Friday, October 26, 2012

Khaled Mashal and George Clooney probly the same guy...

since we´ve seen that actors in government are not the exception but are the absolute norm, and there is no exception to the rule (just look at the "masonic actors worldmap"), we must ask who is playing all those muslim cleriks ? we already have ahmadinejad as henry winkler, then we have fake irishman sean connery who had plaid the ayatollah khomeini to lay low the flourishing iranian society in the late 70s and early 80s.
(g-d wont allow iran to become strong again since it formerly was proud persian empire and now needs to take 2nd or 3rd class status, just like italy (with bunga bunga berlusconi), greece (bankruptcy, formerly conquering the world), and germany (former "holy german empire of german nations" what a ridiculous and fake name...)

so also all those arab officials and cleriks who try to get arabs fight and die for islam in large amounts, to give the middle east some demographic relief. me personally i believe that islam is a false religion, that its merely an attempt to restore honor to arabs who feel rejected as the "sons of ishmael" the unloved son of abraham. of course arabs will vehemently deny all this. but we must also see in former times in the places arabs live now there were flourishing societies, of world status, like europe and america today. today in those areas people of lower social status and less important cultures are located. why is that ? as we have shown before (book of david flynn -- temple at the center of time), geographical locations are important, and different spirits rule over different areas on the world map. the highest g-d can now in divine vengence send a delusional spirit to once great nations so they are laid low and have to repent of their former pride. this is not just happening, it is a normal and natural event that happens since g-d is allknowing and omnipresent and knows every persons former lives and what he did. while we cannot even remember what happened when we were 1 or 2 years old..

from the very beginning israel had a special status among all other nations on earth, and before israel was israel, he was known as jacob the schemer. should it now surprise us that jews are scheming and plotting in their bnai brit gig (babylon the great whore) entire populations by the help of egyptian magic ? no, not at all, they merely do whats natural to them. you cant force a person to adapt to your own expectation, so the black people in africa cant expect us to behave and act like them, nor can we europeans try to make jews act like us and accept our european values. history shows that we tried this for centuries but it never suceeded. they are not made like us they are different. now am i defending the jews ? who cares ? neither me nor you nor anybody else can break their power spell, the only thing that can slow down their power is christianity, for its the only truth that is higher than their truth, and they know that too. thats why in the west they always pushed separation fo church and state. otherwise they coldnt do what they do. i also must remark here that also within christianity much like in all other religions there are fakers and true people. right now theres 2 billion people calling themselves christian on earth most of them are nor christian at all, but are inhabited by lieing spirits that think they can hide there under the guise so they are not called out. belive me most of the people in my own family calling themselves christian have opposed me vehemently for many years. and they have no clue what really drives them. they are hypocrites and as such DESERVE AND NEED to be treated accordingly. is it a wonder that g-d has the jews run the world so he can sift out all hypocrite false "christians" ? unfotunately most of the time its the other way around the real ones get killed and the fake ones live long lives, but thats not a big deal since all souls are eternal and get reincarnated upon death into another lifeform, an animal or a new person. we only see so little of creation, our telescopes arent big enough to see other worlds, but trust me they are there at all times. and there is life just like on our earth. in fact g-d loves to multiply himself (promise to abraham) and create galaxies full of inhabitable planets and stars for light.

also people keep saying "the jews kill inocent people" but thats all baloney. there are no innocent people. everybody is born with or acquires during his lifetime smaller or bigger amounts of good and bad karma, and deserves to be punished. and the arabs who get burned by white phosphor in gaza, deserve to be burned, otherwise g-d woldnt tolelrate it. dont believe me ? he is in full control of everything happening on earth. the devil, the adversary, is only serving to his greater glory. the devil is his attack dog he unleashes on all who are spiritual reprobates, follow false religions etc. see the arabs (but we in the west too) are so blinded that we cannot see through this whole bnai brith acting gig. so probably we dont ddeserve to see it. when i tell people the truth they actively opose me and defend those actors to the last drop of blood. so they deserve to go to war against iran and die in an insignificant trench somewhere, while being shouted at t by heir NCOs and officers, who are all masons, just like the generals and great "leaders" and "benevolent(jew) dictators". they chose their own path.

i however only choose that i need to get back to Utah where i belong and start my moomin themepark, write hebrew poetry (i suck at it, got a lot to learn still..), and do some sports, cuz i´m seriously overweight from all the recluse lifestyle.. also i need to score some prime meat in utah cuz women at least there look like real women not that european trash thats walking around here with all the sickness attached to it and the bad spirits attached to it.

ok so heres clooney who very likely plays another hamas official (HAMAS means "hatred, violence" in hebrew, it is a word taken from the tanakh. we can see now that these bnai brith jews are also very tricksy in choosing the names for those terror groups. most people on earth dont even know what HAMAS means. and the arabs of course also deny everything, also deny that arabic languages is merely a corruption of hebrew. how else could all the jews learn it so easily and do their acting etc ?

if u dont believe me that muslim kids also can be evil demons (not just jew kids), just go visit jerusalem.
while my group of people with young women wearing skirts walked up the kidron valley, some small kids came from a nearby muslim town. they tried to lift the skirt of some women to look whats below. we told them to beat it. they didnt wanna. then we chased them away. when they were like 30 meters off they started to throw stones at us. imagine. thats the standard of a cavedweller. i dont immediately get satisfaction, lets throw stones instead ! these clowns didnt go away until i decided to throw back much larger stones, hehe.

another short episode. i was walkign the walls of jerusalem with an indian man from my group, just was talking to him and was telling him "wow dude, there in the east part of jerusalem where we live in the muslim quarter, toy guns are lieing in the street everywhere, really theyre every friggin where.." suddenly a window above us on the city wall with adjacent houses opened and a arab woman protested "no no, thats not true at all ".. see. these people are also in delusion. delusion about the n ature of g-d, their own role in the world, and that their attempt to kill jews will only kill a few of them while hundreds or thousands of their own will be slaughtered in the process. dont believe th modern humanist notion that all people are created equal and have same rights. just try to sit in your bosses office chair and youll see what happens, hehe.

we´re not the same. in fact the killed babies they are lifting up for european reporters cameras to be photographed as "victims in the struggle against evil israel", were probably human bodies with very little good life spirit in it. if they grew up bigger they would only further disblance the demographics in the levant. which g-d has now ordained for israel to be rebuilt. if only the stupid jews wold stop the homo-antics in tel aviv, they probably could hve the entire land. including the west bank and gaza. or is it that g-d is still mad at israel and decides on purpose for their land to be small and oppressed while the party happens elsewhere ? i dont know... lets stop rambling BS and go to the comparisons already...

 he is 180cm that sound also very reasonable for the hamas minister. is is also mid size guy..
 brows check, nose check, eyes check, forehead line check. a big beard can change an entire face drastically
 i still believe assad is played by tony greenberg too. but nobody confirmed it yet. so why are there still so many muslim countries while the jews milk them and deceive them ? it is written "until the return of christ and the kingdom come, jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the gentiles". and the "times of the gentiles" are not yet over. so until the "jeruscha" the inheritance of israel inheriting the new world (the REAL new world order, not the fake rothschild one), there is still some time to go. g-d wants to make shure that the jews with their tanakh alone are UNABLE to build israel. he alone is able to strike jacobs hip and cripple his human ambitions and turn him into israel the prince of g-d. then alone will israel rule over all nations on earth with an iron rod, under moshiakhs righteous rule. everyone who says otherwise, and thinks some black wearing longbearded clowns or spoiled beverly-hills-brats can rule righteously are seriously mistaken.
 very much the same indeed.
 same profile
 brows similar, eye wrinkles similar, noseflaps similar, chin section too.
 ears. remember the actors you "know" from television etc. might also wear latex in the first place, so we dont always know whats reality and whats not.
 ear outline is the same...
 inner ear structure remarkably the same
 inner ear similarities very strong.
 outer ear strong similarities.
 same again
 winkler aka ahmadinejad aka mcCain greets his fellow actors guild member..
and after successfully defecating we wipe it all up with WIPE-IT-PEDIA. (kike-ipedia)


  1. Mal wieder ein Meisterstück, 10000 Dank! Bezüglich der Ohren bin ich überzeugt und man kann es auch erkennen, das hier bei Clooney eine Ohrläppchenvergrößerungs- bzw. -verlängerungsprothese im Einsatz ist.

  2. Thanks a gazillion for your latest masterpiece.
    It is clear as day that Clooney wears
    earlobe prostheses/prosthetic ear-lobe extensions, convince yourselves on and

  3. Hi Marcus,
    I just posted this discovery on my site... I did not know you already discovered this! Good find.
