Tuesday, November 13, 2012

ancient prophecies about israel fullfilled

 we can all argue forth and back for days, weeks or months, but history proves the word of g-d right, that israel or the jews are the lawgivers, the rulers and judges until today. albeit being under masonic spirit, there has to be some form of government, otherwise chaos would be the result. since christians all get indoctrinated by the G-man to hope in the hereafter and refrain from striving for hither-worldly power, the jews have easy game. the chinks, gooks , sand-niggers and niggers are no real threat for them, they´re far smarter. (ok that was now racist remark but on melmac it is merely colloquial form of expression). so you see all those billion of chinese, muslims, and blacks and also russians, and also us in the west,  having pictures of our popes, presidents, leaders, revolutionaries etc. hang in our private shrines, in the living room walls, or simply swearing allegiance to the president of our countries we all must bow to the jew. now you can love it or hate it. but you gotta get born some place in the natural order, either as an animal or human. and this is the natural order. since nobody is boldfaced enough to tell those bagels to stuff it,(cause if you take the power u gotta keep and defend it otherwise another who is more ambitious will usurp it soon), things never change. so this proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that g-d exists. and when he blessed the patriarchs saying even 1000 generations from now your descendents still will be special, it still is today.

 ok here i quoted this before, the scepter shall not depart from judah. a very important quote IMHO.
also here the promise to david to always have a descendent as a ruler. who knows where those people in charge today really all descended from. also remember, in former times (biblical times), oftentimes only the story of the ruler is told, the common man doesnt even get mentioned with name. so what would u think would a regular worker or sheepfarmer under one of those old kings have said ? he probly also would hve complained about the government, just like us today, especially with solomon who expected very high taxes to build his stupid temple and palace. but the "glory" of g-d seems to choose certain people for certain reasons. it doesnt mean the people who werent mentioned were worthless, they just had a different form of value. apart from that we can still today many of the jews being blindly ambitiont striving for greater glory, recognition by men, and influence and power. this is oft a bad thing, but also shows they UNDERSTOOD the underlying principle of leadership. whereas they taught us democracy, which is mob-rule and a lie.
 look at all entire recorded history. i highly doubt that most of the great figures in our history book of all times and ages from the times the blessings of genesis 49 were given until today were anything else but jews in jews clothing.
 a redbearded hot-tempered king like david, this barbarossa very likely was a jew. so how could he together with jew richard lionheart and the other clown from france with their templer crosses (mother-goddess-octagon-shape) invade israel , under the cross ? isnt this a huge oxymoron ? no it isnt an oxymoron at all. the history of israel and the jews as a nation is one thing. the blessing of power etc. is another. even today where jews run the entire world 3 times over, israel is small and despised. to most extent because they are still "blinded". i wont quote now all the pasages from apostle paul and the NT, everybody knows them already. so until israel can open her eyes to turn from harlot to bride, everything will still go on the same. israel must finish her punishment, believe me g-d is really pissed once u piss him off. he´ll let u do the full sentence. so during that time the jews can go undercover and do all sorts of other stuff on the side, while putting some actors (netanyahu aka leon greenberg, aka the HAMAS minister, or soros aka rockefeller aka ezer weitzmann, or the matlock guy who also played an israeli president) in office, while running america and milking the economy there to try to keep israel running. thats how its done. they believe so firmly that they need to be in charge, but are blind to the fact that israel is constantly looking for handouts. how often have u been in israel and seen that everywhere money seems to be missing. people constantly ask for money and support. but dont the jews own already all money on earth. so how can this be ? its because they violate the divine principle like judas the thief. g-d CANNOT honor such behavior and thats why this money is just running through their fingers. with stolen money u can never build ISRAEL. g-d alone can strike the hip of jacob and make him see.
 here we see another old blessing from isaac given to ishmal and israel, fulfilled to the letter every day. we see the arabs acting like donkeys and hurling insult at israel. and israel ruling over him, for better education, and discipline etc. all of this is being fulfilled today. the bible is a prophetic book.
 cleopatra was the latest queen, where egypt hardly was egypt anymore, hellenized and internationalized. she must have been jewish too. dont believe me. all of this is common knowledge on melmac my home star.
 a king who starts his own church for the pope telling him he cant ivorce his old haggard witch to get some fresh meat already. anybody smell a jew ? hmm i do LOL...i know my pretty darlings all too well by now...
 here we can see prophetic history, jacob got his blessing through halftruth and lie. just like today. the 2 go hand in hand. it is a prophetic story.
 the temptation of the jew:
satan: all this i give to you if u fall down and worship me.
jesus: depart from me satan i will never worship you.
the jew: how much again did u say i could hve ?
 it simply doesnt matter what language culture or continent, its the same everywhere. believe me even in black africa. there must be some black jews who do the same thing there. just look at all those dictators there. a christian will never ever come to power there, they cant match wth the ambitiousness and selfgrandeur of the black jews..
 why would julius caesar be a jew ? why would he not be one ? he had 1800 years time to develop. even as early as right after the exodus, the jews began to intermarry and do pagan idolatry orgies. there must hve been time for some cross-breeding.
  see now that g-d is pissed at israel, the times of the gentiles are still happening, where gentile powers grow large and dominate the world. until in the final cataclysm everything goes back to the middle of the earth and jerusalem with its historical meaning for the salvation of the earth. before that, the NWO will come to pass, and nations and races will disappear thats also why we see right now black and arab immigration to europe, and a lot is changing right now. all nations have an expiry date, they get born and die just like people do. so now many nations are being molded together, racial intermarriage, and the NWO will start, probably with a jewish false messiah and 3rd temple, or in the "minimal damge" solution only the noahide laws and abolished christianity, and of course, jews in the background holding all the strings in their hands.

always remember. all those parables from the NT are being misinterpreted by most churches. grab a booklet of the jehovas witnesses instead. they got their parables down. the parable of the prodigal son isnt about a man, its about the jews (oldest hardworking son) and the goys (pig-hearding son who later returns to his real father seeing everything else doesnt work out)... same goes for the parable of rich man and poor lazarus, poor lazarus formerly only getting the breadcrumbs from below the table of the rich man (ancient judaism and first monotheism), now sits in abrahams lap and is being comforted while formerly rich man (jews) runs around in black robes, wailing on the kotel and bereft of his former position...

 rich man and poor lazarus, a parable of jews and the pagan nations

the prodigal son (pagan nations) return to the arms of the father (g-d) through the gospel 33AD

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