Saturday, August 10, 2013

master and commander...

 then jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil
 after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. the tempter came to him and said...
 "if you be the son of g-d, tell these stones to become bread"...
 jesus answered, it is written "man shall not live by bread alone.."
 "but from every word that comes from the mouth of g-d"
 then the devil took him to the holy city, and had him stand on the highest point of the temple
 "if you are the son of g-d" he said, "throw yourself down, for it is written"...
 "he will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands"..
 "so that you will not strike your foot against a stone"....
 jesus answered him "it is also written, thou shalt not tempt the l-rd thy g-d"...
 then the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour
 "all this will i give to you" he said" if you bow down before me and worship me...
 jesus answered "away from me, Satan, for it is written, worship the l-rd your g-d and serve him only"...
 then the devil left him, and angels came and attended to him...
of course we all have heard this excerpt from the "temptation on the mount" before...would there be a more fitting place to mention it than in this thread where we can see the biggest mason of the past 500 years, with his multiple alters revealed... this man had it all.. he was captain in charge of huge sailing ships for expeditions to the southern hemisphere, and led vast armies in the war of independence on the north american continent...
 he composed some of the most distinguished works in the history of the classical symphony orchestra, and even during his lifetime was regarded as a monolithic figure in music...he further was a judge and politician, excelling as an orator and established statesman, people came to him when they wanted something done. both during his lifetime as well as afterwards, he was showered with praise, medals and lofty titles...
the story of james cook dieing by the hands of revolting savage islanders is of course the usual whopper.. after a while you learn to read between the assured he lived to a ripe old age probably 100 years...for each person that he played he had the perfect backdrop, in vienna where all the composers mingled and socialized, he spoke accent-free italian...(the italian opera was the big whizz among composers during that era...) america, he used the strong and confident language only north americans have, probably with a mouth full of chew, so nobody would doubt he was a real england he transformed himself into a lord of impeccable repute complete with noble empire accent, and as the captain at sea he was able to yell commands up to the crow´s nest and highest topsails like the "master and commander" that he was...who knows, probably he sang sea shanties with his crew, while downing a nice mug of grog, before reclusing himself again to the back of the ship, into his admiral´s cabin...
 remember every member of the wig party had a trademark wig, they are pretty easy to tell have the birthdate, the wife, the face and background, so its actually not that hard to identify a person with great accuracy...
 this one was found by Ed... he still doesnt wanna talk to me and has me blocked from his youtube channel...since i told him that his name means "witness" in hebrew... well, one of my principles is i never push people to do anything, and give them free will..even if its bad for them... i´d really like to talk to the guy he has done some groudbreaking work, and is IMHO a real american...there are not many left of this kind...
 how many hundred years will these gigantic stone sculptures on mt.rushmore last ? i dont know, probably 1000yrs, probably much longer...or probably they will be destroyed by some sort of iconoclast movement, lets not forget g-d is jealous and does not like it when people amass too much glory, so probably those will be destroyed at some point in time like the very old Buddha statues by the radical taleban in afghanistan...but they might as well last many more hundred years...being declared UNESCO world heritage site...
 the book of proverbs says "it is the glory of g-d to conceal a matter, but the glory of ALF to search it out"
 the easiest part for me is to follow my instincts, twist some pictures with irfanview and put them up against each other, use the snipping tool and feed my database...but the hard part is finding anybody to agree with you, when people are so desperately sold to masonic magic that covers the entire continent like a thick grey carpet of clouds of a huge low-pressure system...
i have only provided the basic essentials here, if you´re interested in any of the 4 characters in particular, the composer, or the captain, the general and foudner of america, or the british Lord, you have many websites and sources at your disposition to look them up in detail...I probably would have loved to sail around on one of James Cook´s ships...have a hang for nature, being out in the open, and away from the noise of people...
mark wherever this man went, he put up masonic pillars, obelisks, on places of discovery, his numerous death sites, where big battles happened, or other points of importance... so now this stuff stands everywhere both in the pacific, in europe and on the north american continent...he also has the american capital named after him, and countless libraries, government buildings, and all sorts of other stuff...
if you still cant believe that all the above mentioned persons are in fact the same man, just look at the wives...
 the wives are the same as well...even the same headdress...
 on one picture she is older, less fleshy face, the other shows her in her prime, wellnourished and happy..

but its the same woman... soon as i find out more about this famly, either ancestors or descendents, I will make a new thread...

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