Sunday, April 21, 2013

germany is a limited liability company

in german a limited liability company is called a GmbH... now i never started a company nor learned legaleze nor took economy classes in uni. i´´m not an expert in all that law-lingo but as i grasp it, many times people in the past have complained about the "zio occupation of germany" and that germany wasnt even a real country, and never really had declared independence, but was actually still run under occupation laws... so far many ppl have complained but none was able to do anything about it... and i think thats the way it will stay until nations will subside...remember the courts today are not a tool to preserve justice, theres only one form of justice today, what makes the powerbrokers more money, thats justice !
gone by the days where the elders of the community met publicly under the gate to judge important cases, today you have a courtroom filled with masonic symbols and regalia, a predefined script that the personnel must follow, clad in black garb, big college rings, and wearing silly wigs, and dozens of little loopholes to turn & twist everything to just the outcome that the lodge brethren & your humanistic mind wants (or your GAOTU tells you to)...clearly not very Solomon, baby ! even the ancient egyptians and phoenicians that the masons so admire wold probly laughed at our present system of puppetry, corruption and lies...

the ARGE (agency for employment) in germany, sees itself now as a "service provider"..registered as a limited liability company... that means theres a president and a procurist and a treasurer, and they can basically decide what they want... these institutions are not for or by the people. people are sheeple... remember the protocols & sacha baron cohens "the dictator" speech.. the common mass today is in such a state of confusion and blindness that they cant even govern themselves. they are slaves of the masters of the material plane. (masons & holders of the ancient priesthood of gnostic wisdom)...who parade in front of their eyes as different characters, while they are TOTALLY BLIND to it.. and even threaten you when you try to tell and expose...
i dont understand all this confusing labyrinth of agencies, branches, laws, paragraphs, offices and legal processes, but what they actually do is confuse you in a tightly knitted system of orders, so that you never figure out what goes on at the top... and on this official document again we see germany as an actual LLC..

we outed this building now over and over again not a government BY and FOR the people ("dem deutschen volke") but a sacred gnostic site, a hermetically sealed location of (crypto jewish) priests and witches initiated into the ancient mysteries... fooling the entire world... and even the very elect , (if this were possible) (mathew 24:24)
this is a website that specializes in a precise and concize listing of ALL REGISTERED public companies and enterprizes.. we can see ALL german courts are listed in here...they tell you in school about the "checks and balances" of different branches of power who control and equalize each other. remember satan is a natural liar and its his job to administrate the world and keep it halfway running properly until ppl figure out what a gigantic nutbag he is, and choose to serve the higher order. (order of jesus christ and Mossad-ALF)
again we can see here an official sealed document clearly stating germany as an enterprize owned by bankers, private persons of great wealth, protected by materially minded drone lawyers and litigators who get their benefits and are willing to sue and destroy you when you attack this masonic "goliath"...
this is all very confusing, a jew lawyer probly could have helped me get back to utah long time ago, they know all the tricks, i dont... somewhat a state, a company or basically anything can be a legal body, not just a human being... this whole thing has become a real joke, our whole legal system is a gigantic hydrocephalus.
but all humans deserve work, lawyers too, remember sharks are a protected species nowadays...

the problem with lawyer jokes ? lawyers dont think theyre funny and everyone else dont think theyre jokes.

A lawyer died and arrived at the pearly gates. To his dismay, there were thousands of people ahead of him in line to see St. Peter. To his surprise, St. Peter left his desk at the gate and came down the long line to where the lawyer was, and greeted him warmly. Then St. Peter and one of his assistants took the lawyer by the hands and guided him up to the front of the line, and into a comfortable chair by his desk.
The lawyer said, "I don't mind all this attention, but what makes me so special?"
St. Peter replied, "Well, I've added up all the hours for which you billed your clients, and by my calculation you must be about 293 years old!"
At the funeral of a lady was her doctor, a friend and her lawyer. Each had promised her that at her funeral they would toss $1000 into her grave. The doctor and friend each tossed in their $1000 cash, after which the lawyer removed the cash and placed a check for $3000.

Carlson was charged with stealing a Mercedes Benz, and after a long trial, the jury acquitted him. Later that day, Carlson came back to the judge who had presided at the hearing.
"Your honor," he said, "I wanna get out a warrant for that dirty lawyer of mine."
"Why?" asked the judge. "He won your acquittal. What do you want to have him arrested for?"
"Well, your honor," replied Carlson, "I didn't have the money to pay his fee, so he went and took the car I stole."

Lawyers are the only profession where the more there are, the more are needed! 

Definition of a lawyer: a man who helps you get what's coming to him.

It has been discovered that lawyers are the larval stage of politicians..

  1. There are two kinds of lawyers, those who know the law and those who know the judge.

An attractive woman found herself alone in the elevator with a lawyer. "I could push this red button, get down on my knees and give you the best blow job of your life," she purred. He thought a minute and said, "I'm sure you could - but what's in it for me?"

There is no doubt that my lawyer is honest. For example, when he filed his income tax return last year, he declared half of his salary as 'unearned income.'

they build a fancy new subway in K´ruhe. a tightly knit city. only ideal place for the central subway station would be city square, but thats where their pyramid stands... so they will go to great lengths to build the station someplace else, since they cant change the leylines and laws of masonry. theyre literally building an entire new museum around their "golden calf"... even the friggin desk of this tv-presenter looks like a friggin PYRAMID... HAS THE WORLD GONE COMPLETElY CRAZY ??? 40 yrs ago this would hve been impossible, now this pyramid crap is everywhere everywhere.... must be a sort of mindcontrol, remember my post about the "third eye"... these are the new dark ages... and without taking the symbol of dajjal on yer forehead and jim slip´ s dick up your ass, nobodys allowed to buy or sell...



Question: You're stranded in a deserted island with Attila the Hun, Adolf Hitler, and a lawyer. You have a revolver with two bullets. What do you do?
 Answer: you shoot the lawyer....twice...


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