Monday, August 12, 2013

AVIATION HISTORY --- part 3 --- the many faces of Anne Lindberg

let me show you a little bit about the greatest aviatress in the short history of aviation that modern man has seen so far... remember its only around 130 years ago that Otto Lilienthal aka Orville Wright made his first glides at the "Wasserkuppe" in germany, just to 10 years later successfully having the first short but straight and controlled enginepowered flight with his "wright flyer" as his alter Orville Wright..
this woman we are now gonna talk about was THE GREATEST AVIATRIX so far, playing different persona on diffrent continents in diffrent countries (those I found so far, but probably even more, probably a south american alter too in brazil or argentina...)...

 in her main role she was the wife of charles lindberg, another aviator of world reknown, who is credited to have crossed the atlantic in solo flight for the first time, with his famous mail airplane, the "spirit of st.louis"...
but let us look at his wife Anne Morrow Lindberg, and gaze in astonishment how many other female flight heroes are completely, and by that i mean 100% identical with her...
 this is her sister, by the name Aemilia Earhart, supposedly not related, but they have a very similar face, in fact almost the same, but Aemilia has a thinner nose, more petite and slender features whereas Anne has a fuller face, larger noseflaps, those 2 are clearly not the same but must be sisters... Aemilia Earhart is the woman who is said to have "disappeared" mysteriously during her flight around the world... funny enough she got lost above papua neu-guinea (where the dangerous cannibals live), very close to New-Zealand where she took on another identity of yet another famous aviatrix, more about that soon...
 we can see the sisters look similar in every photo that you put up against each other, since they are of the same blood and likely have the same mother...thats also why the skull is so similar...
 but then when you compare Anne M.Lindberg to one of her many alters, everything fits bang on, like in this one where she is shown as her turkish alter Sabiha Gokcen, first woman in the world to fly in any airforce, and be a part of combat... one fo the 3 biggest international airports today is named in her honor, but undoubtly there are a couple more worldwide that she served as namesake. this woman was really connected a real princess... we can see the ears above are identical...same woman...
 i first thought they would be identical, but sometimes even I, ALF am too hotblooded and later have to amend my finds, to satisfy even the most critical fellow, just waiting to haul his criticism at me and justify his pussified little phantasies of how the world works...but just because they wear the same headress and have same skull doesnt mean they´re identical yet..
 again the skull and its obvious they are sisters.. Earhart being easily recognized by her smaller and finer nose..
 another great marker is the teeth, since earhart has an incisor gap, but Anne has a nice neat row of teeth perfectly lined up, you will later see who her daughter is (the biggest female astronaut of our time)...and also when you look at Aemilias teeth again, you will recognize she´s the mother of a woman we discussed already in detail, I am talking about Jane Birkin, wife of Serge Gainsbourg...and all their respective alters...both have exactly the same fangs...
 the teeth just like signatures are a great last resort when you just cant nail it... here we see sabiha gokcen and anne lindberg are 100% identical...
 but she had also a british and german alter, both women of great fame.. Hanna Reitsch was a pilot in nazi germany having like all her other characters a cult-like status among everyone, since every little child knew her name from the "volksempfaenger" (german radio) and the omnipresent newspapers... so while people sent away their sons to the Ostfront, having them come back in bodybags or without legs and arms, they all heralded this supposedly "german" icon of flight, who of course tested every possible prototype and cruised around both in gliders, messerschmitts, bombers, or the simple but sturdy "fieseler storch" a slow reconaissance plane that could fly so slow you almost could jump into it during a slow assured she also flew every other crazy thing the german engineers had come up with, ,like the predecessor fo modern jetplane, the messerschmitt 262... she simply had all the toys at her hand... and nobody knew that Hanna Reitsch in fact wasnt german at all...
 here again a picture of Hanna Reitsch (far left) and nose, jaw and skull are identical with Anne Morrow Lindberg aka Sabiha Gokcen...
 then she had another british alter, also aviatrix of reknown, who later supposedly died bailing out above the thames river... we can see all those stories are simply made up, since so many other characters "died" in planecrashes before and still do today... some of them , like Markus Schrenker, fail hilariously however, but that doesnt stop the wheel from rolling, and after some lawsuits and phone calls from the higher ranks, the fallen illuminatus soon gets a second chance, having moved to a different location with a new identity...
see that is why it is written "the devil prowleth around seeking whom he can devour"... and also in psalms "protect me from the man whose lips speaketh falsehood and whose right hand is a right hadn of evil".... because the G-man knew from the very start what would happen when the j-ws would become apostate, and all the far-reaching consequences for the entire world and history to follow...
 also mark the similarity between anne lindberg and enid blyton, who was far heavier in the latter part of her life, i dont think theyre identical, also diffrent teeth (Anne´s fangs are smaller and better aligned)... but they were likely sisters... remember i never can get the whole picture at once, but like a police comissioner at scotland-ALF need to dig through the straw heap bit by bit....
 again the noses of both sisters, one small, one with more pronounced flaps...

 remember the larger family of this clan was just as active playing diffrent royal roles, like here attaturk, founder of modern turkey, who was sabiha gokcen´s father...
 these pictures are now dedundant since i explained evrything already.. but i´ll just leave em here just in case...
 if you scroll all the way down i´ll provide a list of the characters already identified...
 mark also in typical fashion these people cannot lay off their characters just like that, they have to play them to the dead end like age 80, 90 or even 100, being paraded around like kings when in fact they have deceived evrybody... so some of their glory and fame has a bitter taste to it, but still they are our heros since we live in the mundane world, and are all deeply rooted in this system of things...
 sabiha and anne same teeth, same woman..
 the sisters have the same eye...
 they also like the same type of short curly well shampooed hair...
 again the eye of both sisters
 here 3 mouths all are identical...
 the signatures of both sisters
 and skull also a close call...
 but diffrent nose...
 here a short list of things as of now (mid august 2013) regarding this famly of flight pioneers
 you can see the daughter of Anne Morrow Lindberg is just as crafty as her mother, this pic is already 1 year old.... but she has just as many russian alters as american ones. in fact the whole space program is a family business, with astronauts flying back and back again to the ISiS space station using diffrent national identities... the baghavad gita writes about the foolishness of modern technology, with people thinking they can reach higher planets and levels of existence through the use of technology... i just dont think much of what we do as humans is on a conscious level...

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Amelia Earhart also played Tatiana Romanov, Grand Duchess of Russia. The Romanovs, of course, faked their deaths. Amelia also went on to play her younger sister Grace after her 1937 "disappearance".