Monday, August 12, 2013

from the 10 amendments to the elysian mysteries...through the son of george washington...

this man was the fourth president of the newly founded United States of America, his name, James Madison...but he had an alter as a german writer of the romantic period, and was publicly known as Friedrich Hö can identify him easily on pictures because of his silent, settled and almost saintly stare...his works, like in all other cases of his predecessors and followers, would be taught in public schools, read in literary circles, at a "Schubertiade" or in cafe´s or artists parlours... or adapted as stageplays... pretty likely you have already heard about both men in school, but didnt know they were the same guy... well, now you know...
 here the two bios, both men are 20 years apart but thats not a big me they are the same..
 very easy to recognize because of the typical face... his master literary work "hyperion", yet another name from classic greek literature, is about a man in modern times, who feels strongly attached to classic greek humanism, philosophy, thinking and lifestyle... this was typical after the pompous days of baroque (remember the castle of versailles louis XIV) and all the reformations from luther to knox to zwingli or calvin, all throughout europe it had left its traces, and the founding pilgrim fathers, who escaped religious persecution in europe, that had landed on the eastcoast colonies with their largebrimmed hats adorned with a belt buckle...
 now these days were coming to a close and people wanted to feel again, breathe again, lost themselves in bohemian lifestyle, passion for nature and sometimes also desire to die prematurely. (remember joseph smith aka heinrich heine, or the impressive landscape paintings of caspar david friedrich)...
 this is what james madison aka hoelderlin looked later in life, here his wig looks much more like his fathers, but without the double curls...
 yet another picture of older madison...
 and here a little collage of 3 consecutive generations...remember the death dates are fake anyway, and the birth dates might vary to up to 20 years... a person in the middel of his life, 40-50 can bridge the largest gaps from up to 20 years give or take...
 here the wikipedia for both men.. rest assured he has many more characters i just havent foud them yet...
 hyperion was holderlin´s main work, and madison has been famous for formenting the 10 amendments together with george washington (his father, but that is not officially acknowledged)...
 here the two signatures line up as well...

so from the "old fritz" to george washington to madison to oliver cowdery alias jedidiah m. grant was only 3 generations...isnt it amazing how accurately we can reconstruct this whole puzzle, and make sense out of it all ? i think it is highly fascinating... on my home planet...such shady "shushu kishuf" is unknown, because people live happily ever after under their fig tree eating pomegranates and dates all day long...

this was another link in the chain... but theres more....much more....

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