Saturday, August 10, 2013

Das Kapital -- Giuseppe Garibaldi -- and Rick Rubin...

click the link above...this is a lullaby that my parents sang to us when we were really small, before kissing us goodnight and turning off the lights... i still remember the soft gentle voice of my father, who rarely sang other than on family reunions or to bless the food before a meal... this lullaby also was written by johannes brahms aka albert pike, one of the greatest luciferians of the modern age...(remember the "pipes and tabrets"quote...) and now you will see who A. Pike alias J. Brahms also was...

 in truther circles, the letter from albert pike to giuseppe mazzini, one of europe´s biggest masons of his day, is discussed far and wide...but few people know that Albert Pike, who wrote in detail of how to use that war to cover all of russia in communism, and use it later to forment the second war (WW2), was in fact the same man as KARL MARX, supposedly son of an insignificant rabbi from Russia... But when you look at Pike aka Brahms and put them against Marx, its obvious they are the same man...

 here the benchmarks for all 3...when you walk through berlin today, you can still see all the statues and monuments erected for all those communist icons...we can see the duality being played out, much like in the space race, where chosen aviators and astronauts take on their respective "american" and "russian" persona...
 and here the signatures of all 3 plus another character that he also italian general of the 19th century  called giuseppe garibaldi... its obvious they´re the same...and in case you still havent figured how its being played, THEY NEVER CHANGE THEIR HAIRSTYLE and constantly wear the same old beard and yet people cant see it...
 in case you didnt know garibaldi, he was one of the generals who formented the "modern italy" before later it was taken over by the funny gnome mussolini, and lost the war together with germans and their even funnyer gnome hitler...with silvio berlusconi right now still in power, we can see this once great country has now become a gnome joke of the highest pike was one of the highest decorated generals of his age, fighting both in the american cvil war as well as the european mainland...this is how all wars in known world history worked, but unspiritual people, who hope to gain wealth & power through those wars, are led to the slaughter since they refuse to open themselves up spiritually to their creator, who clearly explained how material wellbeing must be based first on spiritual wellbeing..
 here the wikipedia for garibaldi complete with made-up biography....
 so all those great works were formented by the same man, and this is the rule, not the exeption as you will see in yet another thread on george washington, and his alter as famous composer, and yet another alter as captain and seafarer...
 this be giuseppe mazzini, to whom the famous "3world wars" letter was written...
 again the faces of brahms pike and garibaldi...same man...
 writer of "the hungarian dances" as well as "morals and dogma" and "das kapital"...
 they all flash the "hidden hand" and yet we cant see it...
 here marx and brahms... not just the beard but also facial geometry, glance and eyes... same guy...
 take a look at record producer "rick rubin", one of our times greatest composer and recording engineer for modern pop music.. he worked with Jay-Z, metallica, system of a down, Run-DMC, wolfbane, christina aguilera, and many other prime acts.. whenever a band gets old and they cant sell any records anymore, their label hires rick rubin for the next cd and the sales peak out again...he isnt restricted to a single form of music, but excells in rock, metal, rap, softpop, whatever you want, he does it...100% shure he also has alters, since direct descendent of this monolithic figure of masonry. he sports the same beard, and loves eastern style meditation...(also recorded albums for krishna das)...his recording studio is an old villa standing on a hermetic point of importance. he has a funny stuffed bear in the studio, old carpets, its a good place to record music...dont laugh, but it was him who recorded the "99 problems" song with Jay-Z...

 off topic: here you see the guitar halfstack of mike ness from social distortion, with shriner hat on top... believe me without masonic connections or famly heritage theres no way you´re gonna "rock n roll" your way all the way to the top..."ness" means "miracle" in hebrew, i explained that already last year (search for the post "funny and random meanings of hebrew words"...
 here rick rubin on his gigantic persian rug, on his comfy sofa with a luster and the described bear...this man obviously knows how to create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere for his artists to be able to give their very best... this is the trademark of a good producer, he can feel out the inmost desires of his protégé, then use all his abilities and equipment to be a facilitator for the artistic process to follow...
 here a partial discography of Rick Rubin...
 he is also into meditation and has some buddha statues and other indian idols or statues in his house...
 the ancestor (right side) and his offspring (left side)...
 these people all know each other and interact vividly, like here clara schumann aka anette v.DH aka margret fuller, who played many of brahms works being a piano virtuoso, married in return to yet another composer (robert schumann) who had just as many alters as her...theres no end to all this research...

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