Thursday, November 1, 2012

jew jim slip, a pig of extragalactic proportions

ok, since i´m still 31 and cant afford to pay for great sex, and have to watch on the internet, old, haggard ugly jew thieves telling lies about my country of extragalactic proportions while using their pilfered shekels pounds, marks, kwachas and dollars to screw young willing girls, i hve to make a post about jim slip. let me add some pictures.

 this is the guy. he looks a bit like peter schiff the NY banker who plays PW herman. but i think theyre not the same guy. he is kinda skinny around 170cm tall, and claims to be married to his compagnon Lara Latex, who tapes his "exploits" on camera. sometimes they switch roles and he tapes and she gets shagged by some young willing studs. both are well into their 50s.
 first lets look at some graphs. in the UK theres over 2,5mio students. and the annual income below 30K sterling.
 heres the target age for them. they go for young twens who need college money and are tired of low-wage jobs. for one recording session where he can screw a young chick into all holes, he pays 500 pound sterling. thats as much as a top banker makes in a single hour, or i wold work for 1 or 2 full weeks in peoples gardens, laying brick, cutting trees and hedges, digging out shrubs or other stuff. for those girls its the equivalent of 2 or 3 weeks "honest" work.
 of course it was his "wives" idea (i bet shes not even his real wife) to start the whole thing
 after picking up chicks they can choose which outfit to wear. from a box of clothes..
 some pickups might be real, but probably some are pre-arranged. normal porn dont sell anymore, so they make it look like its all spontaneous etc.
 yeah jim you're awesome. girls love u for your awesome humour, looks and gentlemens behavior. or something like that... women get brainwashed from day 1 to worship money. regular men have to marry and produce working ants who create wealth for the jew to get his taxes from, so he can then pick the prettyest girls and pay them for all sorts of sick stuff. those girls wont ever be available becuase if u have no money al u get from them is disrespect.
 he claims to be a former "toilet cleaner" working his way up to be "chief toilet cleaner". what a gigantic load of crap these illuminati jews tell. (i mean the fat, rich ones, not the haredim). its incredible. incredible.

 the spirit he has is a mocking spirit. also when he takes off his glasses, you can see he blinks all the time. he must be possessed or something. but most people are possessed so that dont surprise me much..
 jim slip is a real philantropist and takes care of poor people like orphans, widows. he´s just incredible and only wants to "help them". he´s a real god guy fo sho.
 remember saturn the star of the jews who eats his own children. here jim slip instead of paying fair wage, steals money in hedgefunds and banking then uses the money to screw young chicks, videotapes and sells it and gets paid again. thats the type of control that you hve when you worship lucifer, he has full control.
 in last 10 yrs religiosity in UK drastically declined. so easy game for jim slip + his fellow jew pornographers.
 jews make up less than 1% of demographics.
 average salary as everywhere is crap. the entire system of world is created by carnal people so they can have cheap babysitters, aides, interns, low-wage workers that they can bribe into sex with financial benefits while keeping the entire power.
 look at his hand gesture, he really thinks hes the shit haha.
 "i am a former toilet salesman" hahahha, that just cracks me up...
 yeah we know u used to clean toilets jim, right ? and afterwards asked for them to throw a penny or 2 into your plate... see these people are so incredibly proud they mock you right to scorn because they know youre powerless against masonry. they have judges, lawyers on their side and can lock u up easily if u call them out.
 here again the income in UK. if you´d shoot 2 dozen sessions with jim you´d have already a whole years wage.
 i cant believe he shows us both eyes in this picture. what happened ? since when do bnai brith jews show both eyes, i thought theyd prefer to show only 1 ?
 so he steals money in banking, hedgefunds, incurance and other crap. then tapes porn while banging the underpaid workers and slaves of the anthill. then sells that porn and gets all the money back. we live in a crazy world indeed.
wherever christianity has built up something in the last 20 centuries, the jews came and tore it down afterwards. thats why theres a constant battle. until christs return, the battle will continue. that will be another 240 years.

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