Thursday, August 8, 2013

FAMOUS COMPOSERS --- Sucht er Händel ? Ja genau den suchen wir...

 we all know the two persona in this thread, but who would have thought that they were in fact the same man...the truth is right in front of us yet we cant see it...
 we´re talking a famous composer supposedly of german origin, and a famous british astronomer. both are 100% identical, not just the fancy wig, but also facial anatomy leaves NO DOUBT whatsoever...its not uncommon for this type of person to excell in far more than 1 profession...

 Georg Friedrich Haendel and Edmund Halley are the same person. they made the Händel character 20-30 yrs older. Haendel spent a large part of his later life in London, where also the royal astronomical society was located, that had already been established during his lifetime. ideal preconditions for his alter as cartographer, researcher, seafarer, physicist and astronomer. it was Edmond Halley that first published newtons research on physics...we all know him for being credited with discovery of halley comet...

 London back then was the most important city in the world, with the british empire in bloom, also remember the greenwich meridian runs right along there..these men layed the groundwork for many later generations of science and research...
 as his alter as composer haendel, he first wrote many italian style operas, mostly mundane themes, while later in his life dedicating himself to pompous religious pieces... he died at old age, almost blind...telescopes back in time werent so good, probably hurt his eyes by many years of stargazing...
 this is the greenwich observatory... i bet there must be many other famous astronomers that have alters, we need to find those too...
 here the story of how he discovered the comet...
 halleys drawing from an eclipse over the british island strangely reminds of one of englands biggest leylines..he also researched in magnetism, and travelled by ship to the south pacific to observe the southern nightsky and document a venus transit with a "camera obscura"...from the parallax they would calculate the earths distance to the sun. and were only a fracture of one percent off the modern calculations made by radar...incredible...
 the saying "sucht er Händel" of course is a quote from "Goetz von Berlichingen"... and has nothing to do with the actual person Halley / Haendel...

 in the 17th century they hadnt yet learned how to build compact cassegrain / newton scopes so they built some hilarious large refractors...the scope halley/haendel used for his comet discovery was said to be 24foot long refractor, but rest assured he had access to the best equipment of his time at any observatory be it paris, london berlin or elsewhere..
 if you still dont believe it just look at the signatures... they are identical
i could write a lot more, but dont have the time... on to the next discoveries...

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