Monday, November 12, 2012

Horst mahler german neonazi played by Manfred Krug the actor

in order to constantly get attention to their beloved circumcision, israel, jewish stuff etc. like a screaming baby not getting enough attention, the uppity jews with their bnai brith magic constantly create false characters to get attention. like Horst mahler, who is played by longtime actor Manfred Krug. he played in german and international tv and cinema for over 50 yrs. when you see him with a black eye supposedly beaten for denying the holocaust shmolocaust, be assured the black eye wasnt real it was just painted on. also his longtime jail sentence wasnt real. un-illuminated people (like me a couple months ago) think for denying the holocaust they would go to jail for 5 yrs. but mahler wasnt really in jail, he was keeping acting all the while in countless german tv dramas, criminal pieces etc. etc. so you can see as the G-man rightfully said the entire cruel lieing tax-extorting government is a fata morgana, a hallucination, which can only work because regular people are souls who are under the spell of this whole magic and delusion. enough preaching lets get to the pics.

 ok remember the munich hostages taken during the 1972 olympic wintergames with supposedly a handful israeli sportsmen and trainers killed ? that also must have been a false flag.
 they must have been doing this ever since israel was created in 1948. g-d wanted to recreate israel in 1948 because jerusalem lies 1948 nautical miles from london city center. this is divine design and obvious. it hurts to see these old monkeys too proud to just let go endanger the country of israel with hundreds of thousands honest simple israelis, who try their utmost to please everybody and be nice to everybody, getting threatened by their own corrupt to the core government. LETS GET RID OF FREEMASONRY ONCE AND FOR ALL. it is an evil beyond comparison.
 horst mahler got attention for denying the holocaust. they say he helped found the RAF terrorists in germany in the 60s, which we know is a bnai brith hoax so that makes him fake too.
 in this pic its not so obvious, but look at the others below. its undeniable.
 the ear is undeniable. same bald head as well.manfred krug is a very well known face in german cinema.
 look at the head, the eye wrinkles, the nose putty on krugs face. he must have worn this nose putty for DECADES without anyone realizing. he has this putty in every movie he ever played in. like queen elizabeth aka betty white with her fake nose, this must be a real bich to wear all that fake plastic in the face for so long. but they deserve all this because whatever you sin with, you will be caught in it (wisdom of sirach).see u wanna act the part, right on, there you go, now u gotta wear that silly nose putty for like 30yrs, hehe...
 look at the forehead and the nose. the nostrils and beac on nose are the same.
 i wonder what his real name is. shmuel ? alon ? jehezkiel ? moishe ? i hve no friggin only is obvious that they can create as many identities as they please. i wish i could do that  ! no more troble on any border.
 the crease in the ear is unmistakable. didnt Ed Chiarini say something about rockefellers having that crease too ? probly he´s form the same family line, might as well..
 here the crease again seen in the 45° angle, and also the hair crown with same hair roots..
 yes its a match those ears are the same ears.
 again here
 the nostrils too and the beac on nose too the same...
 here on wikipedia we see funny fairytales and the same matching birthdates. see these people are old enough, born way before the war, they know all the lies they told all those 70 years. but believe they HAVE TO otherwise theyd lose control. so u see g-d has put the jews in enmity with al mankind. all mankind believes they have to be good persons to get to the world-to-come, the uppity jews believe they have to stay in power no matter the cost. and are in denial about their fall, their character, their envy and much more. thats all character traits of lucifer as described in another post before.
forehead 1 ear 2 nose 3 are all the u can see the beard growth is also the same... clearly no bold nazi rose in germany in 70 years after adolf jiddler aka walt disney. its all controlled attention-mongering, scare-mongering, there is no terrorist threat at all, the government is the only terrorist. but even if they´d hve killed every single of the living 7bio people on earth in careful singular handiwork, they´d still believe theyre chosen to rule and must do the job.

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