Tuesday, April 2, 2013

modern archaeology in israel ----- an article from national geographic magazine

so how can it be that the real mt. sinai is so easy to find, yet the establishment doesnt acknowledge it and pretends with all their modern technology they are unable to find which is the real one, and fence it off so nobody can go there ? we can clearly see someone´s trying to cover up something, and promote his hermetic mystery religion for the leaders, and rampant mass deception religions like islam, mormonism or catholicism instead... it really has become a harrassment, everywhere huge billboards for popstars flashing their "evil eye" signal, the airwaves polluted with advertizements for companies using their pyramids and triangles everywhere, moneyhungry jew-tv-preachers selling their talismans, and jim slip along with ten or hundred-thousands of other "old brass" masons in every metropole worldwide stealing our youth. we really live in a crazy world..  of course when sahi hawass runs archaeology in egypt, and the saudis fence off mt. sinai, its obvious that all archaeology in israel also is firmly under masonic control... so i searched our national geographic magazine stack for articles on israeli modern archaeology and found something in the december 2010 edition.. made a little video about it that you can listen to... also prepared pictures for you to watch, so that u see what the scientists look like...

theres different people digging in israel for all sorts of reasons. some are very critical, some are bible-thumpers.. but all are patient and with scrutiny work themselves through layer upon layer of the tells (mounds or hills showing layers of different civilizations).... we can see how through the generations the leylines and sacred places still stay the same, and people after being destroyed or their village or city burned or conquered, doggishly just building on top of the old ruins. that also has to do with spiritual attraction... if you´re more interested in this, watch the youtube videos"babylon the great" of a user named "malakhhatzadik"...

but now to the archaeology... i´ll post the videolink here and then the pictures.. hve fun...


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