Thursday, October 11, 2012

my family and the joseph story

why am i constantly talking about joseph ? what is this joseph obsession ? its very easy to explain. not many people believe me this and i have to say this only appeared to me in the last 2 years, before that i never even understood it myself.

before i begin with my long and winding treatise let me post the video-links that i finally was able to upload (it took an entire day). there are 4 videos, i tried to make them funny and entertaining and worth watching. here i explain everything, the whole utah/joseph story.

THE UTAH STORY -- part 1
 THE UTAH STORY -- part 2
THE UTAH STORY -- part 3
THE UTAH STORY -- part 4

we know the story of joseph from the tanakh/old testament where joseph gets sold to egypt by his brothers, sits in jail for a long time (13 years) and finally becomes chief vizier over all of egypt which was the leading world power at that time (about 1750BC). a semitic invader tribe named the "hyksos" ruled at that time, they were regarded as infiltrators by the authentic ageold monolithic egyptian dynasties, and later removed from the chronicles of egypt. but anyway the bible (taakh) treats them as authentic kings so we can regard them as such too. later after several hundred years of hyksos rule, the oldschool pharaos came to power again and "there arose in egypt a new pharao who knew not joseph, who plagued the israelites with hard labour in brick and building things". which then lead to the exodus, the 10 plagues and drowning of pharaos army in the sea etc. but that all just by the way.

so what does joseph have to do with me ? well long story short, i did a short school in colorado, USA back in 2005, and was suposed to travel back afterwards, summer 2005 having only a VISA waiver for 90 days. but something came over me and compelled me incredibly strong to travel to Utah instead and visit a friend of mine that i had thought about for quite a while. arriving in utah everything turned out completely complicated and i was forced to live on the street and meet many very interesting people for about half a year and see the mormon culture (all started by Joseph smith) and everything there in salt lake city. before ultimately i was tossed in jail and after 80 days deported back to germany where since may 2006 i have been and didnt like it one bit a single day. compared to america this place of course ia a complete dump. only worth cisiting for some cultural education apart from that its overrun overcrowded nasty and unfriendly etc.

so what does that joseph smith have to do with me ? well both joseph smith and me were from a large family, i have 9 siblings, and he was said to be a complete nut, constantly was dabbling in the occult, trying to find "hidden treasures" or ripping people off with dubious trades. he was a real clown and also an illuminist, a mason, and supposedly died age 38 in jail being shot to the face with a pistol (i belielved this story long time but as i now see history as tought to us in school only being "their" side of things, it is probably possible that he afterwards lived on playing a different person. so anyway of course i am not a mormon, in fact quite the opposite. i think mormon culture as a whole really remarkable, their kids are strong, smart and adorable, but the stuff they believe is really far out. also they do weird temple rituals.
so why am i constantly talking about this story ? because it was a really decisive point in my personal life. iwasnt able to do anything in the last 6 years since that deportation and constantly have to think back what happened there because it was such a lifechanger. now because i see what america really is (namely a gigantic masonic checkerboard with jews running the entire friggin place deciding who comes and who goes, whats allowed and whats not allowed) it makes me even more mad. because my entire story clearly is a jewish story. in fact it is one of the biggest stories ever told since recorded history. like the original joseph i am from a large family. my father even resembling the patriarch jacob (who later became israel) in many distinctive ways that i cant even mention right now. also at one time he became incredibly angry at me and tried to wrestle me to the ground, remember the angel that jacob wrestled before he became his new name ? this also was a very distinctive situation. then look at all my sibling. we are a typical large "christain" family with kids to spare, 10 to be more precise. now look at josephs family they also were large. and just like in my case his siblings were jealous of him nad wanted him to be dead or just go away. there are so many similarities. the jailtime to. i was in jail in america which is the egypt of today. look at all the pyramids and obelisks and the capitols of each state. allrun by egyptian magic and egyptian monuments everywhere. even in the cemeteries u can see thousands of tombstones shaped as obelisks or other masonic BS.
and then also joseph was sent to jail for later when the time of drought or world crisis happened he was able to save the people (and confiscate all their belongings like a good jew, haha) and make the entire family continue living. revealing himself to them after testing if they had changed. (goblet in the grain sack and keping the youngest son while sending them away again ). now we in 2012 also face a major crisis. in fact it will be a really monumental change, cant you see how the 2elites" push all their stuff like "the end of the mayan calendar is near" and books like "atlas shrugged" and now want to start a world war3 with ahmadinejad (played by henry winkler) so they can play east against west in a big religious scenario that finally they get some rest inisrael from constantly being lectured by EVERYONE and people trying to invade their country haha...

so you can clearly see joseph story is my story. i only wish i had a way to explaining this to the "Powers that be" since they always show no interest at all in listening and say i wold have "caused all this just out of personal delusion and stupidity" and it was all my problem alone. even my own family say that. but then when the world goes to hel in a handbasket theyre the first to come crying asking for free dollars because they ruined themselves with their stupid ignorance. thats how they are.  and today the very people that claim descendence from the patriarchs joseph etc refuse to help me with my story and instead try to destroy america after having used it themselves like a whore for now generations. do u think jews ever contributed anything to america apart from movies, being clowns and entertainers and fake politicians and comedians and talkshow hosts ? do u think they ever planted vegetables and kept livestock for people to eat and make meat frmo ? doubt it not they never did. jews only appear once a culture is in development and shows signs of readiness to need a ruling class. then they arrive ith their fake passports, fake diplomas and PH.D.s and pull their little gig, steal the retirement fund of gullible people and if all fails run away to israel where they cant be prosecuted. they suck deep ass and treat me everywhere like shit and it starts to piss me off really bad. the best jews of all that helped me the most EVERYWHERE i went were always the nonreligious ones that just happend to be jewish by coincidence. they let me live in their free apartments and gave me food+everthing and were froends to me. the organized bnai brith jews are the curse for the entire earth. theres a very sharp dividing line IMHO. ok enough now i have told the story of joseph and that enough for this blogpost.

i wanted to add also that id like to live in utah or california or oregon and probably build a moomin themepark because theres only 1  in teh world and not 1 single authentic moomin house in the entire world. (the one that stands in naantali, finland doesnt look authentic, it is too wide and not high enough.) thats kinda bad in my opinion there should at least be 1 real moomin house. also i could build the airship of snork and many other interesting things. so that would be already an occupation i could pursue when these clowns only would let me into america instead of giving the good land to mormon lunatics and morons instead . (that are the perfect solution for their jewish system because they believe in a false christ and pay their taxes and make great FBI agents).

 in case your parents raised u a pagan/wiccan etc here are all the names of the tribes, even tho everybody knows the names i reckon..
this is the zodiak with the 12 constellations. depending on which time of the year you are born it will influence your character throughout your entire life. so dont tell me that g-d plays dice with us. we as humans are merely acting out the bigger things in the heavens. probably thats why he made 12 tribes and not 13 or 11.

the 12 tribes are absolutely vital part of world history and everybody knows them.

here the entire family in this photo, i added some pictures for each. of course i know all people very well, they are my parents+siblings, i know their birth charts and names and hidden habits and character having lived around them for a long time. i could say many more things about the fmaily like the one son "amandus" who is 7th child, whose name is the same as "david" in hebrew who was also the 7th son of jishai. many more things i could talk about but not enough time probably..

 here a magnified view with slightly more detail. all those pics are 12 yrs old already we´re older now.

the "small ones" are shown in this picture

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