Monday, August 12, 2013

louis XIII of france revealed....including all his side characters...

click the video link above to hear about the castle of versailles, and how it grew over time... the man who laid the foundations of it was Louis XIII, king of france, the father of louis XIV, the sun king, (roi de soleil) whom we treated already in a former post, where his other characters both as composer, astronomer and writer were also revealed...

 we will now talk about his father, whom you all heard about in already have a basic idea what his accomplishments and writings, and compositions were, and also have heard about his royal role as king of france, and father of the biggest king in recent french all you have to do is put the puzzle together and see that in fact all men mentioned in this thread are identical, and try to wrap your head around it...
ludwig XIII of france was also rené descartes. it was him who founded the famous versailles castle, which you probably have visited on a vacation trip to france (since france is the country worldwide with the most tourists) his days the building had not come to reach its full splendour yet, but his son finished the project, turning it later into a colossus with over 2000 rooms and chambers, imagine that...
 this man was a philosopher and is credited with the famous phrase "cogito ergo sum".. he published meditations on philosophy, of course in latin, not just any of the other mundane languages he also spoke (german, french, english, hebrew and likely others too..) all aristocrats he had during his adolescence the best teachers available, to lay a solid groundwork for his later calling in life...
 in all times in history the ruling class or scholarly people spoke special languages, to set them above the mere workingman, even in ancient babylonia and assyria (500BC), where the upper class spoke sumerian, along with chaldean, aramaic or babylonian, and so it was also in the middle ages, where latin, and for clergymen, hebrew and greek was a solid standard...they published much of their works in these languages...
 the hair of this man was long and curly, you can see it on every picture, and it is easy to identify, along with the beard and signature facial features, like"spitzbart" and straight aristocratic nose...the eyebrows also are identical...
 so are the signatures, written back then with a fountain pen, since the rollerpen wasnt invented yet...
we can see that in every epoch in history, people had a different writing style... during the kaiserreich and weimar time, the old highgerman letters and fractals were still in use, during romanticism people wrote very elegantly with much curvy embellishment, in modern days you have a whole variety of different writing styles... the celts after the collapse of the roman empire in europe, had a somewhat bland and not very artistic style, we can also see their artwork not being as distinguished and detailed as in the former high classic cultures of greece and rome...
 so its obvious that rene descartes the philosopher and king ludwig III of france are the same man, even a toddler or 3yr old can see that...
 and so it goes on and on, this was Louis´s father, meaning georg friedrich haendel´s grandfather, his name was henry IV of france... his image in return reminded me of a seafarer and discoverer... its just a matter of time until i will find him as well...its so easy since we have excellent detailed paintings going as far back as the middle ages... so the last 500 years are actually pretty easy to cover...but as you´ve seen in the dareios III thread, we can go much further back and make accurate predictions, since we know how the blueprint works...
 you´ve seen this picture before, with another identity of the same man revealed. he was also georg haendel, father of famous composer george friedrich  haendel, who was identical with louis XIVetc.. (when i write "etc." like in this case it means he has other alters, but i cant mention them evrytime, lest the threads would probably end up being a mile long...) all three separate identities are to be seen here complete with death & birth dates... and likely these were not his only ones...

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