Wednesday, September 1, 2021

THE PRAWN FILES - the royal arse


This post I wanted to do for a long time. Goal was to cover both partners at the same time. But it'll have to wait. I'm just gonna paste what I got so far. We're gonna start off with Rachel Weisz, married to Daniel Craig,  and Charlotte Riley, married to Tom Hardy.


Then there's Diane Gaeta and Charlotte Riley, who are identical because their husbands are. Logan Marshal Green is just Tom Hardy with an american Swag. They also look virtually the same.


But this is where it gets batshit crazy. Once we leave London and the earthen Crust behind, and go down that Rabbit Hole, we see shit that's hard to swallow. But we must keep looking for wisdom, and understanding. For by it the circle of the earth was spread out. She has made her tent in the market square, calling out to passersby. Yet nobody is interested. Even though her price is far above rubies.


Now that we have laughed heartily, let's take a good gulp of milk or orange juice, and continue on, for we're only about halfway through. Next batch of pictures is Belladonna and Rachael Weisz.



the two following pictures are belladonna vs Victoria Beckham. Since soccer players play for a myriad of different countries, it is obvious that their identities are fictitious, and only exist in the mind of the hoodwinked masses. Just like the Gladiators in ancient Rome, and further back. Bread and Games. The people demand. The actor will supply.


Now this is where it gets scary. How much power can a human being handle ? Most people crack easily under pressure. Some people can handle a bit more. But individuals that are put in charge of large groups of other people, always have a lot more on their plate. Children should learn from early age on, to never judge a book by its cover. 


Here's Bella and Kate. Not that far of a shot either.

Born in Salt Lake City to a mormon family.  Where the Stake Bishop Wielded his flexible Priesthood Rod. Yeah I almost believe it. 


So here we have it. The holy grail. The royal arse. In all its glory. And I'm the first guy to post these pictures. In 500 years, when some archeologist or alien cuts a harddrive from out the glass, still beaming with radiation, the first thing he'll get is a boner.


Truer words have never been said. This marks the end of our sermon, dear brothers and sisters. Only time will tell, if Tom Hardy is in fact Manuel Ferrara, alias James Franco, alias Jeff Buckley. And many more. Manuel Ferrara is probably the best male porn actor alive, not because he can slam a Hoe balls to the wall, they all can. But when you ask most female top talent, who their best shag was. You always end up with the same name. Manuel. Ferrara. I hope you understand now, that in order to rule over something, you first have to master it. And when you're born to rule over carnal men, it is no shame to master the carnal. May the force be with you all.


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