Saturday, August 3, 2013

Michael Ballack is Matt Damon, and related to Stefan Raab...

 we´ve already seen lothar mathaeus, philip lahm, marco reuss, the goetze brothers adn the greek guy with the long shaggy hair all having alters as royals, actors or this one shouldnt be all to shocking..
 i have to say tho the finds still surprise me myself, its hard to wrap yer head around it and reprogram the computer...
 but thats the same skull and ear
 the autographs also are very close
 i still marvel at the cosmetics department, these guys sweat for 90 minutes, run at top speed, pull each others jerseys or hair, and make violent headers, how can these cosmetics last so well ?
 here another 45
 the ear
 and the ear at 90°
 this one i made about 12 months ago, when i found matt damon to also be aaron sorkin...
 often we only find 1 or 2 alters at a time, but often there are many more...
 it doesnt get much more obvious than that...
 i´m also shure stefan raab is related to him, raab a bit older and fuller face, but same eyes + nose...
 stefan raab is a german comedy host + jester who started doing musical comedy, later got his own (very popular) tv show, until he reinvented himself and started to do a gameshow (schlag den raab) where he tries out evry sport under heaven, or if it doesnt exist yet, just makes it up, like sliding down a bob track in a chinese wok frying pan.. his trademark is his constant grin..more on raab later...
ballack was captain of german national soccer team...
 now lets look at the wives called luciana barroso and simone lambe-ballack (they supposedly separated)
 the two women at first glance look completely diffrent until you put the heads precicely up against each other...this is another example how easily the eye is deceived...
 i first thought no way theyre the same, but then comparing at 90° the eye-opener...the profiles are identical..
and you cant see it just becuase of some makeup and a diffrent language / accent...crazy stuff...

and its not just the skull, also the teeth, gums (!), eyebags and overall features..
so this ones a clear match and can go to the files of scotland-ALF...

 as i am writing this blogpost, my brothers are sitting in the neighboring room just 15 ft away, playing silly computer games, cause they didnt believe me when i told them they too could play in the national team one day...
 so our upbringing, social class and expectations toward self has a large impact on our lives...

enough for this thread, mroe about stefan raab in another thread...


victor sforza said...

I think i may have given u the heads up on this one a few months ago. Not suprised since matt is very athletic and could probably pull this off. Not sure if u are familiar with american/canadian sports but i believe that Borat may be vancouver canucks goalie roberto luongo. And gina luongo is that actress from true blood.i believe this to be very possible.

victor sforza said...

I just wonder how he splits his time between soccer/actingand other projects. Gotta be exausting. I watch bundesliga games on my cable system so im very familiar with these guys. Wonder if georgio chinaglia is really dead??

St.Mark said...

hey victor u gotta friend me on facebook theres only a handful of folks that do this typof research..

victor sforza said...

Hey markus im off facebook for a while. Too much nonsense. Ill check in with you via your blog from time to time. Loved your essay about america being the new egypt.very thought provoking.

St.Mark said...

ya it took me over 3 months to write that one, and it still wasnt completely finished but needed to get it off my back...too much emotions involved...great that you like the blog, its great to get some feedback....i also have a youtube channel..

victor sforza said...

Markus i'm not sure if you are familiar with american baseball but i've been looking at Roberto clemente who supposedly died on a mercy mission to earthquake ravaged nicaragua on december 31 1972. I think although i'm not positive that he was also harry belafonte the singer/actor. Wonder if u care to take a look. Again not 100% sure but i find the facial similarities striking. Been looking at this one for some time but i need to bounce this off someone else. Peace.

Unknown said...

Lou Gehrig = Nelson Rockefeller