Monday, August 12, 2013

THE WILD WILD WEST --- part 4 --- the cowgirl with the big nose...

as more and more Wild-West icons have to pass under the scrutiny of Sherlock-ALF, seeing wether they can live up to their name, we will now quickly go through a couple photos, and create a link to the following threads, where we will deal with the famous saga of the OK Corral shootout... but first lets take a look at this woman...
 here an actual photo (late 19th century, high detail not just a daguerre-type...)... of the woman we want to talk about... her name was Calamity Jane, a famous wildwest frontier character who was said to be an allaround roughneck, easily drinking her male counterparts under the table, being a better shot than most of her fellow gangmembers or suitors... how much of all these stories is really true, but we can again see the "shem", the name and fame being created for these people of very significant background...
 when you put the pictures of Calamity Jane up against yet another wildwest icon, it soon becomes clear they are in fact the same woman... in her other role supposedly being a woman from eastern europe, arriving on a german ship, the "Bremen" in america, lingering around, working in several bordellos, and becoming the girlfriend of yet another famous cowboy called Doc Hollyday, a dentist who never was able to produce a legitimate work certificate... his name is strongly connected with the entire OK Corral myth, the most famous gunfight to occurr in the pioneer days in the west, where supposedly many people were killed.. but that probably wasnt entirely true...more on that later...
 either way bignose kate, the hungarian immigrant with the funny hat, and calamity jane are completely 100% identical...g-d knows why we couldnt see this for such a long time...its right in our face...
 here a picture of kate (right side) and her sister...who probably also had alters as a wildwest-heroine..
 if this nose cant convince you then i probly dont know what else i can do to bring you to your senses...
 here again a picture of calamity jane, a small woman wielding a big rifle..we can see the amazing high detail of these photos in the mid-to-late 19th century...makes our line of work so much easier....stories about her working in a brothel are just a funny tale, but rest assured like all those women of high caliber, if they wanted an adventure with a handsome guy that aroused their interest,  they knew exactly how to make it happen, i guarantee...women are very crafty in these type of things...
 this was doc hollyday, her famous partner, from the OK Corral story... more on him later...
 we can clearly see both women are identical...not just eh nose but also mouth and overall facial shape line up perfectly..
 all these stories have been repeated to us so often again and again until they finally sink in, and become part of the matrix we all grow up in...
 for a final proof just look at the ear... completely the same. same face, ear, nose, same sturdy small body... bignose kate is calamity jane...
 the chin as well and the noserift, completely identical...
now i wanna post something else thats kinda important, a short timeline of photography as it developed. even in the middle ages the principle of the "camera obscura" was known, people constructed a small wooden room that could be drawn by horse carriage pretty much evrywhere, they darkened the inside completely, then put a tiny hole into the wall, through which the light from outside would enter in, creating an upside down image of whatever was in front, people, landscaped, whatever... then an artist inside this dark room could draw the lines of the scene, creating a very accurate high-detail picure, much like a photograph...

this was way back in the 17th or even 16th century, but probably much earlier.. remember the ancient greeks already had technology that was supposedly "discovered" much later...

we can see the first photographs didnt last long, the colors became lifeless within a couple of seconds or minutes, since the chemicals involved were not yet stable, but early in the 19th century the daguerre-type camera provided simple blackwhite pictures that would last for decades, and later second part of 19th century blackwhite in great detail...
 in the 20th century finally movie cameras took over, first blackwhite, later color, from tiny personal types all the way to gigantic cinematographic behemoths...even many generations before digital film was invented, they had the same detail and quality, just using regular analog tape...

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