Saturday, August 3, 2013

the secret mormon temple ceremony --- now available on youtube

a youtube user named "newnamenoah" has brought mankind one step closer to celestial glory, a private galaxy and countless sultry spirit brides, by videotaping the entire friggen ceremony of Salt lake city temple... whenever i get back to salt lake i gotta buy this guy a beer (or better yet an entire brewery...)...remember this building is the focal center of power for the entire valley, streets are named according to their distance to temple, and arranged like a chessboard (cityblocks are the squares)..

thanks to high definition cameras getting smaller and smaller, he was able to bring this ceremony (already consummated by entire generations of mormons) finally into broad daylight... it actually isnt all that secret orgy or toga party, no flogging or slaughtering chickens... they only go through a play where they recite some masonic essentials, handgrips, passwords, wearing funny white clothes... Sandra Tanner and her husband are probly sitting in their livingroom, laughing their butts off while watching this video

finally everybody can see this ceremony...having exposed the entire establishment in american history as alters from european illuminist royalty, its obvious why this "church" has been such a force for such a long time...

now you know why those mormons are so impossible to agree with... the rituals consummated have such strong hold over their life...since they have sworn to give their entire lifeblood, including all abilities, time, money to the LDS church...they swear the oaths with the right hand raised to the square, accepting the submission to masonry...which governs all world affairs during the 6000 years of mundane rulership...explained in countless other threads...

if youre an exmormon or member of the salamandersociety, its probly good to backup this video just in case they pull it...

hello i am bryson garbett, and i approve of this post. i support the new א  order and will jail every STALKER who wil dare molest my pure and immaculate daughters, or try to commune with them through electronic devices, like cellphone, pager, fax, a tamagotchi or the morse alphabet....just give it a try, the utah sherriff office is occupied 24/7 & 365...

forgive me, bryson... it wont happen again, let me look deeper into my mysterious hat to reveal even more prophetic insight to mankind...

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