Saturday, August 10, 2013

shaike levi likely brother of Bibinger...

 if youre jewish or israeli you might remember israeli all-time no1 cult classic "halfon hill doesnt answer"...where a blackhaired mediterranean type man in his 40s played the father of a girl (yaeli) who ran away to an out-of-control army base in the negev occupied by a bunch of fruitcakes... the man who played this father (victor hasson) is shaike levi... he still records music today, even well into his 70s... has a considerable belly in the meantime, and more semitic nose than Benjamin Netanyahu, but the ears are very close... i suspect they´re immediate family...
 this is an earlier picture of netanyahu from late 70s, debating an arab journalist about israels right to exist...
 look at both men, they´re not so incredibly far apart...
 the lobe is diffrent... and so are the noses...
 but at 45° the ears again arent so incredibly far apart...
 shaike  late 60s and netanyahu today, 2013...
 here the ear parade again...
 another angle, here at 90°
 see left side shaikes nose is more semitic, while bibingers nose more european...
 according to Ed bibi also played david berkowitz, who has a similar nose to shaike...there simply isnt a president, chancellor or king in any coutry who hasnt taken part in this global shushu gambit of staging opposition, blowing up empty hotels, offices or airports, pretending people would have been killed (which mostly is hoax...since they plan carefully)...
 again mark the noses arent the same... both pinhas lavon his father and bibinger himself have the same nose... i assume shaikes nose is real, since we´ve seen it all through the movie at closeup... also teeth of both men are diffrent, watch the incisors further down...
 again shaikes semitic profile...
 again he uses it to smell the nice salty sea breeze at eilat at the red sea.... *envy*
 in some pics shaikes nose looks not so semitic...thats strange...
not so far away...
 also mark the same chin and way of opening the mouth..very striking... probly brothers...
 ok we´ve seen enough pictures now...
 but then again look how similar they both are...
 and here the ears from 20°
 chin and skull so similar...
they cant be identical tho watch the incisors..great diffrence and shaikes teeth are authentic in this shot...

but now to something completely wont believe how similar bibinger and my father look, wait i´m gonna show you...

 left side friedhelm butzer, born 1953, right side shaike levi born 1939.... far as i know both men have no connection whatsoever... but we know that the ashkenazim at all times have dominated israeli society (and world history ) so shaike must have some sort of european ancestry... my father is from a village called Linkenheim-Hochstetten, near Karlsruhe and the river Rhine..who knows probly Shaike also through some weird coincidence is related to us...
 ashkenaz was traditionally the name for jewry settling in central europe, mostly germany, but also a word used for the scythian people, near the black sea...
 the ears are not so incredibly far away...
 look at how neatly at 45 they match up.... kinda funny...
 my father has raised 10 children and worked in medical facilities all his life. he´s a typical pisces... he also married a scorpio woman, both are a great match and produce traditionally much offspring (like fish in the water who also have much offspring through large amounts of eggs...)
 here the 45
ok that was a rather random thread....but sometimes you gotta do something unexpected and funky... otherwise you get caught up in your work too much...

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