Monday, April 1, 2013

Ron Whyatt and the arc of the covenant, the real golgotha confirmed

 since I mentioned ron whyatt, lets make another post about this man, who in mundane society made his money being not a fancy doctor or professor but merely a nurse-anesthesist, thats right when you crash your new motorbike or hve a skiing accident, he´s the last man that you see to deliver you from your excruciable pain, before you go into the OP-room and the surgeons take care of you. and then again he´s the first guy to wake you up form your sleep, making shure you vomit into the right bucket until you´re back on track...cause thats actually the people who make this world work, not some fancy professor with his sissy harvard in the picture above u see a skull. but not any skull. this pic was taken in the 50s or 60s before J-town was all changed with new roads, houses and infrastructure. but you can still see this rock looks like a face. and its actually the place called "golgotha" the skull face, where the G-man was crucified and entombed.
 how can i be so shure of that ? when i was in J-town 2009 we lived a bit out east, and rode the bus into the old city. now the major bus hub of the old city is in a biiiig parking lot right in front of this skull-rock... one day i was standing there waiting for the bus i thought to myself, dang this thing TOTALLY looks like golgotha. but jerusalem today is in arab and jewish hand. so there was no fancy sign saying "this rock is the actual golgotha, just in case you wondered while waiting for the bus..." 4 yrs later in 2013, as i write a completely retarded blog (pretending to be Mossad-ALF), i actually decide to check up on ron whyatts crazy claims he found the ark of the covenant in "jeremiahs grotto" in jerusalem... so i checked out the place on google earth. (you all need to install gogle earth, whoever doesnt install google earth needs to repent in dust & ashes).. and its actually the same place. its right under this very same structure with the funny fenced-in 2 antennas on the pic below i marked them with a red arrow. also another red arrow, you can see the small busses that can get you areound in J-town quickly and cheaply. (pic below)
 the garden tomb, the place where the G-man was buried for 3 days, also is just a dozen yards from there. so they simply took him off the cross, and stuffed him into the next tomb they could find. its all in the same place....that means that the garden tomb as shown to tourists, is actually the genuine place and tomb where he was put !

 i will explain further down, what ron whyatt claimed to have seen when he dug inside jeremiahs grotto some 40 yrs ago, when digging wasnt as strictly controlled as today..
 i had no clue where jeremiahs grotto was located, so google-earthed it and BINGO its the exact same place that i thought "man, this really totally looks like golgotha"... so we can see the spirit of ALF guides its faithful adherents who are introduced into the sacred mysteries of ALF, but everyone else shall burn in a lake of sulphur and hellfire.. until he has paid for my diving trip to sharm-el-sheik ! assalamu aleikum...
 you know what, if you´re realy interested you probly best go to his website and check for yourselves. or check for the usual youtube movies. ron whyatt died in 1999. (not a masonic death hoax, this man really died, his soul left his body who then was put in a grave and was dissected by worms and small bacteria, while his spirit was reincarnated again....)
 so he claimed he was led by the hand of ALF to a place that looked like golgotha (which, as i proved, is the real golgotha, because i sey so, and if i say, its true !).. then as he dug there he found three holes, as if made to put a big post or cross into it to put it upright... then he discovered a crack as from an earthquake ran through the middle hole all the way to a chamber below, which he attempted to excavate.... then he said he couldnt reach this chamber, but actually SAW THE ARC OF THE COVENANT in there, and because of the earthquake, the blood of christ, when his chest was stabbed, the blood ran through the earthquake-crack in the ground and dripped unto the mercy seat as the ultimate atonement for the coming 2 millennia... now to everyone who has made the homework and testifies to the truthfulness of ALF and his retarded blog and his musings, it is obvious that what ron whyatt claims might be outlandish to people who prefer to watch indiana jones, and believe the dwarf sahi hawass and his minions, and believe the ark is somewhere else... but i mean if you were g-d wold you reveal your greatest secrets to sahi hawass ? or the harvard and ivy league boys and their daddys at wall street ? or would you show it to a guy like ron whyatt who helps people getting rid of terrible pain after their motorbike accident ? and spent years serving his heart out... who even had nice wavy white hair looking like an ancient king, even tho he was just a simple anesthesist ? i believe the story ron tells is very trustworthy... and all the masonic establishment can kiss my ass. and if they really care, they can take special care of the described 3 warts that grow around my scrotum, that i already described in another post before. (sahi hawass can take care of that together with jim slip)..
 we know that the very people who try to judge holy writ as "inaccurate", are in fact pushing their mundane history as the ultimate pillar of truth, when in fact its full of flaws... henry ford (a jew who knew what was going on), aptly wrote "history is rubbish"... so he knew that when you make a book from a who-is-who of masonic establishment ascribing to them all sorts of inventions and useless political contracts, you hve something to keep highschool-kids busy, but thats just it, not more, not less... just look at the pic above from wikipedia. egyptians claim they descend from "narmer"... does that sound like "namer" the leopard, or the leopard skin of the mighty hunter nimrod, the first mortal to ascend to pagan godhood in the mysteries ? it totally sounds like that.. so after a while, its actually not hrd to find these things, it jumps right into your face...
so heres a little outtake from ron whyatts website... feel free to put on your reading glasses and enjoy...
so the actual garden tomb they show to tourists is the real one !! we know that physical places that had supernatural events occurring there, are being made holy by the presence of the entity.. thats why people build shrines this was where the big stone was miraculously rolled away, and the roman guards  knocked unconscious or even killed. (all roman soldiers were consecrated to their own idols in special ceremonies, and also carried their emblems on their bodies.. so when they went out to battle some celtic tribes and enlarge roman territory, they were actually the elongated arm of their idols made flesh..i can only repeat again and again, ALL THINGS IN THE NATURAL REALM have a spiritual ruler.).. of course later the talmud rabbis came along and gave money to hush them quiet, as they do today... many people are on their payroll.. all the supernatural events occurring at the crucifixion and resurrection were so many (saints coming out of their graves, sky being darkened, earthquake, big curtain in temple to the holy place ripped asunder)... i wonder how it could have gone unnoticed ?
this might also explain why people today say kadesh barnea was some random place in the negev, when in fact it was at PETRA, the famous rock city in jordan.

here again a shot of the ark on mt. ararat.. located halfway up the mountain, we can see the flood must have been a really big deal... genesis describes how the waters were created in 2 layers(genesis 1:6+7), a layer above and a layer below. at first immense amounts of water were bound up above the atmosphere, absorbing heavy radiation, thats why some people could live such long lives in early times. some lived up to 900 years or more... te flood also was the first baptism of the earth, with water, whereas the second baptism will be with a flood of fire..we can clearly see what the G-man taught was not just some system he pulled out of his ass, but he actually knew what this earth was all about, in fact, he had created the earth.
so yes ron was an anesthesist, i said that already... he also claimed when israeli officials sent soldiers or policemen into the cave where the ark was located, they died and he could hear the terrible screams of agony...and thats the reason why they later sealed the cave so nobody could enter...
i mean look at this guy. why cant people believe that he found the actual arc of the covenant and Mt.Sinai ? its because deep inside they know he found stuff that they never could hve found, since g-d cannot cast his pearls to swine but only give them to worthy people. so instead of honoring him they try to attack him, portray him as an amateur and mock him. but they are the real amateurs with all their fancy diplomas, that they give to each other, and have their students wear the rectangular mortarboards upon graduation, showing they are under the power of masonry, which tries to usurp and cover up actual holy events, replacing it with a system of their own.. but if you only take honor+diplomas from among each other u can never rise above mundane wisdom.

here these are suposedly the anchor stones found at the site at mt. ararat. the ark didnt land on the peak of the mountain, but about halfway down the slope, around 6500ft above todays sea level. if you wanna find the ark, type "Üzengili" into google earth and hit enter. then click on one of the photolinks to see what it looks like. its around 150 yards long. do you think that this is a special find or simply impossible. i tell you this is one of the smallest "miracles". there are many more things to be found that are simply covered up by mundane scientists, since they hate g-d. so the leviathan eg. described in book of job, was not a hippo or crocodile, but simply a gigantic herbivorous dinosaur, a diplodocus.. he moved his "tail like the cedar"...
so forget about your "Linear development" teaching taught in school and start to think "circular", do the hebrew thing.... see roman and greek scholastics for what they are, merely a mundane way to look at things, not the ultimate pinnacle of all wisdom...
so of course he found sulfur balls burned into the stone at sodom & gomorra. i mean what else do u expect to find there, easter eggs? geologically speaking, 4000 years are like only a fracture of a second. so its obvious that you will find proof of the destruction there of the formerly wonderful cities that were pleasant to look upon, like todays California.

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