Tuesday, July 16, 2013

the royal bloodline of rock & roll

since most of these characters are unknown to the 10 or so readers who regularly browse my blog, i will provide some wikipedia data....

 most of the later stars already started out in the IDFs entertainment troupes. evry branch (army navy and airforce ) has its own entertainment band...

when i meet up with berry for the first time i need to spank him for being a nasty boy fooling the public telling us he was born in izmir. have to admit tho his music has authentic turkish influences...its close to european rockmusic, but with prolific middle eastern touch to it, with those changes of major/minor that only occurr in hebrew music which sets it apart (or better yet sets it above) evry other music available on the planet. thats why i collected for the last 3 years almost EVERY OF HIS SONGS, having no idea that his identity also is just an alter...probably he has at least a turkish alter and probably also a european or american one...

berry was founding member of minimal compact, also jammed with foreign affair, later often with rami fortis (another small but awesome artist, whom they make out to be "born in iraq" which probly also is a whopper)....
 some bio about henoch, waiting to be raptured...

hossa ! hossa ! hossa ! hossa ! fiesta fiesta mexicana....

 now look at that nose and chin... coincidence i dont think so...
 then look at arik einstein left side and shalom henoch aka michael frege, right side . check the brows, the nose, chin, mouth.... dont they look like brothers ?
 even the crease between nose and eye, as well as nose and chin, everythings so similar
here look at frege/henoch and slomo artzi, who once sang at the eurovision with the title "at va ani" (you and me)... artzi like sakharof can rely on a group of musicians he can count on, who toured and recorded with him for a long time, guaranteeing steady quality of his output...look above those 2 skulls are very close.
 also berry the hittite and arik are very close..

 berry´ leh why are you doing this to me ? grrrrrrrr !!!!!! i will steal your red gretsch hollowbody and sell it to the next gypsy street musician to save for my "ALeF base" global headquarters in rosh nikra...

 suspishuss suspishuss...
 artzi is smaller than the other brothers, but same ear and similar profile. conclusive evidence that would even convince judge claudia laycock during any given cross-examination....

 i could go on all day... here frege and berry also similar profile...kindof....
 now the ear on frege and berry also much alike... should berry sakharof in fact be descended not from izmir, but instead an old ashkenazi bloodline ? sometimes even i, ALF , am surprised by the incredible discoveries i make....
i dont believe this....

 they al must be brothers ! all 5 of them including campino and shlomo artzi.
 dont believe me then watch this ! thats the same ear... no coincidence whatsoever...
 also check out roger moore´s ear... dont ask me why i put him in here...
cant remember i made these already couple weeks ago...

 yes theyre all brothers... those are the brothers campino never really talks about, since he cant tell who they really are. this cabbalistic power only works from "behind the veil" as the mormons put it...
 campino at 50 still practicing his jumping jacks... its great against coronary heart attacks and to keep you young and healthy...
 shabak shalom hahaverim ! bashana haba birushalayim, o mashu kaze...
 yes yes weve seen all the ears already...especially the squareshaped antitragus.
everythings "on the square" in this famly, hehe...

berry, berry, why are u doing this to me...i will steal your orange halfstack along with the gretsch, just you wait... gonna bribe your bass guitar player to tell me where you´re hiding it (you know, the one with the long shaggy hair...)    

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