Wednesday, August 7, 2013

i got 99 problems but Jay-Z aint one....

 louis farrakhan and jay-z are remarkably similar, only the ear differs. very likely the son, or for a far stretch a grandson...but theyre only 40 yrs apart...
 ear dont match, but rest match...
 farrakhan is "nation of islam" leader, a new religion he started himself, that is outlined for the american arab / black minority.. we often hear him on tv railing fire & brimstone against george bush / obama etc... but theyre all in bed they´re putting all the options on the table, but ultimately WE DECIDE which movement stalls and which becomes a in fact the system isnt that unfair...
 skull very close..
 see how similar they look..
 here the benchmarks...
 jay-z probly not yet but farrakhan speaks fluent hebrew i´m shure...
 the skull again...
 remember Jay-Z is the rapper that flashes the "triangle sign"...thats why some ppl think he´s an illuminati overloard, but in that club he´s not yet such a big number yet...
very likely father n son...


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