Sunday, August 11, 2013

philipp II of makedonia was dareios III last king of persia

for an intro it would be good to watch the above videoclip taken from the oliver stone movie "Alexander" from 2004...the movie was a great watch because it was based on actual history with Alexander the Great played by Colin Farrell, his mother played by Angelina Jolie...the picture sported vast battle scenes with the greek phalanx fighting the persian army, great CGI as well as good actors...

 but now to the actual content.. so far we´ve dealt only with people and characters not older than a couple 100 years give or take... but as I´ve mentioned before this system of government is old, and i mean really old. since modern masonry goes back to rosicrucianism and older hermetic movements, it is nothing but the heritage of the mysteries of olde. like mentioned in the "two babylons" evry halfway prosperous culture under heaven that ever existed was run by initiates, that clung fast to the hermetic knowledge handed down to them....of course you cant read this in mundane history books, for we´re dealing here with insider info, not visible to the naked eye... they provided the people with entertainment (persian theatre, greek stadiums, roman amphitheatre, geoffrey chaucer and travelling jesters, shakespeare´s wooden globe playhouse, later the big roccoco opera buildings, wagners opera, and finally movie theatres of today..)... as well as writing all their great books, poetry and being the great inventors and statesmen of their times...
 now you might remember from the IMHOTEP thread that official history of old often is falsified to make the culture look more important, powerful and smart than they actually were...remember IMHOTEP and the actual Joseph from the bible being some 850 yrs apart....but since the winners can write history to their own benefit, nobody can question once it has been put into see the picture above, we´ve all heard about alexander the great, one of the most famous conquerors in known history. We all were told in school he suddenly died at age 33 after some amazing conquests and exploits all the way to when you hear the number 33 if you have any brains left all your alarm bells need to go off, since its one of the most important masonic numbers... and these numbers keep their significance just like those ageold symbols (ouroboros, black sun, hexagram, pentagram and many others)... remember the octagon found at st.peters square in rome, as well as on german WW2 dogfighters (eisernes kreuz) but also graced the fundament of the tower of babylon(tower of jupiter belus)... you can still look that up on google masonry is a religion, and in religions, the older, the better, you dont wanna change the system but go back straight to the roots...
 so alexander the great didnt really die at age 33 neither did mozart, they merely morphed into SB else...but now to the actual content... this simply came to me as i looked at the famous mosaic of King dareios fleeing from alexander (pic seen above)... this is the only portrayal of this last king of persia, that i could find, but then wondered how similar he looks to king philipp II of makedonia, alexanders father... strangely also their birth n death dates are almost identical... coincidence, coincidence...or probably not...
 then when you look further into it (you can check all this by watching the whole movie, or doing more research on historical databases), Alexander really was at odds with his father, since son of a woman philipp didnt really love that much, she wasnt a macedonian citizen but from abroad, and he preferred to strengthen the local power of the city-state. (remember greece was divided and ruled by separate city-states that constantly vyed for dominance)...evrything tasted really strange to me and i thought, dang probly after all dareios is the same as philipp II ? that would mean that when alexander kicked the ass of Dareios, and all the persian army, he simply DEFEEATED HIS OWN FATHER, WHO HAD GIVEN HIM SO MUCH TROUBLE IN HIS YOUTH....
 the two main battles that sealed the persian fate was 333 at issos on the northeastern mediterranean coast and then two years later at gaugamela further east in iran...after that the persian empire was finished and the greeks took over... thats why the septuagint was written and greek culture along with a stadium entered into judea, even jerusalem had one. (you can read about that in the book of maccabees)...
 here the scene from the movie, with angelina jolie playing alex´s mother, he himself being portrayed by colin farrell, and the father in the background (of course like jesus in "the passion" they had to turn him into a one-eyed illuminati, haha) played by Val Kilmer. and the more and more you look into it it makes perfect sense, since both the mother of the historical Alexander (a woman named Olympias of Epirus) as well as the wife of Darius III (her name was stateira) were said to be among the most beautiful in the entire world, at the time they lived... so there you have another "coincidence"...*cough* remember even today politicians call themselves the "acting president" or "acting secretary of state", and in ancient times it was no diffrent... "Sargon" the assyrian king of old, simply is a title and means "the legitimate king"....its really all there is to it..
when we read the book of daniel we also see 4 young hebrews getting new names ( shadrach, meshakh and abed-nego) once they serve in the palace of the king (himself being called nebo-chadnezzar, but since the name "nebo" is a babylonian idol, this also must have been a mere TITLE he had to use in order to prove the g-ds had granted kingship to him...
 so if we go back to our hero alexander and his famly...and are still in doubt, we simply need to look at some other pictures of Philipp II, still preserved in paintings, on ancient coins, or frescos throughout the former greek empire...all readily available from our good friend google...
 philipp II of makedonia looks strikingly similar to the famous painting of dareios III.... both have the wavy hair, the exact same firm nose, the moustache, and beards are worn by both men...there defo is a similarity...i mean , come on, just look AT THAT NOSE ! but in other pictures its even more striking...
 the statue on the left side lost the nose, but you can still see the facial geometry lining up as well...
 look at these two pictures... everythings identical, all the way down to fine details, the eyelid, the pronouced feature on the dorsum of the nose, the beard, and even the scar or RIFT BETWEEN THE my conclusion: in all likelyhood both men were identical, being a highpriest of the old mysteries these aristocrats had control over both empires, and formed the respective pool of governors, kings, priests, as well as artists, poets and theatre-directors.. (the greek theatre was a big deal, men played the female roles, they had diffrent masks called "persona" they could put on to play diffrent people...those greeks loved their theatre much like we dig our movies today !)...
once you´ve wrapped your head around it, evrything else starts to fall into place... the wife of Dareios III and the mother of alexander are identical as well, how else would they both be praised for their outstanding beauty... even after the battle of gaugamela, when darius had fled, alexander was said to have treated the remaining famly of the fallen monarch with utmost respect, like he would have his own family. D´UH they WERE HIS OWN FAMLY... 
 so you think this is a far stretch and i´m making stuff up... just wait, there must be dozens and dozens more matches of ancient history that can clearly be identified, since we have both excellent historybooks available online as well as countless coins, busts, ancient frescos, statues preserved on the internet...after a while when the newer matches are so easy and become routine, you can delve deeper and do the more challenging ones...
i mentioned the book "temple at the center of time" before... and heres one i found myself after being inspired by the work of David Flynn.. the actual battleground of Issos (near iskenderun/alexandria in modern days turkey) is also 333 miles away from temple mount in jerusalem, israel...we can clearly see world history is wrapped around the focal centerstone, the G-man, there can be no doubt about it, and evryone who starts to debate this, is simply a clown !...

so lets make a short resummee...alexander didnt die at age 33, his father Philipp II of macedonia identical with Dareios III, last king of persia, and his mother Olympias of Epirus was Stateira, the prettyest woman in all of Asia...

lets keep our eyes open, probably we can find who Alex morphed into after his supposed "king kill" ritual...
guys, this is getting so interesting !....


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