Monday, April 8, 2013

animism and indigenous religions are really funny

as mentioned i watched many jacques cousteau movies lately, seeing much fish, octopusses and divers..
then i watched another one where they made a trip to india. the funny thing is everywhere cousteau with his calypso team went to far-off villages, their team was welcomed with the local ceremonies, and its pretty interesting since they´re all different but in a way also pretty similar.. indigenous cultures worldwide love to mix catholicism with their old pagan customs, so in the end the outcome is always a mixture of some sort...
so lets look at some stuff those indian hindoos did when the cousteau team arrived...they had a special annual celebration of some sort...

 we all heard about elija and the 400 baals prophets he slaughtered on mount carmel, that made lots of noise and danced around cutting themselves with knives... funny enough all of this stuff is still practiced today... some muslims and catholics or hindoos actually flagellate themselves and cut each other with knives during processions.. we see all of the ancient paganism alive today..
 elijas showdown was near todays haifa, where mount carmel is located.. theres an old leyline going straight along the levantine coast touching tartus, sidon, tyros, ancient tripolis (formerly reaching further into the sea), haifa, gaza city, and ending in an egyptian temple...go check it on google earth
 we all know the pictures from the usual childrens books etc...these baal priests were merely the catholics bishops fo today, it was the general religion in that time.. all throughout history the adversity tried to corrupt, usurp and downgrade the sacred sites and the jewish nation...
 here one of the cousteau team arrives with his red cap, and the chief priest rubs some sort of powder or dust on his forehead... he did this for many other people as well.. what do i know what kinda powder that is..
 some people dance around like crazy, with twitching members, like the guy on the left, while another "old sage" supports him, supervizing him with a joyful smile...
 this woman moved her head like a snake and twitched almost uncontrollably... we can also see the snakelike movements made by bellydancers, or in sexual play when humans (or animals) mate, the old fallen snake nature comes through...
 this boy cries out in a frenzy along with many others... these people have probly taken drugs that make them high... they all bring their kids along to learn how to do it, and later they will teach their kids etc...
 this is really funny... this is some sort of priest hanging from a boom attached to a vehicle. they stabbed sticks and rings through his body and now he hangs in the air on ropes attached to salfsame rings and sticks. the native americans also did this stuff as initiation into manhood.. they also wore birds feathers on the head (in hebrew tradition significant of bad spirits).. so we can see the natives that populated america before the conquest were a sick, dirty defiled band of savages... it was only good to drive them out... all the ass-munching loonie lefties who cant see the whole picture need to live as a hobo for a while meeting american indians drinking lysterine as a cheap alcohol replacement, getting blisters on their face from it. i tell you it aint a pretty sight....
 so now this guy hangs from the truck and participates in a parade.. can "religion" get any more stupid ?
he even tries to move in rythm while suspended in mid-air..
 i tell you all the nations religions, be it animist or the highly developed ones like here ancient egypt, were all stupid. they did stuff that was just far out... and their histories are a fraud too. just look at the rediculously big numbers they all make up... thats plain silly..
 here they stick like chopsticks through his lips and tounge and skin... crazy modern people do the same getting all sorts of tattoos, piercings and widening their earlobes with crazy black rings, so they look like the yanomami from the amazon is it then a wonder when they end up with a guy like the hairdresser as their president...remember characters like steve-O all hve big silly fake tattoos... and gullible people all imitate them getting even more and bigger tattoos..until they look like muppets.. if you play the game mafia2 you will see in the 50s this would hve been impossible... culture was purged by the war, and people lived hapy and quiet lives.. women wore dresses and had etiquette. not like today where you type any given word into google searchbar and end up with pornographic pictures showing up...
 hmm these pictures arent much detail, i cant even see whats on this picture....aah its the "hovering" guy. the red bandana is his headress and he wears flowers around the neck..

 they all make lots of noise with their drums, and yelling and dancing around...
 some like the guy left, scream and shake their head uncontrollably... like if they were in a heavy metal concert... i really wonder why they do all this...i realized also while at the jerusalem conference... the people from india seemed to be amongst the weirdest of them all.. one woman hd particularly weird, big open eyes and constantly moved her head around... spirits are easy to detect once you´ve developed eyes.. another old indian man looked like a regular westerner but showed loonie behavior..he went to the booktable and wanted a book for free.. when they told him he had to pay he started a tantrum, haha that was funny...
 here they put a strange arrangement of sticks and thread, sowing it into his face with needles.. thats crazy..
what in the world are these people doing....
 they wear flowers and dance around in a  frenzy...
 here again we see the guy hanging suspended in front of the car, which moves from right to left.... he actually tries to twitch and move to the rythm of the drums while he is suspended... crazy guy...
but you hve to give em credit for their elephants cuz they are really cool... they can haul big trunks of timber onto a truck without breaking a sweat...
 its obvious that india is a spiritual quagmire.. then i remembered there was a big guru-movement in the 60s where people flocked to india etc.. and thought lets look at the list of the richest gurus of india... and found these guys here.... but its obvious most of them must be jews.. the shemites, who have name and fame.. in every culture under heaven... we have seen the pattern repeated on all continents on earth so india cant be any different...
 we also seen bollywod infested with jew-actors who speak hindi or paki and sell the bollywood-dream to all those callcenter-agents and streetfood-vendors in india, who have no clue they´re being had...the hindoo indians who refuse to serve christ, king of the world, need to serve the jews, his tribe, until they realize that its not the best deal they can get...
 just look at all those clowns.. i mean we´ve seen the kikes trying to raise hell with their microphones, 35mm cameras and all the other crap in any given nation. so why should india be different... these people probly all are cryptos... like everywhere else..
 this guy used to be baghwan, a bigshot in the 60s who had a dozen rolls royce, and slept with any of his attendees who were "blessed enough" to receive from his "divine light".... this guy is the biggest bagel north of brooklyn... in typical fashion today he has chosen the calmer life of the noble old "gentleman"... haha they´re so smug its hilarious...
 and the same its in all those muslim countries, all those warlords in afghanistan who send people to die in Jewhad at will, or when no global power wants to invade, bucher themselves among each other, are nothing but bagels.. i mean probly every sheik in arabia who ever lived was a friggin jew.. the old blessing given to jacob is so incredibly strong, it endured crusades, christianity, persecutions, inquisitons.. since they went underground and morphed into every possible shape... funny enoughh theyre so easy to detect u just have to develop a nose for it...
i am friggin BENNY HINN... or was it baghwan i cant remember...
 this movei is from the 70s... this jew guru (baghwan) had his people completely under his spell, like the jew sorcerer he was... they go nuts when he tells them to... just like jew goebbels who laughingly said after his famous speech where he asked for "total war".... "i could hve told them to jump out the window and they would have all obeyed..."
 what a clown...
 here this is the list that i looked for... strangely enough, swami prabhupada from the ISKON movement is also in the list... is he probly also a jew... who knows...i didnt know the krishnas receive so much donations..
at least in berlin they dont... theyre a rather small but closely knit group...
 this guy here is a famous musician...ravi shankar...
then theres this woman who probly is like oprah to those indians...
 we know all pagans i history delved into more and more depravity, here on temples in the far east (cambodia, laos, india) they have sex with their own animals.. thats just plain silly.. the philistines from crete also did this stuff (bull-cult of the minotaurus), thats why saul had to kill their cattle which he didnt do, so he lost the kingdom.. he was a farmer himself, probly he thought keeping the animals would be a good idea...
 here too without animals, we see jim slip visited this ancient temple to contribute to cambodian society
 then theres some pictures from voodoo celebrations in africa.. bill cooper said on the descendents of ham, they were always the quickest to fall back into their old tribal animism... thats the literal "curse of ham"...
this guy here is foaming at the mouth...
 this guy is staring in ecstasy as he crawls around on the floor like some sort of animal....
these are the same people that are always the first to complain when you dont recognize them as equal with the white race, supported of course by the ADL... while in jerusalem i realized one black woman constantly criticized the leadership, of course due to "important unadressed issues"... 2 years later she died suddenly..
probly g-d had had enough of her faultfinding... people dont realize how much a good leader has to sacrifice, people treat him as if he had to fulfill all their personal churchy little expectations...
 africans always hve been awesome dancers and drummers..drums are easy to build and make a hell ova noise..the drumsticks these guys use are bow-shaped...
 they paint their face with different colours and powders... it all has ritual meaning...
 some people are just too hilarious like this woman who does a weird dance..sometimes you wonder wether theyre animals or indeed human..
 baphomet approves of all this dancing and chanting..but in fact its not baphomet only tony greenberg who morphed into his goatshape again, fooling us all...
 ive seen several videos where africans in their ceremonies wallow around in mud, totally drugged out.. woodstock has nothing on these guys..
we can also see the big horns they ceremonially wear.... remember the modern wiccans in their holy rituals also wear bull horns (male) and the moon sickle on the forehead (female)...

there is nothing new under the sun

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