keeps asking for donations, lol)
 same profile
 same ear clearly. kachelmann wears latex tips.
 again same ear. latex on kachelmanns tip
 francois hollande ,mathias brand ,joerg kachelmann and juergen fliege are all the same person
same ear again clearly seen here.

see, truth is transcendental. so when people say "yes this is your opinion, but i think you´re a conspiracy theorist and dont wanna hear about it", they prove they WANT TO BE FOOLED and ruled by evil people, because they themselves are evil too only less powerful. so both of these people the abusers and the abused deserve their fate and karma.

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