Tuesday, May 28, 2013

parasites kim kardashian, nicole scherzinger, rosalyn sanchez are identical, and related to german scat-rapper SIDO´s sister...




Ira Jewberg strikes again...he dusted off his trusted old super-8 camera
to present the pompous parade of the parasites of the day...
 pics are out of order, too much material coming in too fast.. so let me make it short:
model nicole scherzinger, socialite kim kardashian, puertorican model roslyn sanchez are IDENTICAL..
same petite skinny body, same age, same face...EVERYTHING matches... they are the same woman...
 people read in the rainbow press and assume they´re different when in fact identical.
thats the type of "journalist" position that pays you top dollar....
 here sister of "german" scat-rapper SIDO.. shes a bit more chubby.. either a sister or also identical...
remember sometimes they just make up new characters out of thin air, using old photos...
 lok at the eyes of scherzinger and kardashian... thats better than fingerprints or DNA test...
 they go from city to city to party away our money, then have the nerve to demand worship of dead jewish bodies at yad vashem while they piss in the face of their king EVERY SINGLE DAY....
 here the kardashians, not an american famly, but pure media construct as fake as WWF wrestling...
autographs all match as well...

 she played in a band called the "Pussycat Dolls"...
 hmm those pussycats look really nice, think i need to give them some thread or mice to play with...
 of course those mexheads also need a starlet, so lets use some darker tan and make her "puertorican"..
 here the wikia files...
directly from jimbo´s clownburger database...

 blablabla   lielielie....

 ALL 3 WOMEN have the exact same height...
 no enemy shall outwit ALF, it shall not happen... dont even try...
 obviously same famly as well....
 the 2 are identical...
 somebody hand me the Zyklon B, theres a Berlin Rapper who needs some serious delousing...
 scherzinger and sidos sis, are a close call... probly brothers or cousins or indeed identical too...
 just look at the ears... the mother im not shure... but kris jenner mum of the kardashian clan looks difrent..
 hangin out with the usual crowd. Raul Richter is actor in a german soap...
most teenagers int he world are hooked on that crap...
when i was in school, the girls would talk all the time about the daily soap operas...

are they identical too or relatives you know what i just dont care anymore...

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