Sunday, September 22, 2013

alfred hitchcock = CS Lewis

clive staples lewis, famous christian writer early 20th century, who wrote the "chronicles of narnia" as well, but also "mere christianity" and other timeless modern classics, was identical to alfred hitchcock, the horror filmer...hitchcock put out movies like "the birds" or "vertigo"...i met a girl in YWAM who is now base leader, who might actually be his grandaughter, but wont disclose her identity as of yet.. but soon a whole new batch of matchups about YWAM will follow... it was started by illuminists like evry other church movement in history...whenever you cant wrap your head around the fact that EVERYTHING THAT HAPENS ON EARTH is done by authority. you have to read the temptation on the mount.. and read it again and again and again... it is written "ALL OFF THIS I will give to you if you worship me" not "some of this" it reads ALL OF playing a christian leader is a MUST and absolute standard for evry illuminist who reaches a certain degree...
 as all other famous christian icons, he was of jewish blood... born pretty precisely dawn of 20th century...
 this ones obvious, not so many pics needed...both men born in england, but hitchcock working mostly in LA
 same face, same man
 even in a tiny market in malawi, you can buy his books and christian classics for a couple pennies... they are wellwritten... it still amazes me how these people with one part of their self can precisely discern what the christian life is all about, with all its strengths and weaknesses... then get torn away into a diffrent alter where they tape horror movies...
 a CS lewis classic...
 same ear
 "the birds" was a famous hitchcock movie
 same nose
 a time magazine cover always suspiciuss
 NARNIA recently got turned into a movie, but LOTR was better in my opinion...
ok so that was clive staples lewis alias alfred hitchcock... next thread please...

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