Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dan Sered from Jews for Jesus versus Rafi Feuerstein from Jews for Jews !

 since this blog ended up to be a completely annihilate jewish hypocrisy and double standard and delusion and showing that the spirit that drives them just like islam, atheism, most cults and false christian churches are all run by false spirits, i just had to add this skit that i saw on youtube where a guy from "jews for jesus" debated on israeli tv a jewish rabbi. i found the grimaces and faces the rabbi made just so hilarious and thought i need to take some pictures of it...
 u know what they do is a battle on time. just like the old israel, the man jacob who became israel after wrestling the angel, that was a process that lasted his entire life. and with the jews its the same its also a process for the entire duration of their existence that they wrestle with all mankind and g-d too. sometimes i dont know wether i should laugh or cry. i dearly like hebrew culture which even predates the jews as a nation, abraham and adam and enoch all must have spoken hebrew. even tho modern israelis deny that hebrew has any deeper meaning. believe me it was the first language on the planet and will be the last.
 if u see this debate on youtube u already see how deluded this whole thing is. the jews always act from a defensive position, bringing up the crusades and the shoa and the expulsions in the middle ages. what they never bring up is that they in the first place agreed to all that when they cut the deal with g-d of becoming his holy people, and say "may all this come upon us if we fail to do what is written in moses"... so everytime they accuse germans of the holocaust. they actually say "germans are g-d", because g-d told them he would burn torture and annihilate them if they failed to do his commands, which of course they failed since nobody can fulfill the complete law. also they fail to see in the constellations how the age due to precession changed first from bull (taurus) time of adam and genesis to the ram (aries) time of judaism, moses and sacrificial atonement, then later to pisces during the time christianity entered the world until now, and now as the messianic age will start in 240 years to the waterbearer, aquarius. do you know an aquarius person ? they are normally unconventional people, and highly helpful, bright people. thats also what the messianic peace-time will be like, there will be totally different living conditions on earth. anyway back to this dinosaur right here...
 they never forget to mention how much "good they do" with their banking money blablabla. believe me the jews as blasted and described in the NT are exactly the jews of today. they havent changed. you dont need to watch no movies. life enrolling in front of your eyes is the best movie. the peruschim, pharisees, are todays rabbis with their selfglory "rabbi XYZ said this and that, and rabby ABCD said this and that, and because of that we gotta do it this way"... they treasure the wisdom of fallen carnal people more than the pure divine wisdom. also note the babylonian talmud is higher than the jerusalem talmud. and israel is called "babylon the great" in the revelation of john. probly their babylonian talmud is to blame, what do i know...
 blablabla, get a free busfare to the studio, distort the truth, win the discussion, then head to tel aviv to bang some ukranian hookers and then take the bus home to the yenta and the 5 brats. mission accomplished...
 mission accomplished. then when markus tries to travel to israel, act like a bich on the border to show whos in charge.. yeah yeah i know u guys are in charge... you´re soooooooooo slick, we all know that.....
 he even doesnt use the name of dan sered, he just uses an indefinite article. but never fails to mention all the names of all the rabbis, and of course his own name too...rafi feuerstein. jews love to get attention. they constantly argue who is the greatest. even the disciples (all jews) had the same problem, every one wanted to be higher than the other. today too wherever u go, every jew seems to be a rabbi. its hilarious they all gotta be really in battle all the time about whos better than the other. but why then is that their greatest leaders are always haggard old ugly longbearded men ? i dont understand this ??
 i dont hve a problem with some clowns practicing judaism. most religions are a lie, or only halftruth. i have a problem because theres too many of them. according to the number of the tribes and men of israel, the nations on earth have been parceled out. dont believe its true ? but it is true. g-d has to keep the balance, if there was too many jews, or too little goys, it wouldnt fit. too many jews cant be, otherwise they interfere with each others flock, since they are the locusts that live on everybodys expenses. too little also wouldnt be good otherwise they´d probly be exterminated seeing they constantly scheme and defraud and invent things like freemasonry where they have actors play politicians and rip off entire the balance must be kept very careful.
 the faces he makes are just way tooo funny.... hahahaha
 booohooooo i know tanakh better than you, booohooo, christians are murderers, liars, antagonists, boohoo
 yeah the rambam,g-ds greatest gift to mankind... rambam, blabla, baal shem tov blabla... i am the SUPAjew
 blablabla lie lie lie     blablabla  lielielie      
 booohooo the poor jews were killed dead by eeeevil greeedy callous CHRISTIANS, boooohooohooo
 this was in the beginning of the interview, after he had said that they just cut him off and let the rabbi talk
 go check out the video its on youtube
 they DONT WANT peace in their hearts. they want to be SPECIAL while making laws for us but not having any laws apply to themselves at all... thats what they want. they dont want peace. they hate peace.
 u better believe it
 see its the christians that incite hatred. its our problem. all the wars, lies, double standard, its all because of US, the evil goyim. we are liars and haters. we are the problem, can u see it ?
 crocodile tears about stuff that happened like 1000 years ago. he forgets to mention that all the dukes, kings, royals that started those crusades in the first place were illuminati powerjews posing as popes and cleriks. and the ones that died were poor christian farmers, blue-collar-workers and poor jews.
 in a way g-d is loving and merciful but believe me he also can be a complete bich. if he doesnt get what he wants he makes you do it. he can be relentless. see how he treats the jews today for failing to give them the praise he expected. he CHOSE THEM BY HIS OWN DESIGN they coldnt do anything about it. they had to obey. since they failed and turned jerusalem into a whorehouse with all pagan altars and abominations he destroyed their kingdom and after 400 more years took the holy spirit from them for such a long time of 2000 years, where they now have to repeat all that they formerly denied him. imagine how often the people who killed christ have been re-born in human flesh and were killed themselves. probably a dozen times or more. dont beleive jesus is the nice little daddy who buys you your pink pony. he can be a real prick.
 every jew a famous name, every goy a potato... thats how its sposed to be.
 yes the holy spirit cannot interpret and read scripture, only "hillel" ordained rabbis can. dude you´re pathetic.
 he probly doesnt even know why he wears a kippa and what saturn is, and how it affects his head, hehe..
I, the great I AM, fred feuerstein, i mean rafi feuerstein have now clearly proven that judaism is the dopest religion on earth. and why jews are g-ds and jews-for jesus is not g-ds attempt of giving israel another chance before it will disappear in the N.W.O. planned by elitist luciferian jews who will walk all over the poor jews to create their new satanic world system where christianity and judaism and islam will all be abolished.

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