Saturday, October 6, 2012

Angela Merkel is Hannelore Kraft (or her sister)

 look at both women from 45° angle. dont they look much alike. chin. mouth. eyes.brows. nose.ears.
 yes very much so. again the mouth section same and lightblue eyes the same. the rest matches too.
 this is what this building is for. a money machine. its not about germans or germany. jews consider germany their property. they do with it what they want. dragged it through every form of shit in the last 70 yrs. germany has been treated so badly IMO it whould be better off divided into different parts and annexed by neighboring countries. this whole disney/hitler thing has ruined this country with all the evil lies. after all that germany offered the jews asylum for over 1000 yrs while they continuously abused its hospitality. but of course its their right to be treated as kings everywhere after all they are chosen by their g-d lucifer himself to run the world. everything else would be a complete disappointment. look at those clowns.
 is this pic even real. angie very unsharp while kraft in full focus.
 here at a soccer game or something like that.
 here together again. i dont know probly there are several actors for the same role available.or the pic fake ?

 same ear. hannelore krafts lobe here stretched out by an earring. the rest is a match.
 same ear again in this picture. if you listen to both voices theyre very simmilar too. dark voices. how did i find this comparison in the first place ? as always my siblings watched tv, this time famous german gameshow "wetten dass" and there was this politician lady. i think, i´ll be damned she sounds like angela merkel. went on the internet downloaded some pictures and started to compare...and there u hve it.its so easy to find new matches, since they constantly seek the limelight .... angie, angie, when will those clouds disappear...
 same ear. same bnai brith jewess doing her thing. should i quote now again from the good book about satan deceiving the nations until messiah comes back ? no probly it would offend the precious jews. i dare not.
 same ear again.only krafts earlobe stretched a bit by a heavy earring.
 and again
 same frontal view (i always call it "facial view"). same blue eyes. same geometry.same nose.same everything

 same profile too. merkel must wear heavy makeup like so many other politicians who are a complete waste of time. if you dont pay tax u go to jail or face their righteous "jewdicial system" (like i hve before). just look at how much makeup they plaster their faces with. on camera you dont see it. in RL it looks just so fake.
 both women are small and sturdy built.
 then the teeth. the top middle-right incisor is darkened for both ladies. coincidence i dont think so.
 look at the ears in the profile shot. same structure. that must be the same woman.
 the chin and in fact entire face looks the same in profile view.
 here i explained it in this picture. the darkened front tooth and the other 2 who are at an angle for both.
 angie, angie when will those clouds disappear.. with no lovin in our souls and no money in our coats...
 same profile again. slowly but steadily i understand why the muslims hate the jew so badly. he pulls stuff that only the devil himself could get away with.then if caught, he smirks and shrugs it off as a minor thing.
 too bad their own muslim government is completely jew-run, hehe. ALL muslim governments are ! jews dont care one bit in which cloak of deception they operate, all they care is the POWER. a muslim sheik having a dozen wives+ concubines+money to burn are the PERFECT, cover for an ambitious jew. ALL arabian emirates, sheiks in dubay kuwait etc are jews. not one is an arab. the arabs are the lower officials and working class, deceived by the venus/moongod allah they now serve the descendants of the people they once oppresed 2000 yrs ago. such is divine righteousness he works everything out on the long run.
 the signature dont match at all, but enough other benchmarks do match perfectly
are these pictures even real where both women appear together ? one is in focus, the other out of focus.
in US history sometimes the same actor would play 2 follow-up presidents so the same guy stayed in the white house without anybody noticing. why not do the same in germany now ? kraft looks like a promising new "kanzler" candidate, nobody notices shes the same person (or sister) of angela merkel. the biographies given on wikipedia are complete jew-fairy tales for both women. i hve to say angela merkel is a complete joke. shes not german at all her silly pyramid handsign looks gay.

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