if people start doubting the integrity and godlikeness of the jew-race let them be accursed. let them be jewdicially ruined in courtrooms full of jew-lawyers (liars) and litigators, until they come to their senses.
the jew has spoken and it shall be done. on 7 days the jew created the world, and ever since noone dared to gainsay him. rule nr1 the jew is always right. if in some case he might prove not right, immediately rule nr1 applies. stop criticizing already. hand over the money, shut up and remember tomorrow at 6o clock i expect you groomed, showered and with fresh eau-de-cologne at my office to receive my righteous business orders.
did i forgot to say there must never be another holocaust ? never again ! germany is amalek ! german markuses need proper ridicule by righteous jew- brats in jerusalem. thats the only thing that will keep the world from spinning out of control.
nose chin, forehead. check.
profile with swollen forehead check.chin check mouth check.nose orifice check.
profile check. ear check. the typical swollen area above the eyebrows.check
ears check
south america: great place to fool some 5million gullible mestizos. just like those stupid gooks. useless trash..
ears check. brows check. nose check. eyes check.
ears ears ears check.
stache check. chin check. eyes check eyebags check. the only thing i never could make sense of is the teeth. omar sharif has a tooth gap at the front. che doesnt seem to have one.
the che enjoys a fine cuban cigar from his friend the superjew fidel castro. before inserting it into monica lewinskys pussy. has the talmud ever been wrong ? no inserting cigars is totally acceptable.
then the funnyest part. having the same actor cast in "che´s" role in the authentic movie. and noone notices.
if u crossbreed a baboon with a brazilian and also a kushi u get a really weird face in the process
nose. chin. swollen forehead. check.
same signature flow but thats just coincidence. the face too. coincidence. everything else also coincidence.
where are my meds i need another dose of morphine. yes honey pack my lunchbag for work tomorrow.
profile line check. jews must never forgive germans for the bad that was done to them. germans treated them bad since the middle ages. jews have a RIGHT to run the german government. what do i say ALL GOVERNMENTS. all governments should be run by funny jew-clowns posing as commoners inventing funny stuff to write into the "family" and "background" tag on jimbo´s wikipedia. laws dont apply to jews.
i watched lawrence of arabia the first time last year, age 30. its stilla good movie but peter oToole looks gay
probly hes a descendent of baboons. why does he have such a forehead ? anyway a smart baboon if any.
with this glorious picture, the peak of insolence has been reached. how dare he paint the evil horns on the holy picture of these 2 holy jews. that are not the same man at all ? what a chutzpah. *poot, spit* how dare he demand a house in Utah to live in. the whole world knows Utah is jew-occupied territory for mormon FBI and CIA agents (drones) that take jew-orders without questioning (if u believe in Mo-Joe you will also believe whatever the Jews in government tells you, stupid..)..what wold the world look like if homeless retarded STALKERS like him (convicts) cold have any say in this country. lets not make it happen ever. lets lock him away. his new ALF order is endangering our benevolent plans for this once great nation. UTAH was never meant for the son of Jacob, it is not Joseph country it is OUR COUNTRY, yes OUR COUNTRY ALONE. whoever says any different deserves a litigation case from prosecutor morbus A.Cohn.
Jimmy page looks more like Bill Clinton than Joe Biden. And both are musicians.