Monday, April 1, 2013

Hugo Chavez isnt dead but was played by Richie Valens

i normally dont just post simple pictures, assuming that faithful supporters of the glorious new ALF order are able to change their own diapers, cook their own oatmeal, and have mastered the alphabet. but for all who havent bookmarked or payed atention to my blog-links on top left of the screen, i present to you the clown of columbia, israel&america-hater-in-chief Hugo Chavez (who loved to hang around with crypto-rabbi fidel castro from jewba).. he is none other than a former country singer who supposedly died in a plaincrash on "the day the music died"... that means buddy holly and the big bopper also arent dead but still float around somewhere on the airwaves.

remember: its their job to try to fool you. but ultimately its yours to decide how far they can go.

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