Monday, August 12, 2013

LDS INC. --- part 7 ---coming full circle...

 you´ve been wondering what to make sense of albert pike  aka jonny brahms playing karl marx, while we have forgotten about friedrich engels, his "partner in crime", who was just as important for the spread of communism in europe, russia and many asian countries than marx himself... well well..the puzzle is growing constantly, and I´m glad to present to you Friedrich Engels alias Brigham Young, alias the father of Whyatt Earp and his brothers, alias John Fitch Kinney...
 it is now obvious that the two (Albert Pike and Brigham Young) were brothers, formenting their hermetic agenda together, they had known each other since their youth, so they were a great team...
 brigham young alias friedrich engels was the older brother, he probably took the lead in most incidences...we can see he has brighter eyes, just a slight little grin, while his brother looks in some photos more like a psychopath or a predator with a very large wide face and his gigantic santa clause beard...remember these people are luciferians...their "system" doesnt work unless they bring offerings to their entities, the lower, fallen demon g-ds that fell to earth before the flood, on mt. hermon in todays lebanon... a place that was also called "phoenicia".. remind anyone of "phoenix" the firy bird that the masons so adore...
the wars they formented are gigantic ritual mass sacrifices, where people wearing masonic insignia on their uniforms get led around by the nose until they die in some crappy snowstorm in stalingrad, a trench full of mustard gas in verdun, or get shot down by flak over a european city....but since these soldiers reason only on the mundane level, not touching hermetic reality, they cannot complain, since they get what they asked for..
 these are only 3 of his alters, but likely he has many more...he was a bigtime player...
 look at the eyes and the skull.. same man...
 this ones a 100%...i wish they all would be so easy... for yuri gagarin aka dallin hoax, i had to invest over an hour..
 the graphs also are the same since written by the same man... mark for the noble american signature, he writes a bit more fancy, while choosing a somewhat simpler flow when he wants (as Friedrich Engels) to identify with his russian peasant comrades...
 thats cabbalism, black and white, good and bad, bitter and sweet, male and female... thats what the snake used to beguile eve in the garden of eden, when she believed that everything was relative, no absolutes...
 birthdates differ slightly but its him, the other brothers of brigham young all have more slender features and are not even an option...
 the ear as well... same ear...same man...
brigham young was friedrich engels ! and while his loyal beehive followers kicked me dutyfully out of their pleasure spot in the wasatch valley, his statue (just like heinrich heine´s in dusseldorf) stands in berlin in over lifesize, i walked past it so many times, and didnt even realize it was him !

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