Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Jennifer Ehle strips for us, since she´s played by a daughter of merryl streep...   

merryl streep hs 3 daughters... i dont know exactly which one plays jennifer ehle, and to be honest
I     J       U     S      T    D     O    N     T     C     A      R      E      .       ..       .      .     .

 jennifer ehle and mother streep
 grace gummer, daughter of meryl streep, and the profiles are reeeeeealy close
 this is grace....
 grace gummer and jenny ehle...
 just look at the girl on the left she looks EXACTLY like her RL mother merryl streep
 so wich of the 3 plays jenny... who cares ?
 exact same face
 either her or one of the sisters
the ears also match up
 even thot he lighting is different and the hairs in the way...
 hollywood is hexwood... magic wands are made from that wood... holly and hex are synonyms...
 here the usual red-carpet-walking.... the red carpet also must have a hermetic meaning....
 here the 3 daughters names...
 mother and daughter
 again mother and daughter
again mother and daughter and the ears
so probably i´d need to make a new thread of all theold movies that i really liked. i wasnt always against hollywood. from like age 13 to 25 i loved movies a whole lot... some of my favourites were the count of monte cristo, papillon, and many others...i watched several hundred movies or even 1000 over the duration of my life...

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