Wednesday, August 14, 2013

the extended family of joan baez...

see this guy ? he sang the title song to one of the biggest german children´s tv series around one generation ago... it was called "die biene maja", a funny little bee that encountered countless adventures with her friend willy (who wore really nerdy glasses)... the name of the singer is Karel Gott, supposedly born and raised in czechoslowakia, he never forgets to wear a thick czech akzent...which of course is totally fake...just another guy in the german "Shlager" business... we all know where that leads to...dont we... to top it all off he also was at the eurovision, that alone in itself, like making a TIME magazine cover, getting a nobel prize or "bundesverdienstkreuz" would even tell the most clueless fellow that he is balls deep with the usual crowd...
 ok but here it gets interesting...i already had done this guys kids, and didnt even know it... thats why its imperative to take good care of your database, and index all your folders, so you can search for evry name within case you need to doublecheck or extend an existing folder...
 when i saw a picture of dalia lavi performing together with Shlager"gott" Karel in the 80s or 90s, he reminded me strongly of her present husband, a man named Charles Gans, who is an industrial tycoon in the eastcoast USA...but thats just one of his roles he has played in the past... and thats also why his children, like the ones above (aaliya aka jeanne assam and eyal golan aka bushido), also must have many more roles than the ones we already found...
 from all the music videos i uploaded to youtube, the best ones have gotten probably 100 clicks in one year.... for this guy, in the same amount of time, his videos get several million clicks...the press makes him out to be a super hard rapper, but in fact its just a facade he puts on... in fact he has a very saintly and calm aura just like his sister (i described this already in her thread)... theres something about this famly...its a good sign tho because real power always begins with submission...
 we can see the faces make perfect sense... here the mother joan baez in the 70s, and her son today...
 another identity of karel gott aka charles gans, is that of an anti-vietnam protester, who supposedly got booked and put in the can for a while, for his anti-war-efforts, but of course thats BS... watch again and see how ears and face line up... dont be fooled by the accent and language alone... you have to trust the biometry and your 6th sense...
 funny enough we all know these guys are horny as rabbits...i remember from when i was really young and had a transistor radio that i listened to evry weekend religiously, when the top40 charts were on, Karel Gott was  giving an interview and he said one of his hobbies were groupsex and swingerparties...hahaha...funny enough but he was a Shlager star meaning he was livin the high life having had his peak in the 60s and 70s and probably wanted to take advantage of his prominent position and fame...(they all do)...also mark czechoslovakia is famous for swinger clubs and sexualy liberal people with  great european bodies, thats why coons like pierre woodman and other vermin shoot all their movies there....
 but lets get back to business.. here we can see the ears at 90° and they are the same... i didnt even bother to go to higher resolution cuz its obviously him...the nose and evrything else also the same. same person...
 also another lo-rez shot but its obvious that its the same guy. why else would they hang together all the time...
 this they say is the latest wife of karel gott, much younger than him, but probably more likely a daughter.. name: iwana gottova
and here in an early picture we can see karel gott is from a lineage we have dealt with already...remember johnny halliday, and vladimir putin, and vladek sheybal ? thats the same blue eyes, intense look, facial shape....and geometrics... they might actually be brothers...from transylvania BOOHOOOO !!!!!!! what do i know... also reminds a bit of david hasselhoff...but lets not stop there... i have some more will now see another daughter of joan baez and her "god" of a husband...
 remember the insanely funny israeli comedy group named "LATMA" ? they bring a new "tribal update" evry week, the skits are about 10 minutes long each, where they make fun of israeli culture, politicians, and events occurring aroudn the world...the woman above to the right is also a daughter of Baez, and she initiated the whole thing. her name is Caroline Glick...if thats her real name is written on a completely diffrent leaf, but i´m pretty shure she also has many alters as movie persona, standup-comedian or politician...the apple simply doesnt fall far from the tree...
 here Caroline with her brother Muschido and her mother to the very left... samy famly...and it shows...
 here the "godlike" father to the left, we can see the inner ear lines up neatly... i didnt even bother to get more ear shots, since lately i overload evry thread with too many comparisons... its better to have only 2 or 3 that are good ones, than have 20 crappy ones all in one thread...

we´re diving deeper into history... friends... fasten your seatbelts, its getting really interestin..

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