Wednesday, June 5, 2013

the freakyest chick in entire showbusiness, i kid you not....

now before we proceed even further into the warm and moist recesses of reality, rav ALF counsels you to read the above parable... then breathe in deeply, hold your breath, close your eyes and count to 30, and read it again... cause its very important to extract the underlying spiritual essence of important truths, while completely disengaging from centuries of religious babble and worthless ramblings of twofaced "moral apostles"...

i´m gonna show you now who the sister of the clan, Kate Ledger, is... and friends, its getting hot in here... better yet get some icecubes ready to calm your rousing temperature...

when i saw that face (and especially the left eyebrow) i thought HOLY-FxCKEN-SHIP that possibly cant be true... but you´ll see it is true, the biometry is clear....

and it also makes sense given her background and immediate famly, who were also "famous" or better yet "infamous" for the same escapades...
 by the way i, rabbi ALF, have to stress at this point that i only peripherically know all relevant characters associated with this thread, due to my role as researcher in of my hobbies.. i always try to give back to mankind....*cough*
 so who is Kate Ledger ? you´ll soon see an aussie accent is not the only thing this lady is able to fake convincingly....
 she has topped the rankings now several years in a row, in yet another industry related to the whole hollywood glitz and glammer... but in a little side valley just north of LA...

 ALF why do you have to interfere again with my blog, posting all those stupid jokes, that really wasnt necessary.... sorry, i just had to do it freedom of expression....
 the tension grows, and grows, getting bigger........ and bigger........intensely big.....
 the readers of the blog of ALF are almost exploding, waiting with throbbing members for the final revelation....
 who the effin hell is she.... TELL US RITE NOW... or its too late......aaaaaaaarghhhhhh !!!!
 and no i´m not making it up... its really her...
remember my post about the "generational spirits" ? the puzzle is solved, everything fits perfectly...

 ALF. this is not funny... go post your jokes somewhere else now and leave my blog in peace !! get out and get me a sixpack and some shawarma, i´m hungry now for something warm, salty and spicy...
 dang sometimes no matter how hard you try, a furry little beast robs you of the last piece of "contenance"
 look at the eyebrows.. its so obvious...and no, i´m not gonna take back the post or alter anything i´ve written... its purely for the benefit of humanity... I am president and chief chairman of the "american speleological foundation"...
 you will see in the text below, she also has 2 daughters in the meantime and, loves her little magical "spells"... as most of our clients do...
 just search the AVN awards and check who´se been nominated 5 years in a row for "ideal slut -- dirtyest girl in the industry"... or go to pornhub and watch any of her movies (if you´re over 21 of course)´ll see it really is her...

 AAAAAAAAALLLLLFFFFFFFF !!!!!!! GGGGEEETTTTT OOOOOUTTTTTTT NOOOWWWW I DONT WANT TO READ YOUR SILLY BLONDE JOKES !!!! ok, ok, no problem, I´m already out the door, where did you say are the keys again ?  OOOUUUUTTT !!!!!  *door slams*

ok back to the blog... we´ve seen the brow, the teeth, the nose, the brazen look...
 it clearly is her....
thank g-d for prophet  א  and his revelations...halleluja, amen, you may be seated....
but lets not stop here, in the next posts you´ll see of other, more good-mannered members of the famly, and what they´re up to , so stay alert...

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