Wednesday, June 5, 2013

do ya think I´m sexy ? no I think you´re just hilarious...

now lets look at a guy, who´se from the usual background, and follows the usual pattern...i remember some songs of him from the 90s, and liked them a whole lot. he was a small energetic man, with an awesome rough voice, almost hoarse at times... probly jack daniels and marlboros do the trick...
we already see the signatures match up... before i tell who it is, lets look at a hobby of his...

 he really likes it fast, loud and especially racecars... even tho he also does all sort of other stuff...
 we´re talkin about british radio DJ richard hammond, who also has a separate identity as another superstar... whose name is now worth gold for any major event organizer... here we can see him in a carcrash from 2006, driving a very powerful dragster...this crash was probly not planned but he walked away almost unscathed...

 here in 2012 he performed for a filmset a stunt where he flipped a car 2 times, doing a barrell roll..
he must be a really experienced driver...
 and that brought to mind a scene i had in my head from watching tv, where rod stewart, the rockstar, was flying to dubai, just to buy a very rare racecar, of a kind that was almost unique in the entire world...
 the faces looked so similar, i only had to get a 90° shot of each and match it up.. and its clear as daylight. rod stewart, is also richard hammond... remember freddy mercury who is now radio host john stossel... we´ve seen the pattern now repeated so often... its a regular procedure...

 also in frontal the face matches, the height too, and both have the same shaggy 80´s typof hair..
 same skull since its the same biological person...

 he s a wild child that loves everything dangerous, and here performs a daredevil stunt where he´s set on fire for a movie set... the jello in the face and all over his body prevents his skin from catching fire...
 yes rich hammond and rod stewart are identical... adn further down i´ll show you some more conections, of people he strongly reminded me of...
 same smirk as well.....this guy would probly drink you under the table then use the biggest blackest highliter to write nasty stuff all over your body and face, hehehe....
 here the wikias compared... while stewart shares the joke of the day....typical british black humour...

 even in lo-rez its obvious... the nose slightly broken reveals a wild childhood, doing a summersault from the cupboard onto the sofa, shooting pigeons with an airgun and setting the neighbors trashcan on fire...
 the littel mole on the side of the mouth is purely artificial, just a lil gimmick to push that "shlager singer" sex appeal up a little notch...
 yes when you know it, its easy to spot, but you need the "eye of ALF" to discern the spirits...
teeth are the same as well...

ALF, what are you doing here.... i was just practicing for the karaoke contest next weekend... ah ok... but dont drink all my smoothies again like it happened the last 2 months.... i swear i didnt touch those smoothies, have no clue how they disappeared....

 Now to the wifes.....Alana stewart was first wife of rod stewart...
 then theres rachel hunter...
 rachel hunter was second wife of rod stewart...

 richard hammond shown here with mindy hammond, his wife...

Rod Steward had affairs with Kelly Emberg, Britt Ekland and countless others... rod was (and is) a womanizer that will fly in girls, or "birds" as he refers to them, like most other of his "royal" peers for a short affair to his fancy crib to have them caress his "Porsche"... as in all times in history girls from the lower caste will give everything for a single night with a "gentleman" from the higher classes, just for some glitz and glamour, or to boast about it later...remember the nonstop TV-indoctrination.... just watch your little sister switch on Heidi Klum´s "next top model" broadcast, swallowing up evry last minute of airplay.... being adored is a natural inbuilt desire all women share.
penny lancaster was wife no3 for rod steward...

so i didnt have the time to match-up all the wives and compare em, but rest assured most of em are also likely the same...penny lancaster only looks so tall cause she uses high-heels...and most faces are pretty close as well...

ok now to the last part of this post.... i´ll post some more pics and you´ll see he´s likely related to other VIP´s that use completely diffrent identities, but that cannot fool ALF in the least...

 Here Boris Becker, Rod Steward and yet another "schnultsen-Zinger", Barry Manilow...
 all 3 supposedly totally unrelated, but by their bohemian lifestyle its obvious they all have crypto-royal background...(meaning a hidden royalty, thats invisible for most bystanders...).. people believe one is german, another british, and the last american, but in fact they might be pretty closely related...

then here´s michelangelo´s david... when i saw barry manylow´s face (shown in picture below), it immediately reminded me of him...also remember boris becker, youngest wimbledon winner at just 17yrs of age....also sort of a youthful "david" who slew a giant...
remember the mysteries go back into ancient, ancient times... so prodigy´s like michelangelo or galileo galilei also were part of "those" bloodlines...most of the people that get "made" in this world are a part...its included in the menu...

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